Turn on images to see how Christian radio can reach the scattered Islands
Tok Tok - Thanks for praying
UCB Pacific Partners                                                                    07 April 2009

Thank you for praying for our special day on New Zealand's Rhema last week.
And if this is your first Tok Tok - Welcome!

It was certainly an exciting day.
Many listeners phoned or emailed, and some donated too - new Partners to stand with us in the Lord's Great Commission for the South Pacific Islands. We even heard from people in America and England who were listening on the web.

A special thanks also to Lottie and Keith, two of our Tongan family here in Auckland who cooked traditional Tonga umu for our lunch. It was the first time for most Rhema staff to taste the Island food.
Rhema's Juanita and Andrew dress Pacific style
Rhema staff certainly got into
the "Pacific style" for the day.
Here is Juanita (Partnership
Services) and Andrew
(Broadcast Manager)

Many listeners expressed surprise to hear about our work in the Islands, and the wonderful things the Lord is doing there.
That shows we still have a lot of awareness work to do in our own 'back yard' (New Zealand and Australia) .

Please continue asking God for . . .
increased donations to meet our ministry budgets for this year
many new Partners to stand with us in the Lord's work in the South Pacific
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Thank you again for your Partnership

Graham Carter, President of UCB Pacific Partners
Through your prayers
and financial support 
our God-given desire to have
Christian radio for every Pacific Islander
is becoming a reality.

Graham A Carter
President of UCB Pacific Partners
[ email me ]