convention header 2012 

Preparing for the Annual Meeting of the Convention


It isn't even August yet, and we are already getting ready for the Annual Meeting!  You are receiving this e-mail because you are a delegate, a clergy person or a church administrator (often the one responsible for keeping the first two groups organized.)


Most of the information about making your arrangements for convention can be found on the Diocesan website here.  If you are reading this e-mail, you have access to the Internet, so clicking on the links provided would take you straight to the information you need. (A letter will be sent separately to the dozen or so people who don't have e-mail.)


Recently, you received a letter from the Bishop, with an attachment from our Treasurer, Peter Pereira.  For those of you who are new to convention, this is just a little short of "Greek" to you. 


Because every church has its own policy regarding what they will and will not pay for, there will be as many varieties of responses to the Bishop's letter as there are churches in the Diocese.  (For example, transportation, lodging if necessary, extra meals.)  It is a very good idea to have a meeting of the clergy and convention attendees from YOUR church where your clergy and experienced delegates can share their mana'o. 


There are various elements to the Meeting of the Convention arrangements. I will cover each one.  All this information is also on the diocesan website, and the individual forms are as explicit as we can possibly make them. 
conv 2011 wide angle 
Pricing & Fees 
  • Shared Airfare: What is it?  The churches pay for airfare in a system called "Shared Airfare" which means that every church, including the Oahu churches, pays a share, based on the number of delegates, so the burden is not greater on the neighbor island churches. The shared airfare assessment, this year, is at $90.00 per delegate.  THE INDIVIDUAL DELEGATES DO NOT PAY THIS; THE CHURCHES PAY IT.  This is what the memo from Peter Pereira explains.  
Registration for Convention
Which form to use?
1. Congregational Registration form
As many people as possible should be on this form, which should be sent with ONE CHECK from the congregation's account.  Theoretically, everyone from your church could use this form as there is a place for:
o Lay Delegates (elected)
o Lay Alternates (also elected in case a delegate can't go)
o Clergy connected with your congregation
o Visitors (this includes other church members, spouses and anyone who wants to observe the proceedings and attend the functions)
2. Individual Registration form
 This covers anyone else who is not paid for with a congregational check, such as:
o Retired or Non-Parochial Clergy
o Alternate (IF not paid for by a congregational check)
o Council and Standing Committee lay member who is not a delegate
o Visitor

What are the two parts of the Registration Form?
1. Convention registration
Includes all Convention materials and Saturday lunch & breaks.  *Note: All clergy and all elected delegates are expected to attend the Meeting of the Convention. 
2. Saturday Banquet
Includes dinner and entertainment on the evening of Sat, Nov 10.  *Note: While the Banquet is highly recommended, we realize that some people cannot attend, while others may have guests who only want to attend the banquet.  Therefore the registrations are listed separately. 
Neighbor Island Participants 
Air Travel Reservations
1. Instructions for making your reservation can be found here.
2. Lay Delegates are covered by the Shared Air assessment and do not pay for their airfare.
3. All Neighbor Island Clergy are covered, and do not pay for their airfare.
4. You can use your air ticket and the hotel arrangements to arrive early if you prefer.
Hotel Accommodations
1. The Convention Planners DO NOT maintain a block at a hotel or handle reservations.  We do seek out special rates for your convenience, but you need to do your own bookings.
2. There are infinite combinations of sleeping arrangements possible. 
3. There are special events on Friday, November 9, related to the Sesquicentennial.  These are not an official part of the Meeting of the Convention, but all are encouraged to attend.  Many of the events are modestly priced (only a small cost for a meal.)  More information about the Friday events will be out by August 1.  We hope you come early to attend them.
4. Instructions to use a Diocesan-negotiated hotel rate are here.
Ground Transportation
A survey of last year's participants told us that most of you do not take advantage of pre-arranged ground transportation.  We recommend one of the following, and your fellow delegates should share plans together:
a) Car rental:  If many are sharing, this is may be the best option.
b) TheBus:  By far the cheapest, but you need to allow extra time.  Regular fare is $2.50 one-way; senior and disabled $1.00 with Medicare card.  Link to TheBus is here.
c) Shuttle:  Several people pooling a ride can do well to reserve a shuttle.  Two of the best are Roberts Hawaii and SpeediShuttle.
d) Taxi: The fastest, and if you have a several people, also can be inexpensive.

It wasn't until I started writing this that I realized that there are so many elements this year!  I like to write short memos--but this is getting long!  The reason is that this year is the SESQUICENTENNIAL!  A 150 Year Anniversary is a rare and wonderful thing, and we have added special events to celebrate the occasion.


Weekend Schedule
More details can be found on the diocesan website here. Summary of events:
* Nov. 9, Friday:  Opening Ceremonies, Keynote Speakers, Documentary, Ministry Fair, Concert, Clergy Dinner
* Nov. 10, Saturday: The 44th Annual Meeting of Convention, Banquet
* Nov. 11, Sunday:  Closing Eucharist. 
Carol Arney Contact Information
The Rev. Carol Arney, Event Support
Office of the Bishop
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI  96813
808-536-7776, x310