The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond...
June 2012 |
Bishop's Calendar |
June 17 St. Stephen's, Wahiawa June 24 St. Peter's, Honolulu
Other: June 2 'Iolani Graduation, Honolulu June 3 +Celebration of New Ministry: The Revs. Mike & Becky Tinnon with St. George's, St. Timothy's, Joy of Christ Lutheran +St. Andrew's Priory Graduation, Honolulu June 10 Ordination: The Rev. Malcolm Chun, Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu June 16 Standing Committee & Diocesan Council Meeting June 22 Ordination: The Rev. Corey Thornton, St. George's, Honolulu June 23 Community of Deacons June 27 - July 13 General Convention, Indianapolis, IN
***** JULY *****
Visitations: July 22 St. Elizabeth's, Honolulu July 29 Holy Cross, Kahuku
Other: (June 27 - July 13) General Convention, Indianapolis, IN July 21 Standing Committee Meeting
Stay Informed! |
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Beasley's Blog |
Canon Liz Beasley shares her thoughts and wisdom. Click on the Beasley's Blog link above to read her latest entry. |
Bishop's Message |
Aloha ke Akua: Over the past few months, the diocesan leadership has been living into the changes made at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Convention. Diocesan Council now has twelve members elected by Convention (down from over twenty). Membership of Diocesan Council President: The Rt. Rev. Robert L. Fitzpatrick Vice-President: Mr. Keane Akao Treasurer: Mr. Peter Pereira Assistant Treasurer: Ms. Jane Tonokawa Assistant Treasurer: Mr. John Decker Secretary: Ms. Amy Null Assistant Secretary: The Rev. Paul Klitzke
Name, Seat Designation, Class (County) Mr. Keane J.K. Akao, Lay - Honolulu, 2014 (Honolulu) The Rev. Michael Barham, Clergy At-Large, 2013 (Honolulu) The Rev. Tom Buechele, Clergy At-Large, 2012 (Hawaiʻi) Ms. Penny Chu, Lay - Hawaiʻi, 2014 (Hawaiʻi) The Rev. Dallas Decker, Clergy At-Large, 2012 (Hawaiʻi) Dr. John Decker, Lay At-Large, 2013 (Maui) Ms. Lisa DeLong, Lay At-Large, 2014 (Honolulu) Mr. Tom Kelly, Lay - Maui, 2013 (Maui) The Rev. Paul Klitzke, Clergy At-Large, 2013 (Honolulu) Ms. Amy L. Null, Lay At-Large, 2012 (Kauai) Ms. Mary W. Schulz, Lay - Kauai, 2012 (Kauai) The Rev. Robin Taylor, Clergy At-Large, 2014 (Kauai)
Diocesan Council acts for the Diocese when the Convention is not is session. It is the board of the corporation that "owns" church property and has fiduciary responsibility for diocesan assets. Because of the change in the make-up and the resulting need to find new ways to do business, the schedule for Diocesan Council will now be from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM on the third Saturday on the following months: o January (Priory School Annual Meeting and Vision/Mission Review) o February (Camp Mokulēʻia Annual Meeting) o (NO March Meeting) o April o (NO May Meeting) o June o (NO July Meeting) o August (Final Budget Meeting) o September (Pre-Convention Meeting) o (NO October meeting) o November (Organizational Meeting) o December (Optional Meeting) The Chancellor and I are also looking at ways to have electronic meetings and to provide the Commission on Finance and Administration greater authority for approval of contracts. Since the Diocese will be celebrating the sesquicentennial of the establishment of the Anglican Church in Hawai'i at the invitation of King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma in 1862 at this year's annual meeting of Convention (November 9, 10 and 11, 2012) with the presence of the Presiding Bishop and other guests, I hope there will be very few resolutions this year. I think it particularly important that we live into the new Diocesan Council structure and put off any additional restructuring or major changes in the canons until the 2013 Convention. Please keep the members of your Diocesan Council in your prayers and informed of your concerns for the life of the Diocese. Aloha ma o Iesu Kristo, ko mākou Haku, +Bob The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick + Keali'ikoaokeakua To read the udpated Vision & Goals of the Diocese of Hawai'i visit the diocesan website HERE. |
In case you haven't visited the new diocesan website yet, click HERE to check out the new look and information it contains. We hope that you will find it user-friendly with helpful features and easy access to a variety of forms and information. Thank you to the Internet Evangelism Task Force and the Bishop's Office for all of their work and help in developing the new site...and be sure to let us know what you think at the news address. |
The Bishop's Hawaiian Name
By Paulie Keākealani Jennings |
King Kalākaua, brother of Queen Liliʻuokalani and monarch before her, was a personal friend of my paternal grandfather. In the late 1800s the King told my grandfather that he would like to give a name to my grandfather's first-born son in recognition of their friendship. His Majesty died soon after (1891). My father was not born until 1900. The name bestowed upon him was "Aliʻikoa," which translates into English as "Royal Warrior."
My father cherished the name but never used it, as the King himself had not physically touched him; however, he gave me permission to give the name to my eldest son, which I did, as well as to my eldest grandson. Both carry the name with historic pride.
I felt that I would like to give that name to the Bishop Fitzpatrick as well because of his strong feelings of respect and love for our Hawaiian culture and history. Members of the Hawaiian congregation of the Cathedral had presented a petition nominating him when the Diocese was seeking to call a Bishop in 2006 and he was then serving as Bishop Chang's Canon. We were overjoyed when he became our Bishop on March 10, 2007.
I discussed the bestowing of the name "Aliʻikoa" upon him with members of my family and with Master Kumu Hula Kupuna Nona Beamer, a close family friend and confidant. Nona felt that since King had specifically given the name to my father and by him to my sons, it should not be directly shared as such. She suggested, however, that because of Bishop Fitzpatrick's sacred position, that name could be changed by enhancement to "Kealiʻikoaokeakua," which translates in English to "Royal Warrior for God" and then bestowed on him. She also urged that because of the name's origin, the Bishop pledge to never give the name to any other person ever.
It was my honor and pleasure and that of my family to therefore bestow upon the Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick, fifth Bishop of the Diocese of Hawaiʻi and eleventh Bishop in the Hawaiian Islands, the sacred name of Kealiʻikoaokeakua on Sunday, August 12, 2007, in the Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu.
(Pictured above from left are: Hartwell Lee Loy, Lei Lee Loy, James Fitzpatrick, +Keali'ikoaokeakua, Beatrice Fitzpatrick, Paulie Keākealani Jennings, Kaimi Ganotise.) |
Maori King visits St. Andrew's Priory |
On May 22, 2012, King Tuheitia Paki and Consort Te Atawhai of New Zealand visited St. Andrew's Priory School. They presented gifts to Sandra J. Theunick, Head of St. Andrew's Priory, and Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick. Photo by Edwin "Sonny" Liu. |
Godly Play spoken here in Hawai'i
By Jenny Wallace |
During the Godly Play Core Training which was held on March 1 - 3, 2012, we reflected on the story of the Great Family by placing a stone on the place in the story that speaks to our own journey. I put my stone where the strangers came out of the desert and said that Sarah would have a son and begin the great family. Sarah laughed, as I laugh with delight and wonder that, after years of faithful slogging and struggle with barrenness, Godly Play is moving forward with new grace and energy.
When I proposed to hold a Godly Play Core training, the Formation Commission of the Diocese of Hawaii was willing to support it by giving a scholarship of $220 toward the tuition of $295 per person for early registration. Neighbor island participants had a full scholarship and paid their own airfare. I hoped that we would be able to reach the minimum of 12 participants. We ended up with 19 participants, including folks from four Episcopal churches new to Godly Play. Our hosts at Epiphany were outstanding in their hospitality.
Given the numbers, this became a full training. The Godly Play Foundation sent two excellent trainers, who helped us learn Godly Play stories and theology in a prayerful collegial setting. The feedback from participants was glowing about how the training inspired their own spiritual journey and their understanding of children's spirituality. The one request was for more time to be together. The trainers stayed in my home, so we had time to discuss next steps. They encouraged me to do whatever I thought best to mentor Godly Play in the islands.
Since the training, we have had two Saturday workshops to make materials at the shop of one of the participants. Not only was this a great way to get resources, it was a wonderful chance to get together and talk story. We plan to have a storytelling workshop in the summer followed by a doorperson training and a session of Godly Play for adults in the congregations. We are forming a community of adults passionate about Godly Play.
I have begun meeting with individual teams in their church setting to discuss next steps in setting up classrooms and introducing Godly Play. I am available to tell stories to congregations as works best for them. I am also willing to meet with churches who would like to know more about Godly Play.
As I ponder what made this experience a success, several elements come to mind.
- The first is that there has to be passion. It is encouraging that there are individuals throughout the diocese who are passionate about children's formation and are willing to dedicate their time, talent, and treasure.
- Second, there needs to be a program of such quality and well designed resource support that it is worth the dedication that must happen to bring it about.
- Third, there needs to be a champion willing to do what it takes to coordinate and foster the training, skills, and implementation of the program. This often is the work of many years.
- Fourth, church leadership (lay and ordained, local and diocesan) need to fully support the effort. Many clergy and lay leaders have now had experience with Godly Play on the mainland and in the islands, so have an appreciation for it and are willing to dedicate the significant resources needed to implement it.
- Fifth, there needs to be ways to communicate both what the program is and why it is important as well as promoting events and trainings. Event coordination is also key. The diocese now has people and processes in place to support this.
- Finally, there needs to be Grace. Prayer is essential throughout the process so that each person involved strives to be guided by God's will. We wonder together as the plan unfolds and are deeply grateful to be a part of it. I thank God that Godly Play is spoken in Hawaii.
(Pictured in the top strip: Jane Tonokawa practices the Baptism lesson; Aimee Lawyer tries her hand at the Good Shepherd story with Nanette Judd and Michel Reavis; Group Shot: Jenny Wallace, trainer Sally Mancini, Sandy Kealoha, trainer Caryl Menkhaus Crewsell and Blanche Murray; lower strip: Clarice Cornett, General Contractor and Owner of Wahine Builders, opened up her shop to allow the new Godly Play instructors to make props for their Godly Play classes. Photos provided by Sara Banks.) |
Stewards by Design | The Rev. Laurel Johnston, National Program Officer for Stewardship from the Episcopal Church, held workshops on Maui and the Big Island this past May entitled "Stewards by Design". Below are reflections from some of the people that attended. Photos by Alfredo Evangelista.
By Connie Zahalka, Christ Church Episcopal, Big Island
We hear the word stewardship and we think of our time, talents, and money which we are called to share as a people of faith. By design, by God's design, we are called to share. By God's design we are created to be grateful and generous for all that has been given to us. A year-round stewardship program allows us, as a faith community, to explore the many aspects of stewardship which support the vision and mission of our church. A stewardship program also helps us explore intentional and proportional giving as a spiritual practice.
Like any effort in the church, committed clergy, leadership, and member participation are needed. Our vision of a stewardship ministry is ultimately about transformation for ourselves, our neighbors and the world/creation we live in, not just meeting the budget.
In the coming months, we can look forward to dialogue about stewardship and recruiting a stewardship ministry TEAM. How is stewardship a spiritual issue for you?
By John Tomoso, Church of the Good Shepherd, Maui
"Stewardship by Design" is about how I must live my life of faith. It is about an intentional journey to and with ke Akua, in the relationship of others. It is about being profoundly thankful to ke Akua for everything He gives to me and to everyone, especially in the community of faith that is my parish and experience of church. After praying about this, I know it is about having the daily intention of giving back to ke Akua, from the gifts he gives me. It is about being a steward of what is owned by ke Akua but given, in His love, for my use and the use of all those whom I love. Stewardship is a way of living life, abundantly, and sharing that abundance with many others, even with those whom I don't know. It is about having the intention to share the gifts of ke Akua with His people, knowing that in sharing, I will have more than enough, even beyond my own needs.
By Mary Lou Mellinger, Church of the Good Shepherd, Maui
I attended the workshop with the Reverend Laurel Johnston [last weekend] at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, knowing I needed to be there but not very enthusiastic about the same topics we deal with every month at vestry, about time, treasure and talent. Our habitual rhetoric and campaigns seem shop worn and have a kind of weariness about them.
Well my arms quickly uncrossed and I sat up straighter when Rev. Laurel talked about two things -- how the discussion about money had the potential to transform our perception and therefore our relationship with God, and the idea of year-round stewardship. This was reinforced by an enthusiastic woman sitting right across from me who has an incredible passion for the ministry of stewardship and organized a campaign at her Lutheran church that increased giving 30% the first year. This ministry spent weeks step-by-step talking to people about their intention, both as practicing Christians in relationship with God and about having faith and courage in making their pledge. When they actually made their pledges the parishioners turned in two separate cards, one with their personal intention for increasing their relationship with God during the year and a second card with their annual pledge. Now this is no small feat but I imagined that the generosity of heart of those that initiated these discussions, and their compassion and care in listening, helped everyone to voice their fears and overcoming them with a strong, personal intention for strengthening their walk with Christ during the following year.
This week I have challenged myself to notice my own relationship with money and whether I choose fear or generosity. It is also interesting to notice the choices I make each time I open my purse and whether these choices are what truly serve my stewardship of God's word in this precious life or something else that distracts me. The idea of year-round stewardship, consciously linking our worship, our discussions to being good, fruitful and courageous stewards of God's blessings in all aspects of our lives, feels like love in action. Thank you Reverend Laurel for so carefully reminding us that stewardship is the reality and joy of our life as Christians.
The months of April and May saw dozens of newly Confirmed around the Diocese, as the Bishop made his annual vistis for the Regional Confirmation celebrations. A total of 61 persons were Confirmed, 14 Received and 10 who were Reaffirmed. April saw celebrations on the Big Island, Maui and West O'ahu. Windward O'ahu, Kaua'i and Honolulu celebrations were held in May. Photos from the confirmation events can be found in the different island news sections below. Congratulations to all! |
West O'ahu Regional Confirmation - April 22, 2012
A total of twelve people from West O'ahu churches were confirmed on Sunday, April 22, at St. George's Episcopal Church, Pearl Harbor. Pictured above, Bishop Fitzpatrick is surrounded by the newly confirmed along with the priests from their churches. Below, The Revs. Mike and Becky Tinnon of St. George's with four confirmands: Florence Tagaban, Padgett Skardon, John and Nicholas Isenhower; Fr. Greg Johnson of St. Stephen's presented Aaron Andrews; Rev. Paul Kiltzke with seven confirmands: Briana Anderson, Angela Habina, Mario Portillo, Tom and Elizabeth Gatti, Ariel Villanueva, Sr. and Jr. (Top photo by Bob Windisch, bottom photos by David Jones)
Windward O'ahu Regional Confirmation - May 5, 2012
The Windward O'ahu Regional Confirmation event took place on Saturday, May 5, at Camp Mokule'ia in Waialua. Taking a departure from the formal dress and fanfare, the event was no less special, and members from Emmanuel, St. Christopher's and St. Matthews turned out to welcome and celebrate the newly Confirmed. Pictured above, Rev. Carol Arney from Emmanuel Episcopal Church stands with Bishop Fitzpatrick and her Confirmand, Clarice Cornett. Also from Emmanuel, Jane Tonokawa, Mike Emerson and Sara Banks reaffirmed their Baptismal Vows. Pictured at top right, the Emmanuel group poses together. From St. Christopher's Episcopal Church, Rev. Giovan King presented Linda Bruckner, Kyla Cantillo, Desiree Takahama and Talbert Takahama for Confirmation, and Ana Maring was Received. Rev. Peter Besenbruch from St. Matthew's Episcopal Church presented two for Confirmation: Matthew Moribe and Shaylane Yamamoto. (Photos from the Emmanuel Newsletter)
Honolulu Regional Confirmation - May 20, 2012
A total of eight Confirmations and seven Receptions took place at the Honolulu Regional Confirmation Ceremony held on Sunday, May 20, at St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church. From the Church of the Epiphany, Rev. David Jackson presented Lester Muramaru and Sharon Muramaru for Confirmation. The Very Rev. Walter Brownridge presented five for Confirmation from the Cathedral of Saint Andrew: Yuri McCoy, Benjamin Bishop, Martin Brownridge, Earl Stuckey and Jennifer Steele. From the host church, St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church, Rev. David Gierlach presented Dexin Lu for Confirmation, along with five being Received: Theresa Au, Esther Ioldan, Lusia Puiusou, Kazner Alexander and Fran Kramer. (Photos from the St. Elizabeth newsletter.)
Fundraising for Foodbank
On Saturday, April 21, 2012, members of the Aloha City Rollers roller derby team joined up with St. Nicholas Episcopal Church members to "fishnet" for funds and food at the 23rd Annual Hawai'i Foodbank fundraising drive at Pearl Highlands shopping center. St. Nick's members pictured in green t-shirts are: Flossie Kramer, team captain Luella Windisch, Paul Convard and Bob Windisch. (Not pictured is Rose Shin.) The Aloha City Rollers are: Kim "Kat-atomic" Crinella, Helen McGregor, Courtney Calkins-Edwards, Jeremiah Edwards, Krystal "Fawn" Bobbe, Sherice Longboy, Jen "Hella Ratty" Lum, and Sarah "Square Peg" Klitzke. (Photo by Bob Windisch)
Congregations reaching out to help one another
During a joint worship service on April 29, 2012, St. Luke's Bishop's Warden, John Lee, presented St. Stephen's Bishop's Warden, Martha Peterson, with a check for $3,000, in support of St. Stephen's Food Pantry. St. Stephen's dedicated volunteer coordinator, Bobby Wonder, is pictured between John and Martha. The Food Pantry feeds a total of 1,600 families each year on a modest budget of $6,000, which buys over 33,000 pounds of nutritious, non-perishable groceries from the Foodbank. The Pantry is open on Tuesdays and Fridays every week, and is staffed entirely by volunteers. Thank you to St. Luke's for your generous support of this important outreach ministry! (Story & photo by Greg Johnson)
Mahalo from the Lino Family
Words cannot express how thankful we are for each of you from the Episcopal Churches throughout the Diocese of Hawaii -- The Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick and his family, his secretary, Canon Liz Beasley, and all the clergy, lay people, wardens, parishes, especially St. Elizabeth, Rev. David Gierlach, the wardens and the vestry members, and all those who visited during the Rev. Saimone Lino wake and funeral mass. Please allow the Lino Family to acknowledge with deep appreciation and gratitude the many expressions of sympathy, loving cards, good thoughts, kindness and great support you all shared with us during our most difficult time and moment of sorrow, with the loss of a beloved father and husband Rev. Saimone Tupouto'a Lino.
We admired the funeral service performed by the Bishop and the words of comfort delivered by Rev. David Gierlach. It gave solace and inspiration to the family and everyone present. Thank you so very much to the clergy who attended the service and supported us during this time of bereavement.
Thank you for your generous donations and gifts of flowers, food and fruits. Your kindness is greatly appreciated and your assistance has helped ease some of the financial burden. Your generosity will be remembered always in our heart.
We ask for your forgiveness, if we overlooked anything. We were honored with your presence and support and we will treasure it as our most blessed gift from our Christian Pilgrimage of faith in our walk of life.
May God bless and keep you!
Late Rev. Saimone T. Lino's family, Fane, 'Anaseini, Viliami and Joshua Lino
(The Lino family is pictured with a beautiful tapa cloth tapestry that they gave to St. Elizabeth's in memory of their beloved husband & father, Rev. Saimone Lino. Photo is from St. Elizabeth's May issue of their newsletter.) |
On Saturday, May 12, St. Michael & All Angels in Lihue hosted the Kaua'i Regional Confirmation Ceremony. Fr. Bill Miller (pictured far right) presented four members for Confirmation: Stephanie Castillo, Norma Castillo, and James and Melinda Read. Three persons were Received into the Episcopal Church: Carlina Levi, Gina Pearson, Freeda Vance; one Reaffirmed: Marvin Gehri; and one Baptized: Paula Schultz. A fabulous feast and entertainment followed.
Ordination of Amy Beth Crowe
The ceremony also included the Ordination of Amy Beth Crowe into the priesthood. Back in 2006, Rev. Amy Crowe was director of the youth and young adult ministry at St. Michael's, but moved to Maui in 2008 to take a job in hospital ministries. After a period of discernment and with St. Michael's as her sponsor, Amy was ordained as a Deacon last November, and recently completed her diaconate at Good Shepherd on Maui. She plans to remain on Maui with her husband James. (Top and lower left photo by Amy Null; Photo of Revs. Amy Crowe & Bill Miller by Stephanie Castillo.) |
The Maui Regional Confirmation Ceremony was held on Saturday, April 28, at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Wailuku, with six Confirmations, three Receptions and two Reaffirmations. At the beginning of the ceremony, the Bishop was presented with a spectacular Crozier, crafted by Ali'i Ron Daniels. The Crozier was blessed and will remain on Maui. From Good Shepherd, Rev. Marvin Foltz presented Brittany Cacayorin, Jaimie Dela Cruz, Jenni Mae Macalipis and Roy Pasalo for Confirmation, with Sergei Lampitoc being Received. From St. John's, Rev. David Moore presented Mark Ausbeck and Julienne Mounts for Confirmation, with Elizabeth Ausbeck and Ryan Poe being Reaffirmed. Rev. William Albinger from Holy Innocents had two persons being Received, William Rees and Marie Paul. A delicious BBQ potluck followed the ceremony, along with lots of cheer and fellowship! Congratulations to all!
(Photos from the Good Shepherd Facebook site.) |
St. Augustine's Episcopal Church in Kapa'au was the site of the April 14, 2012, Regional Confirmation on the Big Island, with a grand total of 24 newly Confirmed, one Reception and one Reaffirmation. Rev. Heather Mueller (pictured above with Bishop Fitzpatrick) of St. Augustine's, presented 12 Confirmands: Richard Medve, Esther Pila, Kelly Vitorino, Felisa Daquioag, Samuel Acacio, Pacita Acacio, Daraphone Keomany, Golderina Dollaga, Josefa Sahagun, Rose Rosima, Naly Nakamura and Molly Ing, along with one Reaffirmation with Juana Mejia. From St. James, Rev. David Stout presented eight for Confirmation and two for Reaffirmation: Brianna Dodds, Nickolas Rohfeld, Adam Kennon, Michaelangelo McPeek, Anna Moritz, David and Joan Ramos, George Abe, along with Braley and Dianne Pastorino. Rev. Moki Hino from Church of the Holy Apostles presented four for Confirmation: Danilo Layugan, David Sheridan, Charlotte McPherson, Iris McPherson, and being Received was EvetteTampos.
Above, photos from the Church of the Holy Apostles website on the Regional Confirmation ceremony held at St. Augustine's, and the newly Confirmed.
Pictured at left, Fr. David Stout, Caridad Rufo and Dick Solmssen are pictured with the youth from St. James, who met for six weeks at the Rectory in preparation for their Confirmation. (Photos from the St. James E-Newsletter)
St. James serves up Shawls & Fashion to help their community
The folks at St. James Episcopal Church on the Big Island have found a couple of great ways to mix fashion and fellowship to help their community.
Prayer Shawls & Quilts: Twice a week, members gather to crochet shawls and sew quilts that are provided to members and individuals in the community who are ill, in mourning, or in need of comfort. Prayers are offered at the beginning and during the creation of the shawls and quilts, and once finished, they are then blessed during a Sunday service. Pictured at left are the items that were blessed at this past Sunday's service and will be going to those in need.
At their second annual Brunch and Thirft Store Fashion Show held on Saturday, May 19, St. James' church members were not only the fashion models, but chefs too, as they served up style and food at the sold out event. The Thrift Store ministry raises funds for community outreach, and half of the proceeds from this year's event went to Child & Family Service, West Hawai'i Domestic Abuse Shelter. The rest will be used to support their ongoing ministry. Pictured below hitting the runway are: Nikolas Rohfeld with Briana Dodds, Rona Lee, Ed and Rose Spencer, and under the hats, Kim Snodgrass and Dallas Burr.
(Photos by Karen Sanchez)
St. Jude's supports Nets for Life Campaign
By Thomas Buechele
Pictured are Lynne Reynolds and Thom White, Bishop's Warden of St. Jude's, Ocean View, holding one of the NetsforLife nets, sponsored by Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). The nets are part of ERD's massive public health program to protect folks from malaria and mosquito-borne disease in sub-Saharan Africa. St. Jude's, the small southern-most congregation in the Diocese of Hawai'i (and the USA), has had a number of fundraising events such as Mardi Gras, Cinco De Mayo and Oktoberfest, from which half of the proceeds raised go to NetsforLife. To date, the congregation has sent off $568.79 to ERD.
St. Jude's is also working with the "bag Ladies" at the Thrift Store of St. Augustine's in North Kohala, and the volunteers at St. Jame's Thrift store in Waimea-Kamuela, to provide good used clothing to the Marshallese community of Ocean View and surrounding communities. Pastor Thomas of the Marshallese community is most grateful for the warmer clothes for the local children as they wait to catch the school bus in the early morning coolness. At that elevation, "We have some need," he commented, "but we send a lot back home because they really need it more than we do." (Photo submitted by Thomas Buechele) |
Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
issues pastoral letter on the Doctrine of Discovery and Indigenous Peoples
"Our Christian heritage has taught us that a healed community of peace
is only possible in the presence of justice for all peoples."
"We seek to address the need for healing in all parts of society, and we stand in solidarity with indigenous peoples globally to acknowledge and address the legacy of colonial occupation and policies of domination," Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori states in her Pastoral Letter on the Doctrine of Discovery and Indigenous Peoples.
She continues, "Our Christian heritage has taught us that a healed community of peace is only possible in the presence of justice for all peoples. We seek to build such a beloved community that can be a sacred household for all creation, a society of right relationships."
On May 7, Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori joined other religious voices in repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery at the 11th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII). The theme for the UNPFII meeting is "The Doctrine of Discovery: its enduring impact on indigenous peoples and the right to redress for past conquests (articles 28 and 37 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples)." In 2009, General Convention repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery.
The Presiding Bishop's letter, issued on May 16, is presented in its entirety HERE.
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i. All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office. The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers. Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776; Neighbor Islands: (800) 522-8418
The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.
The deadline for the August/September issue is July 23, 2012. |