Mark Your Calendars!
May Governance Meetings
Saturday, May 19:
Cathedral of Saint Andrew
8:00 am - Standing Committee
11:00 am - Diocesan Council
1:00 pm - Commission on Ministry
Episcopal Church Women
Saturday, May 19, 9:00 am
Episcopal Church Center, Honolulu
(*Note: Change in venue)
For more info...
![Diocesan events header]( |
MAUI - Stewards by Design
Saturday, May 5, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Church of the Good Shepherd, Wailuku
O'AHU - Regional Confirmation for Windward O'ahu
Saturday, May 5
Camp Mokule'ia, Waialua
O'AHU - Clergy Day on Stewardship
Thursday, May 10, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
BIG ISLAND - Stewards by Design
Saturday, May 12, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
St. James' Episcopal Church, Kamuela
KAUA'I - Regional Confirmation
Saturday, May 12
St. Michael and All Angels, Lihue
O'AHU - Regional Confirmation for Honolulu
Sunday, May 20
St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church, Honolulu
O'AHU - God Camp 2012 & LIT Training
Thursday, July 8 - 15
(LIT July 5 - 15)
Camp Mokule'ia
MAUI - Safeguarding God's Children
Saturday, August 25, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Church of the Good Shepherd, Wailuku
![Parish Happenings]( |
O'AHU Cathedral Kahili Project Ongoing, Monday - Saturday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Aunty Mary Lou's Na Lima Mili Hulu Noeau, Honolulu For more info... Cathedral Choral Evensong Sunday, May 6, 5:30 pm The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honlulu For more info... A Faith for Today - Renewal in our Time Friday, May 11, 7":0 - 9:00 pm Saturday, May 12, 9:00 - 11:00am & 1:00 - 3:00 pm, Holy Nativity, Honolulu For more info... Honoring Special Olympics Athletes Sunday, May 13, 10:00 am St. Timothy's, Aiea For more info... Cathedral Kahili Project Workday Evening of Friday, May 18, and all day Saturday, May 19 Saint Andrew's Priory, Honolulu For more info...
(See Diocesan Events above for the Regional Confirmation dates.)
End of Life Workshop
Saturday, June 2, 9:30 am - Noon
St. Michael & All Angels, Lihue
For more info...
(See Diocesan Events above for the Regional Confirmation.)
(See Diocesan Events above for the Regional Confirmation, the Stewardship workshop and Safeguarding God's Children Training .)
St Jude's Cinco de Mayo
Friday, May 5, 6:00 pm
St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Ocean View
For more info...
St. James' 2nd Annual Brunch & Fashion Show
Saturday, May 19, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm, St. James' Episcopal Church, Kamuela
Fifth Sunday of Easter
O Almighty God, whom truly to know is everlasting life: Grant us so perfectly to know thy Son Jesus Christ to be the way, the truth, and the life, that we may steadfastly follow his steps in the way that leadeth to eternal life; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer, p173
Bishop's Prayer A Simple Prayer of Commitment: Come Holy Spirit; fill me so that I can: Dedicate my heart to Christ Jesus, open my mind to seek truth and justice, lift up my hands to welcome the outcast and care for the borken, behold with my eyes the wonders of creation, hear with my ears the story of God in the world, and sing with my lips a song of God's love - with laughter and without worry. And always in the Name of Jesus. Amen. - As shared in the Annual Meeting of the Convention 2011 |
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Keeping up with Canon Liz:
Beasley's Blog
Would you like to put an announcement in the E-News for a special community event or activity that your church is involved with? Please e-mail the information to the Editor, along with pictures, fliers and contact information. |
Where you'll find announcements and links to upcoming
events & activities from around the Diocese and beyond!
May 1, 2012
Choral Evensong with Two Choirs By Karen Sender
The Lutheran Church of Honolulu Choir will join the St. Andrew's Cathedral Choir on Sunday, May 6, at 5:30 pm, in a Choral Evensong service. Under the direction of Dr. Miguel Filipe, the choirs will sing the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis by Mathias (Jesus College) and Regina caeli by Victoria. The Cathedral's Director of Music, John Renke, will be the organist for this service. All are invited to attend this free event at The Cathedral of Saint Andrew in Honolulu. For more information, visit the diocesan website HERE, or call the Cathedral office at 808-524-2822, ext. 217.
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A Faith for Today - Renewal in our Time
All are invited to join the members of Holy Nativity at a three session "retreat" being led by the Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston on May 11 and 12, 2012.
Bishop Charleston is the former Bishop of Alaska and Dean of the Episcopal Theological Seminary in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and is an exceptionally gifted and inspiring Christian speaker who is in demand across ecumenical and international lines. He brings to the Hawai'i Christian community a message that willl lift to a new level, the faith of all who hear him. Bishop Charleston will make presentations Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon. He will also preach the sermons on Sunday at Holy Nativity's 7:30 am and 9:30 am services. The public is invited to all events. There is no cost.
For more information, e-mail Holy Nativity, or call 808-373-2133, or visit the diocesan webiste HERE.
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Honoring Special Olympics Athletes
In preparation for the State Summer Games, St. Timothy's Epsicopal Church in Aiea will be holding a special service to bless all of the Special Olympics athletes, on Sunday, May 13, at 10:00 am. Rev. Dale Burke, a Special Olympics father and coach, will officiate at the service. Following the service will be a brunch for all athletes, family, friends, coaches, volunteers and staff. For more information, visit the diocesan website HERE, or call St. Timothy's at 808-488-5747.
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God Camp 2012 - Applications now available online
God Camp applications and Leaders in Training (LIT) packets are now available online HERE. God Camp will be taking place at Camp Mokule'ia from July 8 - 15, and LIT will begin on July 5.
What is God Camp? It's an opportunity for children in grades 4 - 8 to discover and learn about God in unexpected ways, while spending time with old and new friends. Leaders in Training is for youth in grades 9 - 12, who will learn what it takes to be on staff while mentoring God Camp participants to be leaders too!
For more information, visit the diocesan website HERE, or e-mail Katie Finfrock. Deadline to apply is June 30, 2012.
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Rev. Tom Buechele serves as Interim at St. Jude's
The Rev. Tom Buechele has been appointed part-time Priest Interim at St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Hawaiian Ocean View Estates, on the Big Island. Fr. Tom retired as Vicar of St. Augustine Episcopal Church in North Kohala, on July 1, 2010. Since that time he has served as priest supply in all the congregations of the Big Island and as Interim at Holy Apostles, Hilo. Fr. Tom is a member of the Diocesan Council, the Legacy Society, and the Diocesan Commission Beyond the Church.
Easter Sunday was Fr. Tom's first Sunday. "St. Jude is the patron saint of the impossible," said Fr. Tom, "however, the good folks in Ocean View, District of Ka'u, and St. Jude's, clearly believe that nothing is impossible with God. I'm excited to be joining them in that vision." He further adds, "By the way, St. Jude's is the most southern Episcopal Church in the USA. Come visit."
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Continuing Education Policies and Grant Forms
The Continuing Education Policies manual and forms have been updated and are available on the diocesan website HERE. If you have any questions, please e-mail Rev. Carol Arney.
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What's Happening in The Episcopal Church?
Announcements from around The Episcopal Church...
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Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation
Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation (EGR) has launched a new campaign for economic reconciliation, and ask for your prayers and financial support to aid them in this new and important effort. Their goal is to build a movement of economic reconciliation within our Christian community, where individuals and churches work together to alleviate poverty and reduce inequality.
EGR is a Christ-centered, grassroots national organization seeking to build an effective and dynamic movement to heed the call within the Episcopal Church to alleviate extreme global poverty through the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and build a fairer economy. EGR calls for sustained prayer, study, action and advocacy.
To learn more about EGR, visit their website HERE.
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A message from the Episcopal Church Executive Council
The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church issued a message at the concludion of its three-day meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, on April 20, 2012:
In this joyous Easter season, Executive Council came together in Salt Lake City for its final meeting of this Triennium.
It has been a time of reflection on what we have done, and what we have left undone. It has been a time to ask whether we have loved our neighbors - Council members and Church Center staff; bishops, clergy and laity of The Episcopal Church; our sisters and brothers of the Anglican Communion; sisters and brothers who chose to leave The Episcopal Church; the poor, the needy and the oppressed - as ourselves.
Have we had enough strength and courage for this work, or have we at times shrunk from the need to stand up and say things that are not only hard to say, but hard to hear? Have we cherished collegiality more than accountability? Have we used our structure to empower one part of the church while disempowering another? Have we been able to overcome fear of the unknown as we face the challenges of being church in a post Christian world?
The Presiding Bishop spoke of this in her opening remarks: "We will be more faithful, and far more effective, in that discernment work if we can let go of suspicion, assumptions about others' motives, and power politics - all of which are based in fear and scarcity. We do know that perfect love casts out fear, and when we can remember how deeply and completely love dwells within us, the fear does begin to recede."
To read this message in its entirety and to view the resolutions passed, click HERE.
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Upcoming Webinars, Webcasts & Videos
QR codes - In and Around Church:
May 4, 1:00 pm Eastern (7:00 am HST)
A joint program of the General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Church Office of Communication, this topic is the final Digital Formation webinar in the educational series for clergy and laity to understand and appreciate the importance of the use and effects of social media in the church, as well as its theological foundations and implications. The program will be one hour that includes 15 minutes of questions from Twitter and GoToMeetings chat capabilities. Pre-registration is required. To register for this free webinar, click HERE. For more information about Digital Formation,e-mail:
Live Webcast: Episcopal Presiding Bishop, Archbishop Desmond Tutu to discuss mission
Saturday, May 19, 3:30 pm Eastern ( 9:30 am HST)
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will conduct a conversation about mission with Nobel Peace Prize winner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu in a live webcast with no fee, on the website of the Episcopal Church, and will be available on demand afterwards. Framing the conversation on the Anglican Five Marks of Mission, the questions to be explored are: "What does Mission mean to me", and "What does mission look like in the world." This is the first in a series of discussions about mission with the Presiding Bishop and other prominent religious leaders.
On demand video now available of Episcopal Church forum: The Intersection of Poverty and the Environment:
The on demand video is now available for the groundbreaking forum initiated by the Episcopal Church, The Intersection of Poverty and the Environment at the Episcopal Church website HERE. During the two-hour presentation originating from the Cathedral of St. Mark's in Salt Lake City, Utah, experts from religious, political and community-organizing areas examined the impact of Can Sustainability Initiatives Lift Those in Poverty? and Reducing Environmental Health Consequences for those in Poverty. Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori presented a call to action in her keynote address. She started with the question, "What does it mean to be poor?" |
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In case you missed it, click on the link to read
the latest issue of the E-Chronicle.
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Did you miss an edition of the E-News? Listed below are the titles of some recently published announcements to be aware of. To see the complete article, click on the linked issues below, or visit Previous E-News Editions on the diocesan website, and click on the desired issue.
Message from the Bishop - Preparing for our death
Camp Mokule'ia now affiliated with the Episcopal Service Corps
Register on-line: Stewards by Design Workshops
Maui - May 5, Big Island - May 12
Clergy Day on Stewardship May 10, 2012
Cathedral Kahili Project
Members announced for Official Youth Presence at Episcopal Church General Convention
Webinars and Webcasts from The Episcopal Church
04/10/2012: Special Announcement, Fr. Miner
04/06/2012: Bishop's Easter Message
Stewards by Design Workshops
St. James' 2nd Annual Brunch & Fashion Show May 19, 2012
Free Bibles still available!
Presiding Bishop's Easter Message 2012
The 62nd Sewanee Church Music Conference July 9 - 12, 2012
Vaughan Park 2013 Scholarships
Shared Ministries A report by Canon Liz
Beach Mass on the Big Island is a welcome venue
Ohana Care Program provides help and support for caregivers
Sacred Sojourns - Women's Pilgrimages to Holy Lands, May 2013
Episcopal Church General Convention: July 5-12
Dr. Timothy Cottrell named next 'Iolani Headmaster
Episcopal Church launches new iPad app: Wayfarer
Message from the Bishop: The Bible Challenge
Ministry team now serving Windward O'ahu Churches
Safeguarding God's Children Training
Episcopal Logos and Brands Available Free of Charge
Contact Information News Office of the Bishop 229 Queen Emma Square Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 536-7776, ext. 326; Neighbor Islands: 1-800-522-8418