The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond...
October 2011 |
Bishop's Calendar |
***** OCTOBER *****
October 1 - 2
Grace Episcopal, Molokai
October 8 - 9
St. Michael & All Angel's, Kaua'i
October 15
Diocesan Council, Standing Committee Meeting
October 16
Celebration of New Ministry for The Rev. Giovan King, St. Christopher's
October 28
DJ'11 - Convocation
Opening Eucharist
October 29
Annual Meeting of Convention
***** NOVEMBER *****
November 6
St. John's, Kula, Maui
November 12 - 13
Good Shepherd, Maui
November 1
Regional Confirmation: O'ahu (St. Timothy's)
November 10
Maui Clericus Meeting
November 14 - 16
Bishop's Colleague Group (Camp Mokule'ia)
November 19
Diocesan Council, Standing Committee Meeting
November 22
Preach at Priory Chapel Service
November 27
Celebration of New Ministry for The Very Rev. Walter Brownridge, Cathedral of St. Andrew
Stay Informed! |
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Beasley's Blog |
Canon Liz Beasley shares her thoughts and wisdom. Click on the Beasley's Blog link above to read her latest entry. |
Share your stories... |
We want to feature stories and photos about parish activities and events in your neighborhood. Send your submissions to:
Bishop's Message |
Aloha ke Akua:
At the end of August, the Strategic Planning Task Force (Arnold Carson, St. Andrew's Cathedral; Deidre Harris, St. Nicholas Church; Tom Kelly,Trinity by-the-Sea Church; Preston Lentz, St. Elizabeth's Church; Ben Nelson, All Saints' Church; Dot Shigemura, St. Nicholas Church; Bill Skelton (Chair), St. Michael and All Angels Church; John A. H. Tomoso, Good Shepherd Church; and Rick Vinson, Holy Nativity Church), presented me with a report entitled "Imua Kakou!: The Episcopal Church of Hawai'i Plan to Grow More Vital and Vibrant Communities". I will share their report at Convention (and online).
In their report, the Task Force suggests that the Vision of the Diocese should be simply stated as: "The Episcopal Church in Hawai'i is spiritually relevant to a dynamic body of believers - the Body of Christ - who become connected and more responsive to human needs."
And that we operate with two simple Goals: 1. Transform the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i into vital and vibrant Christian communities; 2. Streamline our diocesan leadership and support structures such that they focus on transforming the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i into vital and vibrant Christian communities.
From their work, the Strategic Planning Task Force arrived at the conclusion that the size of our corporate governing body (Diocesan Council) is too large with twenty-one members, to be effective and adaptive. The Standing Committee also explored how the Diocese might move toward a more effective governance in the 21st century by reviewing the size and duties of our Diocesan governing groups. To do this, the Standing Committee checked with other dioceses in the national church and has dicussed the topic with a variety of members across the diocese. They even set up a blog with proposed changes in the constitution and canons so that we can get additional feedback from members of the congregations in the diocese. Coming to the same conclusion as the Task Force, the Standing Committee's proposal is to reduce the size of Diocesan Council to twelve. We know from the experience of other dioceses much larger than our own and those of similar size, that this reduced number can effectively and efficiently do the work of the diocese between Conventions. Obviously, the responsibilities of Council members much change, but a Council of the proposed size has been shown to encourage the level of involvement of even more people from throughout the diocese in the specific ministries of the diocese, while at the same time, allowing for a leaner Council to better vision, plan and lead our diocese in between Conventions.
For me, as Bishop, I would like Diocesan Council to clearly serve as the "Board of Directors" (with the Bishop as President) acting on behalf of the Convention. This Board needs to focus on long-range planning and fiduciary responsibility. I would hope Council could be a non-program group to manage and set policy for the Diocese (and the legal corporation known as "The Episcopal Church in Hawai'i of which the Bishop is the President).
Just as I have asked much more of the Standing Committee since becoming Bishop, I would like a different relationship with Diocesan Council. As you may know, I have often asked Standing Committee to act as my Council of Advice in keeping with the Constitution (Article IV) and Canons (1.12.1) of The Episcopal Church. This has included my asking them to take on projects and studies for the good of the Diocese (e.g., the Camp, the Canons, etc.). The Standing Committee also has specific canonical responsibilities around ordinations, during disagreements in pastoral relationships and functioning as the ecclesiastical authority when there is no Bishop. Standing Committee's duties focus on the canonical, the ecclesiastical and the advisory (to the Bishop as the "Ordinary" of the Diocese). The Standing Committee has no role in acting for the Corporation or the Convention (the organizing entity which is the Diocese).
I would like Diocesan Council to be the policy makers and long-range planning team for the Diocese. Because of budget cycles and habit, we tend to plan from year to year with little practical sense of the next three, five or ten years. Unfortunately, Council has often had to become directly involved in programs and activities. These factors make long-range planning and setting goals difficult. My hope is that a Council acting as a smaller policy, long-range planning and management team coud then work with no more than five or six commissions to engage the programs and activities of the Diocese. While one such commission would have to deal with "Finance, Budget and Property", the Council would be in charge of oversight of budget, expenditures and programs. Diocesan Council may need to meet (electronically) more often and therefore the smaller numbers makes that possible. I would hope members could make nearly every meeting (in person or by teleconference). Members of this Doicesan Council would need to have experience in management, long-range planning, non-profit boards and/or finance. While the members of Council will need to be personally involved in the programs and activities of the Diocese, the Council ought not organize or sponsor events (thought they might encourage or even direct the implementation of programming as part of an overall vision or plan). Diocesan Council would be the active Board of the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i, and help me set the vision and goals for the programs of the Diocese of Hawai'i.
Most importantly for membership on both the Standing Committee and the Diocesan Council, we need elected leaders to share with me in the stewardship of the Diocese and further to be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit. The leaders of the Church in our age must be adaptive and not reactive. We must be open to an emerging reality. We have to be prepared to take risks and even to fail for the Gospel, but also to succeed and welcome new communities into the Church. I call on leaders to have "missionary zeal". In the writing of Roland Allen, "missionary zeal" is the phrase used to describe the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers urging them to make Jesus Christ known to our neighbors and in our communities. "Missionary zeal" depends upon the state of the soul and its relationship to God. We need elected leaders who are faithful servants of Jesus Christ, regular in prayer, open about their giving to the Church (ideally, tithers) and bold in sharing the Love of God.
I would like the smaller Council to come into being sooner rather than later, and then we together will shift Diocesan Council to being a Board of Directors as soon as possible. I would like to begin reducing the number of Commissions of the Diocese to five or six with working groups and committees to focus on activities and projects.
I ask the prayers of the Diocese as we prepare for the Annual Meeting of Convention on Saturday, October 29th. Also, if you would, please remember me in your prayers as well.
Aloha ma o Iesu Kristo, ko makou Haku,
The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick + Keali'ikoaokeakua |
God Camp 2011 |
Happy campers from this year's God Camp pose in Harry Potter finery, as Camp Mokule'ia was transformed into Hogwarts, the school of wizardry, from the popular Harry Potter book series. They even played Quidditch, the fictional game featured in the books. The annual summer camp, was held July 12 - 22, drawing in thirteen brand new campers and Leaders in Training (LIT's). God Camp is open to all youth in the Diocese grades 4 through 8, with the LIT training camp open to high school youth. God Camp 2012 is in the works, so stay tuned for upcoming announcements in the E-news. (Photograph provided by Katie Finfrock.) |
Planned Giving News:
Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society O'ahu Luncheon
By Jane Tonokawa |
The Planned Giving Commission's ongoing purpose is to build the awareness of planned giving in the hearts of Episcopalians throughout this Diocese.
Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society - This summer, the Diocese sponsored the annual Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society events on Maui, Hawai'i, and O'ahu. Society members on Kaua'i will be honored in October. The celebrations recognize all who have chosen to remember any Episcopal ministry in their will or estate plan. In the past year, we have increased our Legacy Society membership from 40 to 73. If you are not yet a member of the Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society, your invitation awaits you. Details of your estate plan need not be disclosed. To learn more, please contact us by visiting the Planned Giving page on the diocesan website here.
Pictured above at the O'ahu luncheon held on August 13, 2011, are, standing left to right: The Rt. Rev. Richard Chang, Dee Chang, Arthur Kusumoto (Commission member, Maui), Theone Vredenburg, Jean Liu, Pam McCoy, Sandy Leialoha, The Rev. Michael Barham, Bea Fitzpatrick, Karen Sender, Louis Xigogianis, Ruth Merz, The Rt. Rev. Roerbt Fitzpatrick, Nelson Secretario (Commission member, Kaua'i); Kneeling, left to right: Richard Au Hoy (Commission member, O'ahu), Ann Hansen, Cassandra Pinnick, Jane Tonokawa (Commission Chair). (Photograph provided by the Planned Giving Commission.) |
How the Iolani Guild Files Found their way to
the Diocesan Archives
By Ann Hansen |
 | Pat Trask |
Since her mother, Mahie Brown, the President of Iolani Guild for ages, had said the files had been lost in a fire, Pat Trask was not looking for files when she went nosing around. One morning, sometime in the 1990's, she was feeling maha'oi (bold and presumptuous). Leaving the Von Holt Room where she kept the recent Iolani Guild files, she started exploring. For some unknown reason, she wandered into the backstage area of Tenney Theatre, where she had never been. This was many years before Honolulu Theater for Youth brought everything into orderly arrangement.
A file cabinet, standing askew with drawers left partially opened, caught Pat's eye. The first thing that came to her mind was "Boy, I could use a file cabinet to keep the Iolani Guild records." Since the drawers were ajar anyway, she took a look at what was inside. There she found old journals with carefully handwritten entries from early in the century. One journal had minutes written in Hawaiian on the left with the corresponding set of minutes written in English on the right. In the "Present" heading of some of the minutes, it listed "The Queen was in attendance." In a "chicken skin" moment, Pat knew she had found the Iolani Guild journals that had bee
Stuart Ching examines the journals. |
n lost for decades, but thankfully not destroyed in a storage shed fire. It took a couple trips to carry the newly discovered journals to the area in Von Holt where Iolani Guild kept its records.
Resigning after three decades of Iolani Guild presidency, Pat Trask revealed that story at the Executive meeting of the Iolani Guild in August. Stuart Ching gratefully accepted a stack of handwritten old journals for safe keeping in the Diocesan Archives. Stuart remarked, "I am absolutely thrilled that the Iolani Guild papers are being transferred to the Diocesan Archives. This will insure that the history of this important diocesan organization will be preserved and accessible to all who are interested."
Iolani Guild Elects New Officers On August 27, 2011, the Iolani Guild met to pay tribute to retiring President, Pat Trask, and Vice President, Thelma Chun, who spent many years of devoted service to the organization. Bea Fitzpatrick presented them with beautiful koa bowls, thanking them for their time and dedication. Echoing back to how Bishop Staley's wife and Queen Emma founded the Iolani Guild, Bea Fitzpatrick and newly elected President, Leimalama Lee Loy, will be working in tandem on revitalizing the Guild as it was then and will be now. For more information on the Iolani Guild and to learn how you can become involved, contact Ann Hansen. Pictured above, retiring officers Pat Trask and Thelma Chun pose with their beautiful koa bowls, and Bea Fitzpatrick and Leimalama Lee Loy step into their new roles with the Iolani Guild. (Photographs provided by Ann Hansen.) |
Transforming Stewardship in Your Parish
By Janet Wilson |
I was fortunate to attend a full day seminar at St. Andrew's Cathedral in Honolulu on September 10, 2011. The Rev. Laurel Johnston, the National Program Officer for Stewardship, presented at the workshop. Rev. Johnston showed how stewardship is central to a Christian life and how to build on this core understanding. What is stewardship and what does it mean to be a steward? Stewardship is "The careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care". Stewards are not owners but manage another's (God's) property or financial affairs. We are all simply entrusted with the gifts that God has given us. I always thought that my weekly pledge to All Saints was done because "I should". I was able to help others, so "I should". Because of this seminar, my eyes were opened and my way of thinking has changed. Now I am beginning to understand that giving back to God is a reflection of our gratitude. Gratitude that all we have is because of God. It is an outward expression of putting God first. She also talked about stewardship as a journey and annual ministry, not just a campaign. Rev. Johnston uses the phrase "proportional giving". Basically you strive to give a proportion (whatever that is) of your income to the church each week, month, quarter or year. Do you look at life from the viewpoint of scarcity or abundance? If you want to be rich, give. Life in abundance is most fully realized in sharing/giving away.
(Janet Wilson is a Vestry member of All Saints' Church, kapa'a, Kaua'i.)
Beasley's Blog |

If you haven't done so yet, take a visit to Beasley's Blog, found on the Diocesan website under Who We Are > Office of the Bishop . Written by The Rev. Canon Liz Beasley, it originally started off as a place to share her sabbatical adventures in Ireland that took place this past Spring. A passionate writer at heart, Canon Liz continues to write through Beasley's Blog. Now separated out from her Ireland Adventures, she shares her thoughts, opinions and wisdom on a wide variety of topics. In her latest posting, The Leaders We Need, Canon Liz gives some very candid, practical and thoughtful advice to clergy and other leaders who would consider Hawai'i a place to live and work. So take a moment to visit with Canon Liz at Beasley's Blog! |
St. Elizabeth's Gets a New Van
Rev. David Gierlach and the members of St. Elizabeth's are thrilled with their recent purchase of a brand new 15-passenger van. The money for the van came from the Hawai'i Community Foundation, and will be of immense help for their ministry to the youth and elderly. "The van is available for rent to our sister Episcopal Churches/Groups, at a below market rate," said Rev. Gierlach. Anyone interested should email St. Elizabeth's or call 808-845-2112. (Photograph supplied by David Gierlach.)

The following was taken from the October 2011 Vine & Branches Newsletter of St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church.
RagDolls2Love in Afghanistan
Juliette Ling and the Pali Seniors of St. Elizabeth's, lovingly stitched the rag dolls shown at left. The dolls were blessed and sent to Michael Tiongco, a local boy and UH ROTC graduate, who is now a company commander stationed in Afghanistan. He has an all-female team who were eager and happy to distribute the rag dolls and reach out to the children and families in Afghanistan.
Welcome Baby Ingalls!
Congratulations to the Ingalls family, on the birth of a baby boy, Asher Ingalls. Asher was born on September 22, 2011, at Kapiolani Hospital. Pictured above is the happy family: Rev. Clayton Ingalls (who serves at both Calvary and Emmanuel Epsicopal Churches), proud mom Teresa, and big sister Autumn, holding her new baby brother. (Picture provided by Emmanuel Church.)
The K2P2 Knitting Ministry at St. Peter's Warms the Heart
St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Honolulu is home to the K2P2 Knitters that have definitely warmed the hearts (and shoulders) of many. Just ask Rev. Ann McElligott! A retired Episcopal priest and teacher, Ann is currently living in Portland, Oregon, and is fighting a tough battle with cancer. In a Facebook posting back in August, Rev. Ann says, "I received a prayer shawl made by the Knitters of St. Peter's Honolulu. It was blessed on the altar at the noon Eucharist. Their note said, 'When you wrap this around your shoulders, please think of it as a hug from us and encouragement as you continue treatments as well as the challenge ahead.' The group is named the K2P2 Knitting Ministry. K2P2 stands for K2 Pray2. How marvelous. I am deeply touched."
A passionate knitter herself, Ann went on to say,"I have knit one replacement and am almost done with the second. What touched me was to receive this from out of the blue from a congregation where my connection was having been guest preacher. This wonderful connection with the body of Christ and the communion of saints sustains my soul."
Ann is undergoing weekly chemo treatments that began in July and will last for 5 - 6 months. She takes a shawl with her to the chemo treatments, " hug me with the prayers of so many." Please pray for Ann as she continues her battle. With gratitude in her heart, she shares, "I am exceedingly grateful for the outpouring of love I have received...The shawl is a tangible manifestation of that love. It is "God with skin on" bearing witness to divine love in the here-and-now of our world."
Slow Priest Racing raises awareness and funds for ERD
 For a small island, Kaua'i is host to many different community events for lots of good causes, and on Sunday, September 4, 2011, the popular Kaua'i Marathon took place on the south shore. Among the 1,723 participants, Fr. Ben Nelson of All Saints' Church, took off running in his very first full marathon. Not only did he accomplish a huge personal goal of completing a marathon, but he took the opportunity to raise awareness and money for Episcopal Relief and Development. On Facebook, the popular social networking site, Fr. Ben created his "Causes" page under "Slow Priest Racing", and raised nearly $900 in pledges from friends and fans! In preparation for the marathon, friends were able to follow along in posts made during his daily training runs, but it was still a great surprise to see that he was able to post pictures during the actual marathon as it unfolded. His efforts didn't go unnoticed as he was featured in a recent ERD release that can be read here. Pictured at left, Fr. Ben nears the finishing line with his biggest fan, daughter Cooper. |
The following article and photographs were taken from the September/October Good Shepherd Newsletter.
Good Shepherd's Vacation Bible School

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church was the place to be for Vacation Bible School (VBS) on Maui. Held from July 25 through 28, forty youth (including 18 with perfect attendance) and nineteen adults participated in VBS themed "Exploring the Nature of God". There was a different sub-theme each night along with teachings by Fr. Foltz, lessons read by the EYE youth, classes led by Cindy Foltz, Mary Lou Mellinger and Rheena Campbell, and arts and crafts. Ferdinand Cajigal led the music while the kitchen crew was headed by Gloria Cajigal.
St. John's Kula Festival 2011 by Marilyn Hirashima
Each year, residents of upcountry Maui wait with great anticipation for St. John's Kula Festival, held on church grounds. It has become a tradition that can be enjoyed by the whole family. This year's event was held on September 24, 2011, and provided all the fun, food and music that everyone has come to expect. Admission was free and all were invited to come and enjoy cool Keokea and the fabulous view of the valley and both coasts.
Delicious offerings included Portuguese Bean Soup, waffles with fresh Kula strawberries, a wonderful vegan curry, grilled burgers of Maui Cattle Company beef, shoyu chicken, chow fun and much more! Also available were plants and cut flowers, fresh Kula produce, baked goods, a gift shop with handmade items and treasures, a variety of crafters, children's games, free face painting, a silent auction and live entertainment all day long. Entertainment hgihlights included Uluwehi Guerrero and his choir, Na Leo Lani O Maui, Derek Sebastian, Hula Honeys and Side Tracks. Also featured were Future Stars of Maui - Gabrielle Goebbert and Austin Carvalho, together known as "The Flow", and "The Mill" with Christy, Lilly and Zoe and a surprise or two.
This event is St. John's annual fundraiser with proceeds that are shared with different local nonprofit organizations selected by the church, This year's beneficiary will be Hospice Maui, specifically to contribute to their building of a 12-bed hospice unit, Hale Ho'olu'olu, a place for comfort, compassion and care. The vision is of a community pulling together to invest collectively in Hale Ho'olu'olu, making a comforting and peaceful end-of-life experience a reality for all of Maui. To learn more about Hale Ho'olu'olu, visit
The members of St. John's and many other volunteers worked hard, but enjoyed each other's company, the great weather, ambience and the knowledge that they were supporting St. John's programs and the Hospice Maui. (Photograph provided by Marilyn Hirashima.) |
The following contains portions of an article appearing in The Kohala Mountain News dated September 24, 2011, and information provided by St. Augustine's. Photographs were provided by St. Augustine's.

St. Augustine's Awards 19 Scholarships
St. Augustine Episcopal Church in Kapa'au awarded nineteen students attending college or vocational schools, scholarships for the third consecutive year. The scholarships are an outreach program of St. Augustine, designed to assist students with their tuition and cost-of-living expenses while attending college. The number of awards in 2011 was double those given in 2010 and represents a spiritual and financial support of their educational pursuits. The total amount of the scholarships in 2011 was $12,000, and represents one of the largest educational funds in North Kohala.
To qualify, applicants were required to submit an application detailing their reasons for applying, copies of transcripts or acceptance letters, and confirmation that they and their families are active members of the church. The scholarhsip committee reviewed the applications and allocated funds based on need, participation of the student at St. Augustine, and whether the student was attending a university in Hawai'i or on the mainland. The scholarship fund is renewed annually with the goal to distribute all of the monies each year. The money for the fund is given anonymously by church members; as a result the amount available for individual scholarships varies. "While the church is not wealthy by any means, the congregation is generous and is vested in the success of its student," said Robert Morrison, chair of the Scholarship Committee.
For college senior, Kiana Kometani (pictured above right), this year's award is her fourth and has allowed church members to follow and participate in her educational success. Kiana and her family, John and Vicky Kometani, are active members of the church. Although attending school in Arizona, Kiana plays the church piano and assists with child care during her summers back in Kohala. Upon graduation in childhood and Elementary Education, Kiana plans to teach and is also considering a Masters degree.
The students receiving awards this year are: Mai Fujii (Kapiolani Community College), Melanie Matsuda (UH Manoa), Ikaika Andrews (Colorado State University), Carisa Kanehailua (Oregon Sstate University), Miho Fujii (UH Manoa), Kiana Kometani (Northern Arizona University), Jacqueline Wong (Portland Community College), Todd Colson (University of LaVerne), Selena Osorio (Humboldt State), Josephine Osorio (Hawai'i Community College-Hilo), Jerome Arellano (Maui Community College), Beau Lopez (UH Manoa), Chelsea Kanehailua (UH West Hawai), Jordan Ching (Southwestern Oregon Community College), Weston Purdy (Northern Arizona University), James Colson (UH Hilo), Cecily Fujii (Kapiolani Community College), Daniel Fujii (UH Hilo), and Marygold Salvador (UH Hilo). Eight of this year's recipients were awarded scholarships in 2010.
For more information on the scholarship program and the application process, contact Malia Dela Cruz of St. Augustines at 808-889-5390. |
The following contains excerpts of an article that appeared in an Episcopal News Service release dated September 27, 2011.
Jerusalem Bishop's Residency Permit Reinstated
 The residency permits and visas that enable Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, Suheil Dawani, and his family to reside legally in Jerusalem, have been reinstated after thirteen months of the documentation being denied by Israel's Ministry of Interior.
"I want to thank all of you, my friends and colleagues throughout the Anglican Episcopal Communion and the worldwide Christian community, for your continued support throughout this time," said Dawani, a Palestinian Christian, in a September 27 letter sent to international partners. "It has been deeply appreciated and most encouraging knowing that we have been kept in your thoughts and prayers as we awaited this most heartening outcome."
Many international religious leaders -- Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, The Episcopal Church's House of Bishops, Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, the Anglican Communion primates, and the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem -- had joined in the diplomatic efforts calling for the documentation to be reinstated.
Dawani's Episcopal ministry requires him to travel throughout the Diocese of Jerusalem, which includes parishes and institutions in Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinian Territories. Dawani has held a residency permit for Jerusalem since 2007. Being without the permit since August 2010 Dawani had been unable to visit or minister to many of the Christian communities he leads throughout the Holy Land. |
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Conmmunications Contractor
The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i. All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office. The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers. Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96815
(808) 536-7776; Neighbor Islands: (800) 522-8418
The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.
The deadline for the December 2011 issue is November 30, 2011. |