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In This Issue:
Bishop's Message & Summer Reading List
Disciple's Journey 2011
Announcing the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Convention
Aloha 'Oe, Marie
Chrism Mass
A Personal Note from Fr. David Jackson
Seder Supper at St. Timothy's
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church Events
St. Elizabeth's Monthly Spaghetti Dinner & Dance
St. Peter's Hires New Youth and Young Adult Director
Regional Confirmation at St. Michael's and All Angels
Good Shepherd Recognizes 2011 Graduates
God Has No Borders
Bishop Stacy Sauls named
Seminaries Join the Effort to Rebuild Our Church in Haiti
Affordable Website Services Available
Contact Information



Bishop's Calendar


***** JUNE *****



June 19

St. Clement's, Honolulu



June 4

'Iolani Graduation

June 5

St. Andrew's Priory Graduation

June 12

Cathedral (Pentetcost)

Oahu Regional Confirmation

June 18

Diocesan Council, Standing Committee Mtg

June 21-24

Episcopal Youth Event, St. Paul, Minnesota

June 26

Faith Shared, Cathedral



***** JULY *****



July 9-10

Holy Innocents, Maui Regional Confirmation

July 16

Diocesan council Standing Committee Mtg

July 18

Camp Mokule'ia, God Camp Closing Eucharist

July 23-24

Hawai'i Preparatory Academy, Big Island Regional Confirmation






We want to feature your stories!

Share the news and photos of events in your parish with the rest of the diocese!  Send your submissions to:






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Upcoming Events


Vision for Our Diocese


All Episcopalians in Hawai`i shall work together to create a Church filled with visible and spirit-driven Christians - Christians who are eager to share our Episcopal tradition and faith, and traditional Hawaiian spiritual values, with those who have not yet found a spiritual anchor in their lives.


1)  Convert our Hearts to Accept Jesus' Gospel Message and to Live in a Deep Relationship with God.  
2)  Transform the Episcopal Church in Hawai`i and Congregations to Vital and Vibrant Faith Communities.  
3)  Evangelize to Share God's Love in Our Communities.  
4)  Reduce the structure and administration costs of the Diocese so that its operations, including its bodies, are directed to supporting transformation and growth.

The Five Marks of Mission of the Worldwide Anglican Communion:

1)  To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
2)  To teach, baptize and nurture new believers
3)  To respond to human need by loving service
4)  To seek to transform unjust structures of society
5)  To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth




Diocese Logo
The E-Newspaper of the
Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
June 2011

Bishop FitzpatrickBishop's Message & Summer Reading List 


Aloha ke Akua:

As more congregations have been discussing shared ministry, regional ministry and ministry teams, and as we explore alternative ways for formation leading to ordination and empowering lay leadership, I have been asked to share how this ministry might look and some theoretical basis for it here in Hawai'i. I think it imperative that we develop forms and language (terms) for mission and ministry in our unique context.

I hope every leader in our Diocese will ruminate and pray about the future of mission and ministry in our Diocese. I am convinced that there will be fewer congregations at individual sites served by single fully stipended priests. We will return - for us as a Diocese - to shared ordained leadership with both seminary trained clergy and locally trained bivocational clergy. There will be fully compensated clergy with broad oversight and non-stipendiary clergy serving God's people to support and encourage all the Baptized in the mission and ministry of Christ's Church. All of the Baptized will be called upon to take up ministry. Congregations will need to adapt to and be engaged with the cultural, ethnic, linguistic and generational realities of local communities. I hope we can look to Aotearoa, the Pacific, Asia and other parts of the world for inspiration and suggestions -- as well as North America and Europe -- and, most importantly, learn from one another locally as we develop models of ministry and engage in mission in our island setting.

I hope you have time for some Summer reading and I want to encourage you to consider the following:

1. Born of Water, Born of Spirit: Supporting the Ministry of the Baptized in Small Congregations by Sheryl A Kujawa-Holbrook and Fredrica Harris Thompsett; Alban Institute, 2010

2. Beyond the Baptismal Covenant: Transformational Lay Leadership for the Episcopal Church in the 21st Century by Donald V. Romanik; Episcopal Church Foundation, 2010

3. The Celtic Way of Evangelism: How Christianity Can Reach the West...Again (10th Anniversary Edition, Revised and Update) by George G. Hunter III; Abingdon Press, 2010

4. Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or Ours by Roland Allen; Martino Publishing, 2011

5. The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church by Roland Allen; Wipf and Stock

6. The Waves of God's Embrace: Sacred Perspectives from the Ocean by Winston Halapua, Canterbury Press, 2008

7. Ubuntu: I in You and You in Me by Michael Battle; Seabury Books, 2009

I have tried to share #1 and #2 as broadly as possible. I think #3 can offer helpful insights. I particularly call your attention to #4 and #5. These are reprints of Roland Allen's key works. The language is dated and clearly speaks in example to another time (Missionary Methods was first published in 1912, but the vision and theory are, I think, applicable here in Hawai'i today). Books #6 and #7 begin to offer theological perspectives that might enliven our work together in these islands and at this time, point a way toward a truly "local" theology for our life together. I have shared much of this before. If you haven't read these before now, please join me this summer.

I wish we had the funds to buy these books for everyone in the Diocese, but that is just not the case. Perhaps congregations could purchase the books and share them among vestry/bishop committee members. I hope Diocesan Council and Standing Committee members will read them. They will be particularly important for the Commission on Ministry members as we further explore alternative formation programs for ordained leaders. I hope our clergy will take the time to struggle with the ideas and vision for mission.



The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick, Bishop



Disciples' Journey 2011: Born of Water, Born of Spirit

By Sharon Billingsley

Born of water book


The pilgrimage we have called Disciples' Journey, continues in 2011, as we focus on congregational formation: revitalization, empowerment, affirmation.  DJ'11 will take its theme, Born of Water, Born of Spirit, from the book by the same name.  We welcome Fredrica Harris Thompsett, co-author of Born of Water, Born of Spirit, as our keynote speaker.  The book will be used as a basis for learning and conversation in workshops and small group discussions during DJ'11.   


You may have noticed that Born of Water, Born of Spirit, is on Bishop Fitzpatrick's summer reading list.  The DJ'11 planning team hopes that everyone participating in DJ'11 will prepare for the program by reading the book ahead of time.  Books will be released to each congregation in August, with the request that all participants read it prior to convocation/convention.  (To read a short profile of the book, visit the DJ'11 event listing page on the diocesan website.) 


DJ'11 is scheduled for Friday, October 28, immediately preceding the Annual Convention of the Diocese, at the Cathedral of St. Andrew.  The day will begin in Tenney Theater with a welcome and keynote address at 8:30 a.m., and continue through the day with small group discussions, workshops and additional time with our keynote speaker, Fredrica Harris Thompsett.  The convocation will conclude with a reception at 5:00 p.m., prior to the opening Eucharist for the Convention.  All members of the Diocese are welcome to attend DJ'11, and every delegate to Diocesan Convention is urged to attend. 


Slip into your pilgrimage mindset and begin your preparation for Disciples' Journey 2011!


Registration and other pertinent information will be published soon and will be found on the diocesan website here.




Announcing the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Convention

The following are excerpts from Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick's letter dated June 14, 2011, to all clergy and delegates of Diocesan Convention, announcing this year's annual meeting:


In keeping with the Constitution and Canons of our Diocese, I write to inform all members of the Conventon of the Episcopal  Diocese of Hawai'i that the business meeting of the 43rd Annual Meeting will be held in the Tenney Theatre of the Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu, on Saturday, October 29th, 2011.


The theme of this year's annual Meeting will be "Born of Water, Born of Spirit".  This is to highlight the conference of the same name that takes place before the Convention Eucharist during the day on Friday, October 28.  This conference will be Disciple's Journey 2011 (DJ11) and the detailed schedule will be published in the near future...In preparation for the annual Meeting and for DJ11, I hope all clergy and lay delegates will read Born of Water, Born of Spirit: Supporting the Ministry of the Baptized in Small Congregations by Sheryl Kujawa-Holbrook and Fredrica Harris Thompsett (Alban Institute, 2010).


As has been the practice for years, all Convention materials and announcements will be posted on our diocesan website,, (click on the "Diocesan XLlll" tab).  Please be mindful of your fellow delegates and assist those from your congregation without access to a computer.


To read Bishop Bob's letter in its entirety, click here.



Aloha 'Oe, Marie! 

Marie trio aloha party

Irina_MartikainenMarie Elesarke flashes a shaka under a sea of farewell balloons with Peter Pereira, Diocesan Treasurer, and Sharon Billingsley, a member of the Diocesan Council.  Marie, who has served in the Office of the Bishop for 14 years in various positions, and most recently as secretary to Bishop Fitzpatrick, retired on May 20.  Taking her place as Bishop Bob's secretary is Irina Martikainen, pictured at left, who brings a wealth of administrative experience with her.  We wish Marie a wonderful retirement, and welcome Irina in her new position!  (Photos provided by the Bishop's Office.)




Chrism Mass

Chrism Mass 2011 

The annual Chrism Mass was held on Thursday, April 14, at St. Clement's Episcopal Church, where oils of Chrism for Baptism, of the Catechumenate, and of Unction for healing were blessed.  Pictured above are Pam Fern and David Mueh, Eucharistic Ministers from St. Clement's, dispensing oils to Jeff Lilly, Pastor of the Lutheran Church of Honolulu and Fr. David Gierlach of St. Elizabeth's. (Photo provided by Michael Barham.)



Editor's Note:  The following commentary was received on May 3, 2011, two days after President Obama's announcement. 

A Personal Note from Fr. David Jackson: A Christian Response to the Death of Osama bin Laden

As I was following the surprising news reports late Sunday afternoon about the death of Osama bin Laden, I was struck by the vast differences in people's reactions -- some were jubilant, some cautious, some relieved, some hopeful, some mournful.  This gave rise to a question for us all today: What are proper responses as Christians to this news?  How did you respond?


As for me, it's complicated.  On the one hand, I find that I simply can't celebrate anyone's death per se.  As someone told me, "There is enough death in the world already."  And another, "I imagine the joy Osama bin Laden must have brought his family when he was very young."  The death of anyone is regrettable and, in this case, is tinged with a bit of sadness that it had to come to this.


However, I am pleased to see a newly-recovered sense of unity in our country and in most of the world, rejoicing that "right won out over might".  I also marvel that patiently tenacious intelligence gathering and a small contingent of special ops forces did what two wars in the Middle East could not (although we honor and respect our women and men who have given themselves to serve their country and improve our world).


I am glad that Osama bin Laden's days of orchestrating death are over.  In addition, I take comfort that a sense of justice has prevailed over the 9/11 attacks and over other atrocities committed by bin Laden and done in his name.  Finally, I pray and hope that the families and friends of all his victims are brought one step closer to a sense of closure with this news, whether they be Muslims, Christians, Jews, or anyone else.


I don't usually provide lengthy commentary on the day's news, and I invite you to come to your own conclusions.  But this seems different somehow because it meets us right in that place where our faith challenges us.  We are people who, especially during this Easter season, celebrate the power of life, the gift of redemption, and the triumph of God's justice over the forces of death and destruction.


Peace: May it come soon!

Fr. David Jackson+

Church of the Epiphany, Honolulu



Seder Supper at St. Timothy's

Seder supper StNick2

Seder supper StTim

Pictured above, Shauna, Flossie & Pamela from

St. Nick's.  (Photos taken by David Jones.)


On Sunday, April 10, members from St. Nicholas', St. Phillip's and St. Timothy's gathered together with Joy of Christ Lutheran Church and Christ Lutheran Church, to share in a traditional Seder Supper. Over 35 people attended including children that played an active formal role in the Seder dinner.  They helped prepare the ceremonial foods and lead the ceremony by asking questions about the history of the Exodus and why the Israelites celebrate it.    



St. Nicholas Episcopal Church Events:

Easter Worship & Celebration


St. Nick's in Kapolei did things a little differently for Easter this year.  Instead of just the traditional Easter egg hunt and brunch, volunteers carpooled to the Onemalu Transitional Shelter in Kalaeloa, to drive residents to church so that they would have the opportunity to worship on Easter Sunday.  The Easter celebration that followed was in many ways, a continuation of worship.  Instead of stuffing eggs with candy for an egg hunt, their KidZone children made goodie bags, hand decorated and filled with treats to be given to all kids!  To put an emphasis on the spiritual nature of Easter, children were invited to tour "Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus grew up".  Kidzone teachers and teens dressed up in costumes and manned several of the "businesses" that Jesus may have seen in His youth such as a Bead Shop, Olive Oil Shop, the Carpenter's Shop and the Farmers Field, where children stomped ballloon grapes for wine making.  Of course there was Mary's house where Jesus grew up too.  Before entering Nazareth, children were given a handful of shekels where they were able to make purchases at the various shops.  It was a wonderful experience for all involved! (Photos supplied by Bob Windisch.)



StNick_pride4Ewa1  StNick_Pride4Ewa2

On Saturday, April 30, members of St. Nicholas Episcopal Church spent the day sharing the joy of Christ with the Ewa community at the Pride4Ewa celebration.  It is an all day event of entertainment, food, fun and games in Ewa Beach, for a community of over 7,800 households.  St. Nicholas had their own booth featuring face painting, hala weaving, greeter bags and the opportunity to talk to many folks about the joy of coming to worship at St. Nick's!  (Photos from St. Nick's Newsletter.)



St. Elizabeth's Monthly Spaghetti Dinner & Dance

StEliz dancing

StEliz_noraLots of fun, food and dancing took place at the monthly Spaghetti dinner and dance gathering at St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church on Friday, May 27. Above, members get a dance lesson and at left, Aunty Nora prepares the garlic bread in the kitchen.  (Photos from the St. Elizabeth Newsletter.)




St. Peter's Hires New Youth and Young Adult Director

Ja_PasaloAs of June 1st, St. Peter's has hired Ernesto "Jar" Pasalo to be the new Youth Young Adult Director.  Jar has been a long time volunteer and intern for the youth programs at St. Peter's.  He has had years of experience working with the youth of this Diocese through Happening, New Beginnings and God Camp. Jar has a passion for ministry and is very good at what he does.  We are all excited for this addition at St. Peter's and thankful for God's blessing and provision in Jar Pasalo. (Photo and story from St. Peter's Enews.)



Regional Confirmation at St. Michael's and All Angels

2011 Kauai confirmation

Kaua'i's Regional Confirmation Ceremony took place on Saturday, April 30, at St. Michael's and All Angels Episcopal Church in Lihue.  Pictured above, Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick leads the service with Kaua'i clergy, Fr. Ben Nelson, Rev. Mary Lindquist and Fr. Bill Miller, as they received over a dozen confirmands from around the island.  The ceremony was highlighted with wonderful entertainment by talented musicians and Taiko Drumming, followed by a fabulous potluck feast provided by members of St. Michael's.  Congratulations to all of the newly Confirmed into the Episcopal Church!  



Good Shepherd Recognizes 2011 Graduates 

GoodShepherd graduation

On Sunday, June 5, members of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church honored three of their high school graduates during a special Graduation Sunday service.  Pictured with leis are Tiana Manuel, Heather Traje and Mary Basig, with Rev. Marvin Foltz. (Photo from Good Shepherd Facebook site.)



God has no borders processTom_Buechele

God Has No Borders

On Saturday, May 7, the Rev. Tom Buechele, retired Vicar from St  Augustine's, North Kohala, and spouse Jean, participated in the 6th Annual Border Procession along the Arizona and Sonora, Mexico border.  


Fr. Tom, while serving as the Episcopal Border Missioner for the Diocese of Arizona in 2002 - 2005, founded the annual border procession.  He and Jean were the invited guests of the Episcopal Border Ministries and the Naco Wellness Initiative, also co-founded by Tom and Deacon John Mather of Trinity Cathedral Tom_Buechele stageHealth Services in Phoenix, Arizona. Episcopal Border Ministries crossed the border from the Arizona side and walked to the Naco, Sonora plaza with a spirit of unity and with the desire of sharing the diversity that makes the relationship between both border sides stronger.Laity, Bishop Kirk Smith, and clergy from across the Diocese of Arizona and the nation, joined in the annual prayer procession to remind us that "Dios No Tiene Fronteras", God has No Borders.  The Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, will be the special guest in next year's Episcopal Border Ministry event on April 11-14, 2012.


To read more about Rev. Tom and this story click here.



Bishop Stacy Sauls named Episcopal Church Chief Operating Officer 

bishop saulsOn May 31, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori named Bishop Stacy F. Sauls as Chief Operating Officer for the Episcopal Church.


"The Episcopal Church Center exists to support the church in serving a diverse and changing world," noted Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori.  "The churchwide staff has achieved new levels of excellence and innovation as the Church Center has been reorganized and some staff has been dispersed to offices in other geographic regions of the Church.  This transition represents a healthy and forward-looking opportunity to build on that good work.  Bishop Sauls brings a unique set of gifts to the next chapter of this ministry, particularly his distinguished service as a diocesan bishop.  I am deeply grateful that he will join us in facilitating this work."


As COO, Sauls will oversee the staff of the Episcopal Church Center in New York City as well as offices located in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, CA, Seattle, WA, Puerto Rico, and elsewhere.  Sauls will coordinate the work of the Church's mission program, communication, finance and administration duties while assisting the Presiding Bishop in her role as Chief Executive Officer.  He will also be an ex-officio member of the Executive Council and an active member of the board of Episcopal Relief & Development.


To read more about Bishop Sauls and his appointment, click on the following link:



Seminaries Join the Effort to Rebuild Our Church in Haiti

Students at Sewanee's School of Theology and at Virginia Theological Seminary finished the academic year with fundraisers to benefit Rebuild Our Church in Haiti.  Operating independently, the two seminaries are the first to hold student-led initiatives for the national campaign for Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port-au-Prince. 


On April 26, Sewanee's Mission Committee, led by Jessica Babcock, organized a fundraiser with an original goal of $320, or $10 for a brick, to be given in honor of each graduate.  Faculty and staff also wanted to honor the class of 2011, and their added contributions raised the total to $1,500. 


fundraiser HaitiThree days later, the student-led Missionary Society at Virgina Theological Seminary hosted a Concert for Haiti, featuring musical acts by members of the community.  With a goal of 100 bricks, the evening's total was far surpassed in part by the generous offer of seminary Dean Ian Markham, who offered to match whatever was raised that night.  The total raised was $4,434. 


The students feel they have raised something far more important: awareness. VTS Student Body President Rebecca Edwards said, "When I was teaching in Haiti, I realized that The Cathedral is much more than just a place to worship.  It was a center of education - primary and secondary education and the only music school in the country."  Babcock agrees.  "When I learned that rebuilding churches was outside of Episcopal Relief & Development's mission and that the Haiti Cathedral was not insured by the Church Insurance program, I felt we had to help...I felt that without The Cathedral in Haiti, the capitol couldn't heal.  We had to so something as a community."


Rebuild Our Church in Haiti is a national, grass-roots effort launched on the 1st anniversary of the magnitude seven earthquake that decimated Haiti in 2010.  The appeal was authorized by Executive Council in response to the request from Bishop Jean Zach Duracin and the people of Haiti, to help rebuild the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port-au-Prince.  For more information, visit



Affordable Website Services Available
Realizing the challenges in providing and maintaining a strong web presence, the Episcopal Church Office of Communication is offering an innovative, affordable website program.


"If a church can't be Googled, it doesn't exist," explained Anne Rudig, Episcopal Church Director of Communication.  "The easiest way for us to grow our Church is to make it easy for newcomers to find us online.  We are glad to be able to offer affordable websites to congregations and dioceses to help them evangelize."


"Congregations are missing many potential members and opportunities if their church cannot be found online," noted Jake Dell, Episcopal Church Advertising and Marketing Senior Manager.  "Potential church-goers want to 'try before they buy' and, as a result, they look to the web and incresingly to social media to evaluate a church."


For this innovative offering, the Office of Communication is partnering with Monk Development's Ekklesia 360, a well-known global web development firm that builds websites for churches, non-profit organizations, seminaries, and others.  "We wanted to align with a group that has a proven performance and understands the specific needs of churches, and Ekklesia is that group," said Mike Collins, Director of Digital Media.


To learn more about the advantages of the plan and information on website templates, contact Jake Dell.  You can also visit the websites of:


Monk Development:

Ekklesia 360:




Contact Information 

Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor 


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:



Office of the Bishop

229 Queen Emma Square

Honolulu, HI 96815

(808) 536-7776, ext. 326; Neighbor Islands: 1-800-522-8418



 The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.


The deadline for the August 2011 issue is July 29, 2011.