ChronicleHeader purple

In This Issue:
Bishop's Message for Easter
Generosity Displayed to Afflicted Countries
Believing in My Church
Browning Biography Now Available
Camp Mokule'ia Events & Activities
God Camp 2011
St. Timothy's Receives Grant
Queen Emma Lifters Win Oahu Open Contest
All Saints Receives Generous Grant
Presiding Bishop's 2011 Easter Message
Support for Bishop Dawani of Jerusalem
Jubilee Ministry Grants Awarded
Contact Information



Bishop's Calendar


***** APRIL *****.



April 3

Calvary, Kaneohe

April 10

Emmanuel, Kailua



April 16

Diocesan Council, Standing Committee Mtg

April 17

Cathedral (Palm Sunday)

April 21

Cathedral (Holy Thursday)

April 22

Cathedral (Good Friday)

April 24

Cathedral (Easter Sunday)

April 30

St. Michael's and All Angels', Kauai Regional Confirmation


***** MAY *****



May 22

St. Matthews, Waimanalo



May 9 - 17 


May 19

St. Andrew's Priory Ascension Day

May 21

Diocesan Council, Standing Committee Mtg

May 24 - 25

Bishop's Colleague Group, Bishop's Ranch, CA

May 27 - 28

Seabury Hall Baccalaureate & Graduation

May 29

St. Andrew's Priory Baccalaureate





We want to feature your stories!

Share the news and photos of events in your parish with the rest of the diocese!  Send your submissions to:






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Vision for Our Diocese


All Episcopalians in Hawai`i shall work together to create a Church filled with visible and spirit-driven Christians - Christians who are eager to share our Episcopal tradition and faith, and traditional Hawaiian spiritual values, with those who have not yet found a spiritual anchor in their lives.


1)  Convert our Hearts to Accept Jesus' Gospel Message and to Live in a Deep Relationship with God.  
2)  Transform the Episcopal Church in Hawai`i and Congregations to Vital and Vibrant Faith Communities.  
3)  Evangelize to Share God's Love in Our Communities.  
4)  Reduce the structure and administration costs of the Diocese so that its operations, including its bodies, are directed to supporting transformation and growth.

The Five Marks of Mission of the Worldwide Anglican Communion:

1)  To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
2)  To teach, baptize and nurture new believers
3)  To respond to human need by loving service
4)  To seek to transform unjust structures of society
5)  To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth




Diocese Logo
The E-Newspaper of the
Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
April 2011

Bishop FitzpatrickBishop's Message for Easter 


Aloha ke Akua:

In the Spring of 1940, Father Kenneth Bray addressed the graduating seniors of St. Andrew's Priory School for Girls. Now Father Bray, an episcopal priest and graduate of my own seminary in New York City, had many ministries in Honolulu throughout the 1930's and '40's. He was the priest for St. Mark's Church, Kapahulu, and for the Hawaiian congregation at St. Andrew's Cathedral. He was the coach of both the baseball and the football teams at 'Iolani School. In fact, the famous "One Team" motto and spirit celebrated at 'Iolani come from Father Bray. His picture and bust are prominent in that School's athletic facilties.

He was also the chaplain at the Priory. And so, on a Spring day in 1940, as the young women prepared for graduation, he addressed them:

A friend of mine has two photographs of himself on his mantelpiece-- not because he is vain, but because he wishes to point a lesson.


The one photograph is of himself in Captain's uniform, and is labeled "Peace"; the other is of himself in Priest's vestments and is labeled "War".


The lesson he wishes to teach is that it is only during Peace that any effective War can be waged against those things which promote and provoke war.


Today, we have peace, while the world is at war.


And tonight, you alone are enjoying the proper climax of a graduated procession which, for years, has progressed from Kindergarten, the grades and through High School-- while your cousins by the million in China, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and England, who have made the same journey, class by class, in step with you, have only the cimax of destruction despair and death.


It is for you in Peace to wage War for them.


For this War you have the only effective Weapon.


It is the Catholic Faith---Faith in the one God, and Father of us all.


The Faith that demands Love and Justice and Sacrifice, on the part of the individual and the nation in their every transaction.


The Faith that teaches us to live not for ourselves, but for God.


Not for ourselves, but for others.


This Catholic Faith has educated you at the Priory.


It has educated you well only if it has made you an active force for Fellowship, Righteousness and Love.


While others must lie helpless in war, you who are in peace must take up the burden of the Gospel of Incarnate Love in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.


This is your Graduation Duty and Privilege.


God bless you, and help you to be Worthy.


How sad it is that seventy-one years later, the world still knows the pain of war. Just as his students from 'Iolani would be off to war within eighteen months, so the sons and daughters of the Islands are again caught in wars in far off lands. Like that generation, people are again worried about bank failures and home foreclosures.

And yet, this Easter, the same active force -- the Gospel of Incarnate Love -- gives our lives meaning: the active force of Fellowship, Righteousness and Love.

In the story of Good Friday, there are three crosses on the hill. I suggest the Christian journey is one with three crosses: Fellowship, Righteousness and Love. In good times and bad, there stand the three crosses.

The Love of God is present in the first cross: the death of Jesus Christ on Good Friday. The first cross is the very symbol of our faith. It is the God of the Cross who gathers all that is broken, sinful and alone in our lives into the divine life and overcomes death itself.

The fellowship of believers is present in the second cross. Those first disciples shrank from Jesus at Good Friday and that first cross. But soon, those disciples stepped up and suffered for their faith. Through the centuries, Christians have suffered and have been martyred for their faith. The cross of Fellowship stands before each of us. Does our faith make a difference?

The third cross is that of righteousness. This is the cross of world suffereing: The judgment of God upon injustice. On the road to Calvary, Jesus turned to the women and said, "O Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves and your children." Where there is selfishness, hatred, violence, cruelty, lust and anger, there stands the cross of righteousness to point a new way.

The Cross of Love, the Cross of Fellowship, the Cross of Righteousness

These crosses only have meaning after Easter. That is what Father Bray knew, that is what we know. Christ has died, Chris is Risen, Christ will come again. That is the message of Easter. The suffering is not over--Jesus calls to follow through his love into fellowship to live in righteousness.

Father Bray knew -- we know that it is through the love of God that we can see the world through the eyes of love. At Easter, the cross has meaning. All that is broken, lost, hurt and alone is taken into God and made holy at the resurrection. In the fellowship of Christ - in our suffering - we become the hands of God to act for God and the very lips of God to speak the words of love. Living in Righteousness, we are called to be the voice of justice. Our hands are the hands of God to feed the hungry. Our voices are to call our the cry for peace.

Fellowship, Righteousness and Love: That is the meaning of Easter. Through the cross, the world is transfomed and we - you and I - are the Body of Christ bringing Love into the world.

So, like Father Bray, we look at a world in war and a time of financial crisis. We are called to the same place - into an Easter faith that demands Fellowship, Righteousness and Love.

For those who are helpless in war, we must again take up the burden of Peace. For those who are homeless and hungry, we must take up the burden to house the homelss and feed the hungry. We must take up the burden of Incarnate Love. Love in life for the Love of Life, and for the Love of God.

This is my prayer for us this Easter:

Almighty Father, who gave your only Son to die for our sins and to rise for our justification: Give us grace so to put away the leaven of malice and wickedness, that we may always serve you in pureness and living in fellowship, righteousness and love: through Jesus Christ your Son and our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Aloha ma o Iesu Kristo, ko makou Haku,



The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick



Generosity Displayed to Afflicted Countries

Members of churches throughout the Diocese of Hawaii opened their hearts and wallets to support relief efforts to countries recently afflicted by natural disasters.  The Bishop's appeal for special collections for victims of the New Zealand earthquake that hit in February, and the horrific earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan's northern cities in March, have generated thousands of dollars.  Donations are still coming in, and to date, $13,373 has been collected for New Zealand, and $19,285 for Japan.  Mahalo to everyone in the Diocese for your show of support, and to all those that have donated directly to the Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) and other relief organizations.  


To read more about the ERD's work in Japan to support Nippon Sei Ko Kai (NSKK, the Anglian Communion in Japan), and Archbishop Nathaniel Uematsu's recent visit to Sendai, click here



Believing in My Church and the Nicene Creed

By Jane M. Tonokawa


 Art Kusumoto is a person who has been around the Diocese of Hawai'i a long time and known by many in the Diocese.  I have had the sincere pleasure of knowing Art for many years.  We currently serve on the Planned Giving Commission together.  His dedication to Episcopal ministries locally and nationally, has been distinctive and honorable.


Art was baptized and confimed at St. Andrew's Cathedral in 1952, a month before he was to wed Julia.  Congratulatons to the couple who will celebrate their 59th wedding anniversary this month.  They currently reside in Wailuku, Maui, and are members of St. John's Church in Kula.


In the early 1970s, the Kusumoto's started their lay ministry work at Holy Nativity Church in Aina Haina under the guidance of The Rev. Charles Crane.  After being the church treasurer and delegate to the annual meeting of the convention, Art started to participate in Diocesan ministries as well.  He served on the Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, and was also a deputy to the General Convention for six consecutive terms.  Numerous Diocesan commissions and the Camp Mokule'ia board were fortunate to have Art's wisdom and gifts. 


Nationally, Art has served in Province 8 positions and most notably, as an elected trustee of the Church Pension Fund from 1994 to 2006 (encompassing two terms).  He was one of 24 members of this prestigious board elected by the General Convention.


StJohnsJoining the small church in Kula in 1993, Art has dedicated nearly two decades as a leader (Senior Warden) of St. John's.  When asked about why he has remembered St. John's in his will, the humble, well-mannered man responds, "I believe the words in the Nicene Creed affirming my faith in God, and I believe in the future of St John's.  That's why I want to give back to the church, so that others can have the same experience that I had."


Consider Art Kusumoto's stewardship the next time you are faced with an opportunity to affirm and live out your faith.  As an extension to this, ask other members or the priest of your church about deceased members who have left legacies and how those funds were used for the good of the people.  Please consider remembering your church and/or any Episcopal ministry in your estate plans.  Resources are available here or by contacting Peter Pereira at


If you have already remembered an Episcopal ministry in your estate plans, then you are a member of the Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society of the Diocese.  Please contact Peter so that you can receive correspondence from the Diocese.  Society members gather annually.  Our next Oahu celebration will be on Saturday, August 13, 2011, and all Society members are invited to attend.  Similar gatherings (dates to be determined) will take place on Maui, Kauai and Hawai'i.


Browning Biography Now Available

BrowningBioFrom Episcopal News service: Browning's six decades of ministry in the church are the topic of a new biography, "The Heart of a Pastor: A Life of Edmond Lee Browning", by Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook, a professor of theology and religious education at Claremont School of Theology and professor of anglican studies at the Episcopal Theological School at Claremont, and published by Forward Movement Publications.  Browning, international peacemaker, promoter of the ordination of women and gays, spiritual advocate for people with HIV/AIDS and defender of minorities and other marginalized people in the church, declared that there "will be no outcasts" during his acceptance speech on September 12, 1985, in Anaheim, California, at the 68th General Convention...During his term as presiding bishop, Browning visited South Africa, Palestinian refugee camps in the West Bank and Gaza; AIDS wards in San Francisco at the height of the epidemic, El Salvador, East Asia, Burma, Panama, Nicaragua, Haiti and Cuba, and was the first Anglican primate to visit China.  He met with Yassar Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and was at the White House in 1993 when the Oslo Accord, the first ever face-to-face meetings between Israel and the PLO, was signed. 

From John L. Kater, Church Divinity School of the Pacific: "To read The Heart of A Pastor is to become even more aware of just how appropriate is the title, and I recommend it to anyone who wishes to be reminded that the greatness of a church, like that of any person, is best revealed in the compassion of its heart."

Click here to order a copy through the Forward Movement website.



Editor's Note:  Although the E-Chronicle is generally intended to report on events & news that have happened, (whereas the E-News is used for announcing upcoming events,) some announcements will be appearing in the first couple of E-Chronicle issues to make up for the time lapse during this transition period.   


Camp Mokuleia

Camp Mokule'ia Events & Activities:  


"Were you there?"... A journey through Good Friday to Easter morning at Camp Mokule'ia, April 22-24, 2011. 

Using a variety of experiences, participants can re-create for themselves the extraordinary time from Jesus' crucifixion until His resurrection.  People are invited to come and participate in any portion or all of the weekend experience.  For detailed information and camp schedule, click here or email  


Celebration of the Ministry of Camp Mokule'ia and dedication of the refurbished chapel space, Saturday, April 30th 

David TurnerThe Episcopal Church in Hawai'i and the Hawai'i Conference of the United Church of Christ have jointly called UCC minister, Rev. David Baumgart Turner, to ministry as the Executive Director at Camp Mokule'ia.  David and his staff invite you to a celebration of this call and the ministry of Camp Mokule'ia.  The service will be held in the chaped at Camp Mokule'ia at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 30th, and will include a dedication of the refurbished chapel space. 


Recently, five prominent Hawaiian artists and twenty young aspiring artists (ages 10 - 19) convened at Camp Mokule'ia, and in a five-day explosion of spirit-inspired creativity, they painted a magnificent mural in the chapel that celebrates the utter beauty and abundance of God's creation at Mokule'ia and the transformative spirit of God's presence in our lives. 


Please come and join in this wonderful celebration.  A walking tour of the camp and some of its new initiatives will take place at 10:00 a.m., and a free lunch for all attendees will follow the 11:00 a.m. service.  A free-will offering to help with the costs of the chapel refurbishment will be collected during the service.


For more information please contact David Turner at 808-637-6241, or email him.  Camp Mokule'ia is located at 68-729 Farrington Highway, Waialua. HI.




God Camp 2011

GodCamp2011 flyer



StTimothySt. Timothy's Receives Grant

St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Aiea has received a $50K grant from the Samuel N. & Mary Castle Foundation.  The money will be used to renovate their preschool.  Plans are currently underway with renovations to begin shortly.





Queen Emma Lifters Win Oahu Open Contest

By Keku Akana


A small contingent of lifters traveled to Oahu on February 12th, from Maui's Good Shepherd Church, Queen Emma Athletic Club Outreach Program, and won their school age division weight classes.


Kela Kauhaahaa lifted a total of 110 lbs to win the girls 105 lb. weight class school-age division (age Under 12); Colten Brittain Kepani won the boys school-age (age Under 16) Superheavyweisght class, with a total lift of 341 lbs.; and Joey Kauhaahaa, lifting in the 200 lb. class school-age division age 14, had the second highest total lifts of the contest with a Snatch of 198 lbs. and a Clean & Jerk of 253 lbs.


The youth trained at the St. Mark Weightlifting Hall, located at the Church of Good Shepherd in Wailuku, under the direction of Coach Brian Okada.  The program was started in June of 2003, in an effort to offer a free program and reach out for service to the at-risk, poor and neighboring kids in the greater Wailuku area of Maui.  An average of 30 - 45 youth use the facility twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays for regular workouts, and the doors are also open on Mondays, Wednesdays and some Fridays for those who desire to enter formal competition. 


The Queen Emma Athletic Club is a Jubilee ministry of the Church of the Good Shepherd.  You may visit the Episcopal Churches National Website under Jubilee Ministry, for a video posting of the program.


We extend our thanks to Cora Brown, Church Secretary for Good Shepherd Church, for assisting in the travel arrangements and coordination of the trip, and to Coach Brian Okada, who dedicated months of five-day-a-week workouts with the "Emma kids"! 



All Saints' Receives Generous Grant for Community Programs

Members of All Saints' Church in Kapa'a will have their hands full this summer, as the church was awarded a generous grant from the Antone & Edene Vidinha Charitable Trust (Bank of Hawaii, trustee), for several community programs.  Topping the list is funding for the 6th annual Fun In Fellowship Dodgeball Tournament, that attracts over 300 participants aged 4 to 64, including returning visitors from the mainland and outer islands.  Also in the works will be Friday Night Sports Nights in the All Saints' Gym, offering youth a healthy activity in a safe environment.  A successful movie night on the lawn last October prompted the third program, which will bring at least three more family friendly movie nights to the community.  All of the events are offered to the community free of charge, and are run by volunteers of All Saints' Church.    


At last year's FIF Dodgeball Tournament, the Popsicle Melters captured second place in the 13 & Under division and Best Sportsmanship for the Youth Division





Jefferts SchoriPresiding Bishop's 2011 Easter Message:

"We give thanks for the Resurrection, and we become part of Jesus' ongoing work, as we become aware of its power in our own lives."


The Ressurection must be understood in significantly different images and metaphors in the southern hemisphere, when Easter always arrives in the transition from summer to winter.  Even as a hard, hard winter lingers on in northern climes, with unaccustomed April snow in many places, we yearn for the new life we know is waiting around the corner. As Christians, we're meant to have the same hunger for the new creation emerging all around us.


We can see the broken places of our world either as complete and utter disaster, or as seedbeds - graves, even - in which God is doing a new thing.  The situation in Haiti is dire, yet day by day and person by person hope lightens and leavens.  Plans are emerging for civic reconstruction in Port-au-Prince that would bless the nation with pride in its heritage and more effective government.  The Episcopal Church is a partner in those possibilities, as the vision for a rebuilt cathedral takes form.  The graves are becoming gardens, at Cathedrale Sainte-Trinite and College St. Pierre.  New and more life-giving relationships are emerging between development ministries and the lives of the people.  Resurrection is happening in many places, even if one must search for it, like looking for the first buds on the trees as ice and snow give way to the warmth of spring.


The aftermath of earthquake and tsunami in Japan continues to look a great deal like winter, and the trials and failures at Daiichi Fukushima currently resonate more with apocalypse than Easter.  Yet across notheastern Japan, the work of the faithful is feeding senior citizens, ministering to displaced persons in shelters, and prompting challenging questions about social priorities, energy use, and consumerist lifestyles.


The gift of Easter insists that human beings are capable of divine relationship, for as Athanasius put it, "God became human that human beings might become divine."  The life, death, passion, and resurrection of Jesus are the cosmic insistence that nothing can separate us from the divine passion for humanity.  Easter people are imprinted with the assurance that God is always working some new grace of creation out of death and destruction.


For most of us, the dying is not cosmic.  It may start with a small willingness to set aside self, or a new opportunity for grafting onto a greater whole.  Or it may involve lowering the barriers between self and other to become more readily aware of our fundamental oneness, our common heritage as offspring of the Holy One.  If we are to be followers of Jesus, we share the work he did on our behalf.  We give thanks for the Resurrection, and we become part of Jesus' ongoing work, as we become aware of its power in our own lives.


May your Eastertide be filled with the grace of new life.  Go, discover, and BE resurrection for the world around you.


The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori

Presiding Bishop and Primate

The Episcopal Church



Suppport for Bishop Dawani of Jerusalem



I urge all Episcopalians in the Diocese of Hawai'i to read the following article and to follow, if conscience allows, the Presiding Bishop's request (see below) to write the President, our Senators and our Representatives urging support of Bishop Dawani.




The Right Reverent Robert L. Fitzpatrick

The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i


Bishop DawaniFollowing the March 25 - 30 meeting of the House of Bishops, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and the house have written letters requesting support for Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, Suheil Dawani, who has been denied the customary residency permit allowing him to live in Jerusalem. 


A letter from the House of Bishops outlines the difficulties faced by Dawani and the charges levied against him by the Israeli government--charges that Dawani has vehemently denied--and asks Israeli ambassadors for their help in resolving the matter as soon as possible.


"Because of the current situation, the bishop is unable to conduct any legal business on behalf of the diocese, and is crippled in his ability to run the day to day affairs of his diocese, which comprises schools, churchs and hospitals in Israel, the West Bank and occupied territories, Gaza, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon," the bishops wrote.


Jefferts Schori's letter is addressed to The Episcopal Church:


At our meeting in Kanuga, North Carolina, 25-30 March 2011, we considered the plight of our fellow Christians in the land of the Holy One.  Bishop Suheil Dawani, of the Dicoese of Jerusalem, has for many months been gravely limited in his ability to function as leader of that diocese.  We urge your reflection on the following letter, and your response as you deem most appropriate.  Change is likeliest when the leaders of our governments know of our urgent concern.


In every part of The Episcopal Church, your response is is most likely to be effective when directed to Israel's ambassador to your nation, to your national leader - President and/or Prime Minister, and/or to your legislative representatives in your national government.


In the dioceses of The Episcopal Church within the United States, those contacts are:

Ambassador Oren (

President Obama (

House of Representatives (

Senate (


In the dioceses of The Episcopal Church beyond the United States, we urge you to work with your diocesan bishop if you are uncertain about how to contact the Israeli Ambassador, your President or Prime Minister, and your legislators.


May God bless the land of the Holy One with peace.  I remain


Your servant in Christ,

The Most Rev. Katharin Jefferts Schori

Presiding Bishop and Primate

The Episcopal Church



Jubilee Ministry Grants Awarded for Episcopal Church Programs and Mission Work

Jubilee logoThe Social and Economic Justice Office of the Episcopal Church Center has awaded 103 Jubilee Ministry grants in 50 dioceses for 2010 and 2011 in five categories for more than $157,250 to support mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church.


The 2010 categories are: health and nutrition, building a just society, and diocesan development.  The 2011 categories are Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) workshop funding and summer camp partnership grants.


Jubilee Ministries are congregations or agencies with connections to the Episcopal Church whose mission efforts affect the lives of those in need, addressing basic human needs and justice issues.  Grants to Jubilee ministries are awarded annually.


For a complete listing of recipients and to learn more about the Jubilee Ministry program, visit the Episcopal Church website here.  (Note: The Queen Emma Lifters program in the Maui Happenings article is a Jubilee Ministry recipient.)




Contact Information 

Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor 


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:



Office of the Bishop

229 Queen Emma Square

Honolulu, HI 96815

(808) 536-7776, ext. 326; Neighbor Islands: 1-800-522-8418



The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.


The deadline for the June 2011 issue is May 27, 2011.