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Picture Yourself in a National Park during 

National Park Week!

This year, National Park Week is taking place from April 21st to April 29th and the theme is all about picturing yourself in a park. Check out the NPS celebration and find out how to get out and explore this week, during which there is free admission!


Here at Conservation + Recreation, our staff love to get out and play, paddle, or hike. This week on our facebook page, we'll be sharing some of our pictures out in parks, whether local, state, or national. Do you have a favorite shot to share?  We would love it if you took a moment to post your pictures and encourage us all to picture ourselves there as well.


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Could your project benefit from collaboration with a National Park Service specialist?
If you're restoring a river, building a community trail, or making an urban park flourish, we'd love to talk with you about ways we could work together.
Call or email your regional representative today.

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Conservation + Recreation
is written to support and inform our organizational partners, friends of the program, potential partners, and Department of the Interior staff. It's our chance to share activities and successes and those of our partners. For details on specific projects, please contact the staff person involved with each project.

Images courtesy National Park Service except as noted.