In this newsletter we have: - A new tangle: IX,
- Some great Zentangle eye candy, and:
Last Minute Seminar Openings Although our September 23-26 Certified Zentangle Teacher seminar has been full for quite a while, "life happened" for a couple people who had to change their plans at the last minute.
At this moment, we have openings for: - 1 student in a shared room (female only)
- 1 day student (If you're traveling, there are other hotels close by.)
This will be on a first come/first served basis. Please email Martha at events@zentangle.com to sign up and ask questions. Now, on to the newsletter! |
New Tangle: IX
We will often introduce a new tangle at seminar. For our ninth seminar, we introduced IX.
IX's inspiration began with this painting we saw at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York City:
Our first efforts did not have the triangle at the end. We added it later to bring a bit more contrast to this tangle. However, the layering/aura-ing introduced here works either way.
IX looks complicated yet it is easy and fun to tangle. It relies primarily on a seed shape surrounded by a series of auras. As you add seed shapes and continue to aura on all the shapes in a hollibaugh or, drawn behind, manner, an interwoven three dimensional layering develops which is also fun and dynamic to shade.
Zentangle Eye Candy
Here are some delicious treats we've received recently:
A.L. in Florida writes:
Dear Maria and Rick,
I discovered your Zentangles a few years ago from an article in an art magazine, and thought what a great way to start a class of beginning high school students in their art experience. I have introduced the concepts of Line, Shape and Form (shading), Value , balance, pattern, emphasis and contrast to these students. It is important to me that they learn these concept by using them and knowing how they used them. It is a lesson that is non threatening for students who are in my art class for their fine arts graduation credit, not for their love of art. Some of these students have not been in an art class since sixth grade. Those talented students who are there because they want to be just embrace the freedom of these designs. I love this lesson and so do the students. Here are a couple of examples. Note from Rick & Maria: We invite teachers of elementary, middle, and high school students to take a look at our new Zentangle Apprentice Classroom Pack #1. -----+----- In case you missed this blog entry, please take a few moments to enjoy Zachary's time-lapse video of his Zentangle tile. It's definitely a treat. Here's his direct link or you can watch it on YouTube:
 | Zentangle in Motion |
-----+----- Thought you might enjoy my chalk board! -BN -----+----- Hi Rick and Maria! I just took a workshop, and loved it. I wanted to share my artwork with you.
Thanks for the inspiration! -SA
Fina Man, CZT (Hong Kong), shares circular versions of beeline:
. . . and chainging:
Sandra Westcott, CZT (Alaska), writes:
Hi Everyone,
I thought you might enjoy seeing some photos from two recent shows:
Show #1 - Under the Influence This show opened on First Friday this month at the (new) Co-Op Arts Learning Center in Fairbanks. I have a few pieces in it to fill in some blank spaces on the walls but the focus was work done by people who have been through my workshops and how Zentangle is influencing the work they do outside of the workshop setting. It's quite a ripple effect from Rick & Maria's influence:
Show #2 Third Friday at the North Pole Grange (For those of you not familiar with the area, North Pole is the name of a small town a few miles east of Fairbanks.) This was a two day event last weekend including a workshop on Saturday. I shared the space with Cynthia West Hanson who paints gorgeous mega-size flowers. The combination of her big paintings and my mini-tangled pieces made for a great experience for viewers.
Thank you everyone!
Thanks again for enjoying this wonderful adventure with us.
More soon!
With best regards,
Rick and Maria