Zentangle (R)
In this issue...
New Tangle: Fengle
CZT Seminar Dates
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories


102 Tangles

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

March 17, 2012


We have lots to share with you!
  • Stories from our time at NAEA
  • Some awesome feedback
  • A new tangle, fengle 
  • Dates for our next two CZT seminars 
More info below.







Earlier this month, we gave mini-workshops at the National Art Education Association (NAEA) in the Sakura booth. (Sakura makes the pens we use.) 


We gave 30 minute classes on the hour and the half hour! (They were supposed to be 20 minutes, but once we got going we blew right through that limit.) We probably gave about 25 mini-workshops . . . whew! Here's a hastily grabbed phone camera view from inside the booth.




We had between 20 - 30 people at each event. Those who couldn't work on the counter had small 8 inch square gatorboard "palm boards" for support. 


At the end of one mini-workshop a lady got our attention. She said she had come by just to tell us her story. She teaches art at a college in Boston. (It was either BC or BU, we forget.) She and her students had begun an outreach program with patients in Children's Hospital in Boston, specifically in the chemotherapy wing. 


When a child goes there for treatment, his or her arm is strapped down and the chemo is administered. It must be awfully painful because according to her, the children cry a lot. 


She and her students worked with the hospital staff to immobilize the kids' non-dominant arms so they could be free to draw. They taught the children how to draw using the Zentangle method during treatment. 


"I just wanted to let you know the powerful impact that Zentangle is having that you may not know about," she said. "When these children created their Zentangle tiles, they stopped crying. No more tears!" 


She described how these children became focused on creating and how they valued their tiles as a talisman of this critical part of their life's journey. 


Well, after hearing this and holding this woman's hand, tears were running freely. Our next class began with explaining why we were crying!




Here are some recent letters we have received that we thought you would enjoy reading.


Dear Maria and Rick,


My granddaughter is four. No matter what she might be doing at the time, if I pick up a pen and a tile or a sketch book she's at my side instantly. She has her own little book and pencil and I have no doubt that she will be creating her own tangles very soon. The Zentangle process is such a natural for children - they're so creative and they haven't yet been told that they aren't able to draw!


As always, thank you sharing your fantastic art with all of us!




Thanks and love what you've done for expressive art 




Hi Rick and Maria! 


wigA patient at our cancer center inspired me to tangle a styrofoam wig form to present to a patient who had just lost all her hair due to chemotherapy treatments. Not only was this project therapeutic for me to complete, but the benefit for me was nothing compared to the smiles and gratitude of the recipient as she now had an artsy display for her newly acquired hairpieces. 


As a new graduate of the CZT program (October 2011) and as a social worker at a cancer center; I am spreading the benefits of Zentangle through classes for our patients and family members. I am constantly rewarded for the knowledge of this art form as I witness the decrease in anxiety and the increase in self-worth (cancer can create much uncertainty) as this population re-discovers the artist from within themselves. 


Much thanks and appreciation to you both! 




Dear Rick and Maria- 

I just wanted to write to say thanks so much for Zentangle! I recently purchased a kit from your website and couldn't be more thrilled with it. It's all so very interesting and beautiful and I can't wait to get into it more! 


cardI just wanted to share this picture with you-my 12 year old daughter. She drew a birthday card for her grandma and I just had to share with you. It gives us something to do together and I'm grateful for that! 


I agree with people that say they have no talent until they tried zentangle---it's opened my eyes in ways that I never considered before and I notice details in everything! 


Again, just so appreciative! Thanks so much!  


New Tangle: fengle

Rick and I were recently in a restaurant called "Feng's" (pronounced, fangs) and I said, "Let me show you a new tangle I've been working on." I wanted to see if he could easily de-construct it (because he's really good at it).

Just then, Molly called and Rick answered and told her where we were. "You should see the new tangle Mum's working on!"

Without skipping a beat, Molly said, "Ricky, you must mean a Fengle!"

(Now you know one the secrets behind our complicated methods we have developed for naming our precious tangles. Just thought maybe you should know. :-)


As you create this jewel of a tangle, keep in mind that all the basic curves are "S" shaped curves. 

I have been playing with spirals for some time now. I have maybe 45-50 Zentangles of attempts to get to this point. Some of the other ones were ok but just didn't have the pizzazz and "complex simplicity" we look for. 

Early explorations from Field Book:




Which evolved to:


You will see as you progress, like with mooka, you can add auras inside and outside the image, dance it behind a la hollibaugh, fill in gaps within to make a more even color and make it a bit more complicated looking. 

In this next example, notice how after completing your first full fengle, you can use those tips as starting points for a whole new set of "S's".

When I (Rick) do fengle, I tend to retrace the ends of my "S" so that it is more pointy. Also since this tangle has such an obvious "over" and "under" it is a great one to shade:

There's a lot to have fun with here.



CZT Seminar Training Dates for 2012

We will open our Certified Zentangle Teacher seminar registration next week. We'll send out a newsletter announcing when it's open.

We are holding two more classes this year:
  • August 12 - 15
  • September 23 - 26
We look forward to meeting you and working with you.


We are grateful to share this wonderful adventure with you. 

We are also grateful that you have invited us into your inbox! We only send newsletters to those who request it. We also never share your email. 

CCawardIn recognition of this we again received an "All Star" award from Constant Contact.

They wrote, "Your efforts last year to reach your customers and engage with them were exemplary. Stellar. Your customers noticed and responded positively. And we saw it. That's why we're incredibly proud to name you to our roster of 2011 All Stars.

"Only 10% of our customers achieve All Star status every year. That you've managed to do it for consecutive years puts you in an even more elite class, which makes your accomplishment even more noteworthy."

Thanks to all of you who "responded positively" to Constant Contact. We appreciate it!




Rick and Maria

About Zentangle

Zentangle describes an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from structured patterns.

email: rickandmaria@zentangle.com
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com

� 2012 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved