Zentangle (R)
In this issue...
Blog Award
Nature Tangles
CZT Training
Great Comments
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories


102 Tangles

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

January 21, 2012


Wow . . . the first month of 2012 is almost finished! 
We have a new tangle to share with you in this newsletter contributed by Diane Lachance, CZT. You can use this to tangle to momentarily step off time's carousel and enjoy a calm space.
Also, take a look at some great Zentangle creativity and news going on around this world in our samples and examples below.
Be sure to check out the comments at the end.
Welcome to all our new readers.


Rick and Maria  


ParaSailZ Tangleation 

Diane Lachance, CZT, sent this to us. It's a great tangleation of paradox


Diane writes:

The Inspiration
weekly challenge from I am the Diva-CZT challenged me to play with the Zentangle� tangle paradox. I find it interesting that patterns I initially am not drawn to, when experimented with, become some of my favorites.

I got a real chuckle out of the Zentangle blog post response to this challenge, specifically the last image in the post. 

True to the promise of what Zentangle has to offer, the lines on my paper started to dance and take form. One thing led to another and the analogies appeared one by one. Or was it two by two?

The Tangle Unfolding
The shape of the sail, a triangle with curved lines, began the unfolding. Having an "Escher" moment, I completed the square in a mirror type fashion. It was then that I had what I like to tell my students is an "Emeril" moment. Bam! Two sails! Better yet, a "Pair of Sails" to go with a "Pair of Docks!"

It wasn't until later that the second "Emeril" moment occurred. While considering the possibilities of shading this pattern, the "Z" sprang to life and then I really had a good laugh.

How unexpected, and what fun! I just had to pass it on.

The Name:

The Pattern:
Possible Borders:

Happy tangling!

Diane Lachance, CZT


Thank you so much for sending that, Diane!

Tip: When you do a tangle like paradox, it's most helpful to turn your tile for each stroke.

Speaking of "I am the Diva" . . .  


We are thrilled that Laura Harms' blog I am the Diva-CZT was nominated "one of the most fascinating teaching blogs" of 2011!




According to the nominating website:



The Most Fascinating Blog Awards are an annual collection of the web's most inspirational and thought-provoking blogs.
To be nominated for the award, your blog must:
  • Inspire your audience
  • Encourage discussion through comment posting
  • Contain genuinely fascinating content
Blogs are nominated by our editorial team and are voted on by our readers.

Now that Laura has been nominated, you get to vote for her starting today(!) January 21 through January 26.
So . . . we encourage you to place your vote here for iamthedivablogspot like this:

You'll have to look around for Laura's entry because there are about 100 entries and they change the order every time they display the list. You can look for it, or search for it. I missed it the first time, but it's there!
After you click on the circle, scroll to the bottom (there's a window within the window) and click "Done". 
Congratulations, Laura. 
Good Luck!



Nature Tangles

Many of our tangles are inspired by patterns found in nature. 

However, an avid tangler and Zentangle blogger in India, Dilip, took this concept to a new level in his recent Zentangle creation. We blogged about this recently, but in case you missed it, we're including it here.

Here's a small view:


Please take a look at his blog entry to read his story, see how he created his string and enjoy full size images including the one above.

Creative and inspiring.

Thank you, Dilip.

February CZT Training

If you are interested in exploring our Certified Zentangle Teacher program, whether to:

  • Become certified to teach within your organization, or
  • Teach the Zentangle method as a business, or
  • Learn more about Zentangle and meet wonderful people,

read about our CZT seminars here.


We have room in our February class but must confirm our count with the hotel shortly. So, if you'd like to attend, please register here soon.


If you have any questions at all, just let us know and we'll be happy to answer them.





Great Comments

Thanks for your speedy reply, great to know you ship to UK.  I must tell you, since I have been Zentangling I have been sleeping so much better and feel much calmer generally during the daytime. My 13 year old daughter also had trouble sleeping so I got her trying Zentangle and she too has felt better and slept well.  Thanks for the therapy it really does work!  E.


Zentangling has kept me going. My brother died in September last year and sitting with him in the hospital and after when I am alone it has kept me together. I travel with a mini kit of tiles and pens in my purse and when a moment presents itself I am drawing. Thank you for creating this. B.


Hi Rick and Maria,

From the first time I made my way to your web page, I've been so impressed with the very thoughtful and intentional way you've nurtured the business you've created.  I'm sending along a photo I took while traveling in Romania.  The sign in the photo was hanging in our hotel in Budapest, and was intended to serve as a reminder to protect their belongings from theft.  


I'm not sure how accurate the German and French translations were, but the English translation, while technically inaccurate, has always served as a valuable reminder to me.  I feel like it also echoes clearly what you are doing as you make your decisions.

All the best to you.  I'm hoping to take the CZT training in August, and looking forward to hearing more about it in the newsletter.






Dear Rick and Maria....my grand daughter introduced me to Zentangle a few months ago...she was directed to your website in her 6th grade art class. I was immediately hooked and have 'dabbled' with Zentangle some. I gave my grandson your Zentangle kit for Christmas and 'off he went'! He was so pleased that the card you enclosed was done especially for him and that it was done by a master 'Zentangler". He is satisfied in completing a project and sharing his work with others. Zentangle is a big help to concentration. Thank you for sharing your art with others on your website and giving me the opportunity to share with him !   







We are so grateful to be able to share this wonderful adventure with you!


Best from all of us at Zentangle,


Rick and Maria

About Zentangle

Zentangle describes an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: rickandmaria@zentangle.com
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com

� 2012 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved