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In this issue...
New Tangle: Betweed
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Zentangle Ensemble

September 28, 2010


In this issue we have a special treat:
  • A new tangle, betweed
  • Our first online video instructional


This is our new favorite tangle. After you try it, we think it will be yours, too.

Betweed is easy to create - just one stroke! It's at home in narrow borders as well as large open areas and it plays well with other tangles.

We named it betweed because when we were developing it we posted something online with a typo - "betweed" instead of "between."

"That would make a good tangle name," someone said, and they were right. Betweed is appropriate because it suggests intricate weavings and layerings.

Have fun with this one!


Zentangle Posts First YouTube Video

is our inaugural video. We think you'll have as much fun watching it as we did creating it.

Please send us your comments and suggestions. You can post them on YouTube under this video or email us.

Go to our blog entry for this newsletter to see high resolution images of these three Zentangles which we create on our video.




Let's watch! Click Zentangle's Betweed.

Hint: You can increase this video's resolution. When you get to YouTube, in the lower right of the panel, click on 360p and change it to 480p. That will give you a sharper image on your screen.

Thank you again for sharing in this wonderful adventure! 

Remember to visit us at BLOG Zentangle for (almost) daily postings.

Rick and Maria

About Zentangle

Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: rickandmaria@zentangle.com
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com

� 2010 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved