Zentangle (R)
In this issue...
More Than a Metaphor
Short Comments
Master Class Review
Longer Comment
Zentangle or Doodles?
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories


102 Tangles

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

August 21, 2010


This issue we'll share some wonderful letters, insights and images that folks have sent us.

More Than a Metaphor

I was just finishing this newsletter when Maria looked up from her laptop and said, "You're going to want to put this in the newsletter."

She was right.

When you finish reading this newsletter, please take a look at More Than a Metaphor by Carol Ohl on her blog. Carol is a Certified Zentangle Teacher in Ohio. It's a beautifully written piece about life and trust and intuition . . . and Zentangle.

You'll also be able to see a larger version of this Zentangle embellished Walt Whitman's quote:


How appropriate!

Thank you, Carole.

Short Comments
"I have been doing zentangles daily and hourly LOL. I just love the relaxation and unexpected beauty from this form of art."  -- SW

"Zentangle is a great idea, your packaging is so thoughtful, I appreciate your attention to every detail."  --SP

"I simply can't thank you enough for Zentangle - the concept, the sensitivity, the absolute attention to the detail of real beauty. I have shared my love of your art form and your concept of that  - the process and the metaphor which all ART should be. I am truly grateful and awed by what you are doing - THANK YOU."  --AW

"I wanted to say how much I enjoyed my first ZENTANGLE class! I can't seem to stop tangling... Thanks for a great idea."  --CM

"Love your site and your work!" -- V

"Thank you for sending my Zentangle kit out so quickly. I am finding the tangles so useful to unwind, and getting lots of compliments on them from friends. The kit was great to give me more string and tangle ideas, and also to start me drawing my string in pencil rather than pen so that all the areas merge into one. I want to work on shading next." -- HR

"I have just received your kit and am thrilled with it's beauty and content."  --NY

"You have opened a whole new world to me."  --SH

"I received my Zentangle kit very quickly in the UK - thanks - can't stop tangling!"  --JM

"I recently discovered Zentangle as I was recovering from meningitis. I had lost my balance and my small motor skills. How scary for an artist. Thank you so much for your generosity and to all those zentanglers who share so freely. I have almost recovered my small motor skills and discovered a new artistic outlet. I'm loving it! Thank you."  --SB

"I took a beginning Zentangle class with Gerry Pearson Nichols a few months ago. Great fun! This was one of the first I tried after the class:


When the class was offered I had never even heard of the word Zentangle. But it's fun to try new things. I'd say the sky's the limit." --BH

Master Class Review

"I saw all the photos on the blog. Incredible, amazing and truly wonderful. Way to take it to the next level and beyond. You really gave the opportunity for all to really explore in such a wonderful summer in New England environment. I wish I could have come." 
        - MM


Come see what "M" is talking about at our blog. Many entries this month show different projects and techniques including how we made this large (42" square) Zentangle-inspired creation for the International Yacht Restoration School in Newport, RI.

A Longer Comment

Dear Rick and Maria,

I'd like to start this email by saying:

You have changed my life!
There is just no other way to say it - as dramatic as that may sound. [smiles]

I have a degenerative neurological disorder and live with full body nerve pain, so my usual artistic passions (calligraphy and illumination/gilding) are not things I can do easily or often.  Zentangle, however, I can pick up and do on any day, at any time.  I carry a square, high quality, art paper journal, Pigma Microns and a 2B pencil in my bag everywhere I go.  In fact, doctors' and specialists' waiting rooms are actually Fun now - for the first time in decades!  I've also been approached numerous times by total strangers who see what I'm up to - whether in a waiting room, or resting on a sidewalk bench, or sitting at the cafe - they are inexorably drawn to come and speak with me and talk with me about my artwork.  How wonderful to make these random and rewarding connections, particularly in a society where people are increasingly keeping to themselves... eye-locked and ear-locked into their electronic devices to the point of almost total isolation from the world happening around them!  :-)

So: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for giving me back my ART!

I started doing little Zentangle 'balls' just to try out different patterns in between doing my University studies (I study at home online: 25 minutes of study, 10 minutes break & repeat etc.).  Doing Zentangles, during my 10 minute breaks, gives me something entirely "other" to focus on.  I immediately disconnect from my study material.  And ten minutes later, when I'm back, nose-deep in my text books, I can concentrate even more effectively as a result of giving my mind meditative 'time out' Zentangling.

VERY Exciting News from my Zentangled journey so far:
  • I have two commissions
  • A friend who owns an art gallery and has seen a little of my Zentangle work is happy to consider exhibiting my Zentangle work in his gallery - as soon as I've built up a substantial enough portfolio. He's very enthusiastic!
  • And, yes... even more good news.  I've recently submitted a Zentangle piece for publication to be published later on this year.
Now, if you're wondering how long I've had my Zentangle Kit?  I haven't yet!!

So imagine where my journey will lead once my kit arrives.  [grin]

I haven't been able to afford to purchase a kit yet. But, with the two commission in the pipeline, I've decided that I'll use part of this week's budget to finally order my kit - which I've just done, right now!  <happy bounce>
So, in summary, Thank you both!

Namaste,  --K

Your welcome, "K" and thank you for your wonderful letter.

Oh yes, here's some images that accompanied K's order.



Thanks again, K!

verlin Zentangle or Doodles?

"What's the difference between Zentangle and my doodles? I've been doodling all my life." Verlin addresses this question in his Zentangle or Doodles? blog post in a warm and insightful way.

Verlin has written other posts about Zentangle on his From My Chair blog. We invite you to enjoy reading:

Reading his posts, it's thrilling to realize that Zentangle's simple method and artful pleasure is so clearly understood by someone whom we've never met or spoken with.

Thanks for taking your time to write those posts, Verlin.

Thank you again for sharing in this wonderful adventure!

We are grateful for all the wonderful images and stories you send. Please excuse us if we don't respond right away or share every one we receive, but each one is like a treasure to us. Thank you so much.

Please join us at BLOG Zentangle for (almost) daily postings.

Rick and Maria

About Zentangle

Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com

� 2010 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved