Zentangle (R)
In this issue...
New Tangle: Sh-rock
Master Class
BLOG Zentangle
CZT Training
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

March 14, 2010


We have a great St. Patrick's Day tangle for you and lots of wonderful news.

New Tangle: Sh-rock
One of our CZTs, Diane LaChance in New Hampshire, sent us a great tangle just in time for St. Patrick's Day. Here are her words:
"I have a tangle moment to share. When I started this particular tile, it was just to get the steps to the tangle out to you in some fashion that wasn't totally embarrassing. I did relax quite a bit and enjoy myself, but I thought the tile was only just so-so when it was done. I was drawing the tangle with "shrock" in the lower right hand corner. I proceeded to scan the tile in the same orientation, and compiled the pdf file with the same orientation.  
"A while later, I was sitting at my computer and the tile was laying there. I picked it up, still thinking "ah, just so-so", AND THEN I started rotating the tile to "appreciate it" and then BAM, an Emerill moment - all of a sudden it was beautiful! My heart skipped two beats! All of a sudden I was looking at a cone shaped basket, full of lucky shamrocks. This never would have been the same if I had "tried" to draw a basket full of shamrocks. And I was truly "Lucky" (or as I may start calling myself "Shrocky") when I realized I hadn't attached the pdf to your email. I reoriented the tiles and made a new pdf - the one you received.
"Zentangle is truly beautiful!"
Here's her tile: 
There are so many cool Zentangle "moments" wrapped up in this tangle's story:
  • It's just two elements, an "X" and an "aura" around it.
  • Anytime there's an overlap, you draw behind what's already there.
  • She didn't appreciate how beautiful it was until she turned it and viewed it from another perspective.
    [Hmm, what else in our life might we view with a new and different perspective?]
  • It's easy and fun to do.
  • "Sh-rock" is a great name!
Here's Diane with her class of Sh-rock tanglers:
Thank you Diane! 
Zentangle Master Class
We are offering a Zentangle Master Class on August 3, 4 and 5 in Newport, Rhode Island at IYRS (International Yacht Restoration School). 
We'll begin with a small get-together/reception on Monday evening August 2nd. We're encouraging folks to arrive on or before Monday morning or afternoon, and to stay a bit after that to see the beautiful sights and beaches there . . . just to make the trip that much more fun.

Newport has many hotels and B&Bs within walking distance and there's plenty to do and see in Newport. The Newport Folk Festival is the weekend before and the Jazz Festival is the weekend after our Master Class!
Join us as we take Zentangle to another level as an art form -- working bigger, more complicated and utilizing other mediums. We're also planning side trips like pattern hunts in Newport's mansions, gallery and museum hopping, and a few other surprises - in other words, we plan to have lots of fun.
A couple important notes:
  • This is not a certification class.
  • This will fill up very quickly.
We expect this will be the first of many master classes. Cost of just the class is $300 and includes some supplies. You will be responsible for some tools (we send you a list) and for your food, transportation, lodging, etc.
Class size will be around 25-30 students. We preannounced this to our CZTs and it's already about two-thirds full. Please email us if you plan to join us. We'll then send you a registration form directly with all details.   
BLOG Zentangle
Thank you to all who are contributing and commenting over at BLOG Zentangle. We're having a great time.
We post frequent Zentangles from Maria . . .
pictures of Zentangle creations that people send us . . .
. . . and provide a place to comment on and ask questions about each newsletter and other Zentangle topics. We are very active on our blog and comment often.
We look forward to sharing and talking with you there.
Join in a discussion of this particular newsletter here.
CZT Training

Although our May 18-21 seminar is full, we have another one scheduled for October 12-15, 2010. As we get closer to that date we'll open registrations. Learn more about our Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) training here and read through our previous newsletters that discuss our seminar.

We appreciate all your wonderful images and messages that we receive. Thank you for sharing your stories and your creativity. 
Remember to drop by BLOG Zentangle for great images and conversations.

Rick and Maria

About Zentangle

Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com

� 2010 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved