Happy Thanksgiving!
We love this time of year that is set aside to be grateful.
Thank you for your interest and support. Thank you for your comments and stories. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us and others.
In this issue we have a new tangle, some great stories and a training schedule update.
Zentangle Goes to School
Howard Weitsen, CZT describes his visit to a fifth grade. "I had the opportunity to teach two 'Gifted Artist Program' classes yesterday. Had a ball! The students, 4th and 5th graders, were delightful. The teacher said she had never seen them so attentive, serene, and focused. I taught them more in 2 hours (about 8-10 tangles), than we cover in our adult 3 hour workshops here at our private studio. They were so excited about their exposure to Zentangle and all insisted that their teacher allow them to take their artwork home to show their parents.
"The attached photo shows me with one of the classes. I'm going back tomorrow to instruct a 6th grade class. I can't wait! I told their teacher that although I understood why she was surprised to see the kids so quiet (evidently a very rare experience), I was not. Other teachers came into the class and were also amazed at what they saw."
New Tangle - Bucky
Bucky is a Molly Hollibaugh tangle that reminds us of a Buckminster Fuller geodesic dome pattern. This pattern looks more complicated than it is. It has a lot of steps, but each step is pretty simple. Take your time. Relax. Use a light hand. And enjoy!
Zentangle Feedback
A small sample from our in-box: "Thank you for such a wonderful and inspirational site. It is fun
to see the amazing pieces that are being created. This art form has
truly been what I have needed to ground myself now. Life is stressful,
chaotic and uncertain, but having a release such as this is a
beneficial thing. I wish you the best in your endeavors!"
"Hi Maria. My workshop on Sunday was great. Great fun and wonderful zentangles.
Exciting!!! This is so much more than an art form that you and Rick
have created. It gives people such pleasure when they discover their
artist within that sometimes was squelched as a child by a thoughtless
remark from a teacher or parent. They once again have that light of
discovery and sheer joy in their eyes. Just amazing to watch. I love
teaching this and I get way more out of it than they do because of the
reactions I observe. Thank you for this gift."
-- Gwen Fuller, CZT
"I want to let you know my
beautiful Zentangle kit arrived in
the mail yesterday and I am very impressed with the simplicity and
beauty of
the packaging. It is so nice to have a little treasure box to carry my
beauties in.
"Also I want to let you
know I became so excited I contacted
one of your students, Penny Railey and we are going to meet soon and do
some Zen
tangling together. I am inviting a few friends to play with us. If all
well, like I am sure it will I would like to become the next Zentangle
representative here in Southern California."
-- M
Morning! I wanted to let
y'all know that Donna Conroy-LeBouef and I -- from your first crop of
teachers -- taught a Zentangle class through Adult Ed here at Temple
Emanuel where I work. I'm told it was one of the largest classes in Adult
Ed history! We had 20 students -- male and female ages 12-80 -- all
of whom are now hooked! There's tangling going on at meetings and
during football games and who all knows where else! We're
already talking about doing another in the spring.
-- Kathy Freeburn, CZT
 "Hi Maria and Rick,
"Ok, it took no time at all and
I'm totally hooked into Zentangles. My CZT thought that it would
improve my concentration for drawing and for learning how to water
color paint. I think that it is already making a big difference. "I
see the world differently now now that I approach things 'one stroke
at a time'. I have attached my first nine tangles. Very much a
beginner but I love doing this. I do not leave on business trips now
without my Zentangle kit and, although a bit cramped on the plane,
with pen in hand I usually grab the attention of the other passengers
in my row who immediately need to know how they can get started and
where they can get a kit. I want to take any classes that you will
offer. This is so much fun! Thank you!" -- L |
Zentangle CZT Schedule Update
CZT Training We have confirmed dates for our next two Certified Zentangle Teacher Trainings here in Whitinsville, MA:
- May 18-21, 2010 (Tuesday through Friday)
- October 12-15, 2010 (Tuesday through Friday)
We are working to finalize prices and as soon as that happens we'll provide details and accept reservations.
Once again, welcome to everyone joining with us on our Zentangle adventure.
We wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Best regards,
Rick and Maria