Zentangle Logo
In this issue...
New tangle: "Munchin"
Zentangle Embelishments
Zentagle Tray
Workshop Schedule
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

March 31, 2009

In this issue we have a new tangle and some great images of what others have done with Zentangle.


Molly introduced this tangle at our Zentangle Teacher Training Seminar. Munchin is simple to do and fun to watch unfold.


Be sure to shade this one. It looks very three dimensional. Here are a couple of Molly's munchin Zentangles.

Zentangle Embellishments
Jane sent us these lovely Zentangle embellished initials:


Thank you for sending this, Jane.

Zentangle Tray
During our Zentangle teachers' training seminar we passed around an antique tray with just a "string" (those of you who have a kit, or have been to our workshops know what we're talking about).

Everyone at our seminar added a tangle. It was really beautiful.


Then we raffled it to a lucky winner.


Congratulations, Barbara!

Zentangle Schedule

Whitinsville, MA
We'll be hosting another Zentangle Workshop in the Singh Performance Center at Alternatives here in Whitinsville.

Location: 50 Douglas Road, Whitinsville, MA
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Time: 7 - 9 pm
Cost: $35

See you next month!

Best regards,

Rick and Maria
About Zentangle
Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com