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In this issue...
At the Ritz
3D "Paradox"
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

May 2008

This month we'll tell you about some recent Zentangle events and also share some:
  • Great feedback, and
  • Great images
We were honored to work with our new friends at the National Coalition of Organizations for this year's Ellis Island Medal of Honor ceremony.

We invited awardees and their families to create Zentangle tiles -- an elegant metaphor of each person's unique role in this country's mosaic -- which we combined in this poster. (22" x 36")

It offers an eloquent example of how people of diverse backgrounds and interest can come together in new and beautiful ways.

NECO poster

We also created this numbered series of limited edition prints, "Liberty's Light," for each awardee. (13" x 22")

Liberty's Light

While in NYC . . .
We were fortunate to stay as NECO's guests at the Battery Park Ritz Carlton. As we checked in we got talking with some hotel staff about Zentangle and what we were doing there.

After we went to our room, they checked out our website, got together, and created this card which they sent to our room with some great refreshment. It made a wonderful weekend very special.

Thank you!
Ritz card

We were recently invited to teach Zentangle to about twelve Montessori school fifth graders.

A day before the event they told us the entire school wanted in on our seminar. This meant we would speak to about 70 children -- 6 to 16 years old!

What a wonderful event it turned out to be. Everyone enjoyed Zentangle on their own level and experienced the thrill of putting their tiles together. It was a very moving experience. We know Zentangle is great for different ages. This showed that it could be taught simultaneously to different ages and each would take from it whatever was appropriate to them.

See more images of this and other Zentangle events here.

Montessori class

3D Paradox
Zentangle goes 3D as edges of this cuboctahedron functions as strings for Zentangle's "paradox" tangle.

This polyhedron is great for this tangle because each facet can "rotate" in a different direction from each facet it touches.


Awesome Feedback

Here are some kind words from the New Hampshire chapter of Women's Caucus for Art.

. . . I want to thank you for your wonderful presentation at our Spring Meeting at NHAA in Boscawen. Your workshop inspired us as artists and brought us together with a renewed energy that the chapter has needed. The process was relaxing and fun and brought focus into our group as we discovered a way to give back to our community through using Zentangles in the future on the Gnu New London project.

[By the way, the Gnu Project is a lifesize white Gnu (wildebeest) which they plan to cover in Zentangles!]

Another friend wrote:

You asked me to get back to you with how my group went. I work with men that are incarcerated and I have to be honest I was not sure how creating Zentangles would go over with this population. They enjoyed creating them and the quietness that fell over the room was welcoming in such an environment. They felt proud and were sharing their creations with each other. We will be creating a poster board with the theme of recovery from addictions and Zentangles will be displayed as a tool for the recovering addict/alcoholic to use to remain focused and serene. I will keep you posted.

We read many letters that describe how creating a Zentangle at night enables deeper sleep. Here are some excerpts from a touching note:
I have to thank you for your website, its wonderful.

. . . until last month I hadn't picked up a pencil in a year and have been struggling with my creativity. I have insomnia but the worst part was loosing my creativity. I tried joining some online groups to get it going again without much results. Then last month someone in one of the groups mentioned Zentangle, so I did a web search and found your website. I went to the website and the first thing I thought was, hey, I used to do this, and I remembered how much a part of my life it had been. But when I tried to just do it on my own I just pulled a blank and after several crumpled up attempts I went back to the website . . . 

It has been wonderful, I've been doing at least one a day, I do it sometimes in the evening for hours and have had the best nights sleep that I've had in years, I grind my teeth and I've noticed when I start doing Zentangle I actual stop grinding and clenching. I feel like I've come out of a very long fog, or sleep. Interesting enough, I have high blood pressure, and anxiety, and last week at the dentist, at which I usually have at least one anxiety attack when I go, I did this in the waiting room and not only did I not have an anxiety attack, my blood pressure was a low 102.

And so I had to thank you, I hear lots of people online and in person say its nothing new, that they have done this all their lives, but they didn't share it with others, and they don't know what its like to forget it. So thank you, thank you for sharing and teaching and re-teaching.

So simply, but not so simply, Thank You!

Last weekend we presented Zentangle at Project Rennaissance near Washington, D.C. We've run out of room here, but next month we'll get into some important right brain/left brain insights that came out of that weekend.

Thanks again and see you soon!

Rick and Maria
About Zentangle
Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com