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In this issue...
Zentangle Comments
Zentangle Ensemble
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

January 2008

Greetings and welcome to this new year!

In this issue we have:
  • A new tangle
  • Comments from around the world
  • Some awesome Zentangles
And have you Googled "zentangle" recently? It's exciting to watch folks "get it."
New Tangle

"Jonqal" is a bold tangle that becomes dramatically three dimensional when shaded.

Here are some sketches from Maria's book.



And here are two of Maria's Zentangles with Jonqal.
Maria Jonqal 1
mt image 2
Zentangles & Comments from around the world

We've sent Zentangle kits to Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore as well as the U.S.

We love to see Zentangles created by folks of different backgrounds, cultures and languages. It reminds us how  language and cultural barriers dissolve with Zentangle. Zentangle is a common meeting place where we can communicate in a shared language of pattern and proportion that transcends our differences.

These Zentangles just arrived.

zentangles from singapore

They were created by our new friends at Pauseability in Singapore.

Singapore Zentangle friends

MS of Pauseability writes,
"All my friends . . . truly had such a good time. One of them had her birthday the following day and she said that celebrations for her started that evening with Zentangle. Another was on such an adrenalin rush that when she got home, she created 2 more for her journal. Exciting! Thanks again."
S.B. writes:
"I had a couple of friends introduce me to Zentangles, and I just received my Zentangle Kit for Christmas. I have to say I LOVE this new creative outlet!  After playing with my kit, and getting my husband interested in what I was doing, I shared some of our results with friends. They encouraged me to send them to you.

sb image 1  sb image 3

"I don't know if I am getting more comfortable at this or what, but it seem like I get a little free-er with my designs the more I do them. The first couple it seemed like I would agonize over which tangle to do next, and was very happy to have the die to roll to decide what to do next. Now, I know before I am done with one tangle, what my next will be. I love easy fun!

"Yep, they just keep comin'! I can't seem to help myself...I will be doing something else and think...I wonder what would happen if I did this...or a combination of this and that? The next thing I know I am curled up in my big chair . . . . Maybe that's what I love about Zentangles...that I can have that few minutes of creative outlet and come away with a feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment...and it's quick and easy to clean up and put away. Can't ask for much more than that. :o)  "
DC writes:
"Thank you so much for the wonderful kit and extras. I have had the best time. I have made many, many. We were with the grandkids this weekend and they, too, now love the ZT.  We even did a round robin. We each drew a string and then we worked on each others. I have been thinking way too much about these and came up with some ideas. If you would be interested, I would be happy to send them. We love your product.

"Thank you, thank you... a million times thank you..."

dc image 1    dc image 2

dc image 4     dc image 3
"Rick and Maria, congratulations on your daughter's wedding! And many thanks for the interesting email: I'd been wrestling with "cadent" designs and was delighted to get easy instructions! The more I zentangle, the better I get! My only problem is, I can't do ANYTHING ELSE but zentangle!!!"   
     ". . . My new co-worker/artist whom I ordered a zentangle kit for (because she saw my pieces and could not live without the kit and traded me a drop-dead gorgeous collage piece for the kit) brought in AFTER ONE WEEK OF ZENTANGLING a large, framed piece: several beautiful zentangle tiles alongside a maybe two and a half foot tall by one foot zentangled dancer (kind of half realistic, half abstract) that KNOCKED MY SOCKS OFF!!!!! One of the greatest pieces I've ever seen! We both thank you so much, you'll never know..."  --AG

"Zentangles are great to teach children with mental illnesses...with whom I work...it helps them to utilize selfcontrol, containment as well as relaxation. Namaste."  --J
"As I mentioned to you previously, I entered an exhibit . . .  I thought you might be interested to see the 4 pieces I created using Zentangles as the focal piece." --BA

ba image 1
"I purchased a Zentangle kit last month and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! :D I'm totally hooked! :D"  --BN
"It has arrived! It is the most beautifully presented kit I think I have seen. I love the way it all fits into the book box. I will be having a play later and am really looking forward to it. -- AC, UK
Zentangle Ensemble ThumbnailAwesome Zentangles

We've received so many wonderful comments and images (keep 'em coming!) that just a small amount has filled this newsletter. We'll put more in our next issue.

Since we don't have room for lots more images, we'll leave you with one of Sam's which she created with our pre-strung Zentangle Ensemble.

sam ensemble
Thank you again for all your wonderful mail and beautiful Zentangles.

See you soon!

Rick and Maria
About Zentangle
Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com