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New Look - New Attitude - New Adventures!January 2011
In This Issue
Photo Album
Did you know...
Member Shout Out
Hike Schedule
NEW 2011 Activities
Hiking & Health Tips

Photo Album
Stone Mountain Hikers 2010

Stone Mountain Hike Click here for other Hike Photos 

Photos by Ian Welch

Did you know...
Hiking is the easiest and least expensive outdoor recreation activity, according to the American Hiking Society, and the mental health benefits are as just as bountiful as the physical ones.

Member Shout Out
Paulette Scott
Paulette Scott.

Paulette is an integral part of Hartfield's Hikers.  In addition to being the 'Sweep' and ensuring that no one isleft behind or feels uncomfortable being slow, she has put together the 2011 hiking schedule.


We will be scouting new trails as a result of her research.  Hats off to Paulette for her unwavering commitment  to keeping Hartfield's Hikers alive and well!

Quick Links

Georgia State Parks

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Earthwise Productions, Inc.

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Outdoor Afro Logo

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Happy New Year!

Hope you are enjoying the holidays as much as I am! 

The December hike to Stone Mountain, though cold was great.  Several of the hikers with us had not trekked the trail at Stone Mountain, so it is always an honor to introduce people to new experiences and adventures.  With that said, as we reflect 2010, we have introduced hiking to more than 100 people and have 5 Hike Leaders who have attended the training with the Sierra Club. We had our first overnight camping experience with our business partner REI, and Paulette and I became certified in Wilderness First Aid. 

We have much for which to be grateful!  It has been one of the most happiest and healthiest years of my life.  Hartfield's Hikers and Older People with Actives Lifestyles (OPALs) have certainly been a great part of this wonderful year. I think about you, all the wonderful men, women and youth, and the lasting friendships that began as a result of the hikes. It warms my heart and brings a smile to my face.

Coming real soon is the new and improved Hartfield's Hikers web site.  We will bring you more pertinent information as we continue to celebrate life, each other and mother nature. We will continue to offer practical tips on improving your health and preserving God's green earth. 

Let us know what you think about what we are doing.  It really helps to hear from you.  Tell your friends about us also.  We are expanding our work and raising our voices as we promote local outdoor activities organizations, i.e., Southern Snow Seekers, Metro Atlanta Cycling Club, Keeping It Wild, plus  others, and the State and National Park Services, and other great American outdoors entities.  See you on the hikes!
With the stroke of my pen, I wish you everlasting love, peace and joy in 2011 and pray it will be the best thing for you...this side of heaven!
Carolyn Hartfield, The Hiking Lady
Founder, Hartfield's Hikers
January Hike

Gold Branch Trail 
Gold Branch
Saturday, January 8
Rated: Easy to Difficult
Distance: 4.8 miles

Departure:  8:00 a.m. Sharp!
Meeting Location:  Marshalls Parking Lot
6337 Roswell Rd
Sandy Springs, GA 30328

This is our 'Resolution Hike.'  This is the time of year when a lot of us make New Year resolutions to become more fit and healthy...well, this is your chance to start the year off right!

Gold Branch is a part of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. Get more information about Gold Branch  and RSVP your spot on this exhilarating trail. 
It has a little bit of everything.  It starts off with an incline, there are straight easy paths, and there are places where crossing is considered difficult.  Much of the hike is along the lake. This hike will give you the experience of what hiking is about.

There is a $3.00 parking fee at the trailhead.

Check out our Gold Branch video...
NEW Activities for 2011

We are looking forward to an exciting year!..In addition to the new hiking trails explore, we are planning for our Wonderful Wilderness Walks on Wednesdays, Youth in the Great Outdoors programs, Bike Rides, Overnight Camping and Weekend Getaway trips, and to incorporate other activities such as cycling with the Metro Atlanta Cycling Club, white water rafting, overnight trips, and visiting some of the National Parks. If you have an outdoor activity you would like to have included, let us know. 

Cumberland Island:  If you are  interested in joining us for the Martin Luther King, Jr., Cumberland Island Service weekend, contact me as soon as possible for more information

Overnight at the Len Foote Inn in April...more info to come.
Weekend Getaway with the Black Singles Over 40...more  info to come.

Good Hiking & Health Tips
A hiking stick or trekking poles are good to have when the trail is rated moderate or higher. They really work especially well when you are going down hill.  They can take a lot of stress off of your knees, especially if you are a few pounds overweight.
Cold weather foods and snacks for hiking...  Calories are units of heat, which is why you use more of them in winter than in summer. That is why a bowl of oatmeal before you hike helps to keep you moving and also helps to keep you warm.
Granola, Oats/Other grains, Raisins & Peanuts/other nuts, (GORP) is considered the ideal energizing snack food for hikers.  It is really your own homemade trail mix. 

There is NO COST to become a basic member or friend of Hartfield's Hikers and to continue receiving our newsletters and joining us on our monthly hikes.

We love what we do and are dedicated to keeping it going. As a result of hiker inquiries, we have established the 'Supporting' member subscriptions for only $10 a year to help us with ongoing operational expenses. 

Supporting member subscriptions will gain added value as we expand and reach out to partners, sponsors and advertisers. Supporting members will be the first to receive the added value and benefits from the relationships we form. 

Please accept our invitation to become a Supporting Member subscriber now by clicking below.


 "The Hiking Lady"

Normally, we hike the first Saturday of every month unless posted otherwise. Our hikers are all ages, from youth to seniors. 

We simply ask you to make note of the length of the hike and the level of difficulty rating.  We are as fast as the slowest person...no need to feel pressured.  We enjoy nature and the company of each other as we hike the trails. 

Both Carolyn and Paulette, who is the Sweep (the person in the back to ensure no one is left behind) are 'Certified' Outings Leaders with the Sierra Club.  They hike as a team to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the hikers are assured.

Carolyn is available for speaking engagements on practical ways to improve your current state of health and wellbeing.  Her profession is Integrated Marketing Specialist.

"A loving attitude, enjoying life, and learning something new everyday is my goal."