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Ma Chadash?
Mi Chadash?
Out Of The Mouths Of Babe . . .
Insights . . . by Rabbi Moish Drelich
Baemtza:JHS News
D'var Torah
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Photo of The Week
Chesed Opportunity
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28 Iyar 5769                                       May 22nd, 2009
Parashat Bamidbar                           
Candlelighting: 7:54                          Havdalah: 8:57
A Message from Rabbi Krauss 
Dear Parents,                          Bini
We were treated to an inspirational Yom Yerushalayim Hallel this morning, led by Chazan Shim Craimer, followed by a schoolwide chagiga in all of the areas. I hope you will find some time this Shabbat to talk about the centrality of Yerushalayim in our lives.
Thanks to Beverly Nerenberg and her family, we had a moving Pre-Memorial Day ceremony yesterday. It was a true honor to welcome SAR relatives who have served this country, and for our students to be able to express their Hakarat Hatov to them and to learn from them. We paused to remember Major Stuart Wolfer z"l, Beverly's beloved brother, who was killed in the line of duty in Iraq last year. His impact on our students will remain with the SAR family for years to come. It would be wonderful if you and your families could find ways to remember our fallen soldiers this weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Binyamin Krauss
Mark Your Calendar
Monday, May 25th- Memorial Day  No Sessions
Tuesday, May 26th - No New Rochelle District Busing  
Wednesday, May 27th - 6th Grade Siyum Breakfast
Thursday, May 28th- Erev Shavuot   Noon Dismissal
Friday, May 29th- Shavuot  No Sessions 
Saturday, May 30th- Shavuot 
Sunday, May 31st- Salute to Israel Parade
Monday, June 1st & Tuesday, June 2nd- 8th Grade Trip to Washington, D.C. 
Tuesday, June 9th- 6th Grade Matan Bat Mitzvah Program, Lower Sixth Grade Area, 6:30-8:30PM  
Wednesday, June 10th - 3rd Grade Rashi Breakfast
Thursday, June 11th- 5th Grade Intergenerational Day
Who is a hero to you? 
(See quotes throughout.)
~my grandpa. Eric Scheiner, because we were always together and I loved him a lot . . . Slyvia Scheiner 
?מה חדש

       Memorial Day Reception and Ceremony
KwithveteransOn Thursday, SAR students and staff were joined by many special visitors. United States Military veterans gathered in the Multi-Purpose Room for a reception in their honor. Surrounded by American flags and thank you notes from our students adorning the walls, the kindergarten classes presented original American Flags, bookmarks, red, white, and blue cupcakes, and a flag cake with blue frosting and white chocolate chips as the stars and white frosting with red strawberry slices for the stripes. Four third graders prepared questions and interviewed four veterans about their experience in the US military.
At 2:15, Rabbi Krauss addressed the school on the steps to thank the US Soldiers who have protected and continue to protect us and our freedoms every single day. An eighth grade student read the poem "Freedom isn't Free" and a teacher recited a tefilla for American Soldiers in Hebrew and in English. Beverly Nerenberg spoke to the school about her brother, Major Stuart Adam Wolfer z"l and honored all the veterans in attendance, remembered those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, and thanked her parents, in attendance, Esther and Len Wolfer. She closed with the passuk
"ולא ישא גוי אל גוי חרב ולא ילמדו עוד מלחמה" The ceremony closed with the singing of our National Anthem.
Moshe Neidtch and Aaron Scheinberg fascinated the fifth and sixth graders during their classroom visits after the ceremony. Major Neidtch explained how he jumped out of planes as a paratrooper and now serves as a medic in the Army reserves. As an orthodox Jew he made sure to go to Shul, even when placed overseas, sometimes switching duty with Christians, so he could daven on Shabbos and they could pray on Sunday. In Jordan, he listened to the Israeli radio. Captain Scheinberg served in the army at West Point and coached the army football team there. He served in Operation Iraqi Freedom as one of two Jews in his unit. 
Gene Richter and Daniel Lamm spoke to grades 1 & 2 and 3 & 4, respectively, telling them about their jobs in the military and answering students' questions. Third Class Petty Officer Richter served in the Navy on the battleship USS New Jersey during the Korean War. The ship was three baseball fields long and fit 3,000 people on board. The soldiers slept in bunk beds seven stories high and had to treat each other well to ensure that they would band together to fight the enemy and not each other. US Marines, Lance Corporal Daniel Lamm spent nine months in Iraq. He wore his uniform and showed the students his helmet and flack-jacket. The bullet-proof jacket weighs fifty pounds, and Daniel had to wear it from the moment he woke up in the morning, even in 135-degree weather. Daniel's platoon protected Iraqi students, escorting them to school in a bullet-proof truck, and guarding the building so they could learn.
As Daniel concluded his presentation, the students looked at the wall behind them. Set up on the lower mezzanine, was this year's Wall of Honor filled with the names of SAR students' family members and alumni who served or are currently serving in the US Military and who fight to protect the freedoms we enjoy at home.
                                  wall of honor
Thank you, US Soldiers: today, we honor and remember you, and every day, you remind us to appreciate the freedom and safety in which we live.
                          Yom Yerushalayim
Gathering together as a school community to recite Hallel set the joyous tone for Yom Yerushalayim, the day commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem during the Six Day War in June, 1967. Throughout the day, our school was filled with dance and song as Grades 1-8 participated in celebratory chagigot with Shimon Craimer enhancing the festivities. The SAR choirs performed for the school adding to the celebratory mood and also as part of our Yom Yerushalayim celebration, the students watched a "Yerushalayim Shelzahav" video on their SMART Boards.
Click on the link below to watch it too.
                            Your Turn To Learn             
tami sklarinSAR's Your Turn to Learn Series continued on Wednesday with Morah Tami Sklarin of 4X. Morah Tami's shiur "Shimon and Levi: Radicalism and Idealism in Sefer Bereshit" focused on Yaakov's blessings to Shimon and Levi and discussed Shimon and Levi before the bracha and after the bracha. While the two sons seem to have similar reactions to their bracha, the tribe of Levi takes their zealousness a step further than the tribe of Shimon and emerges as a holy tribe that channels their passion toward the service of G-d. We welcomed 4X parents among our guests, as Morah Tami's students learn about just these brachot as they finish learning Sefer Bereshit in June.  
                        Pre-Bat Mitzvah Meeting 
                                      pre bat mitzvah program
As fifth grade girls look ahead to their Bat Mitzvah next year, families are now in the midst of planning how to make this a most special and meaningful experience. To this end, fifth grade girls and their parents gathered this past Tuesday evening for a Pre-Bat Mitzvah evening. 
The gathering began with learning b'chavruta from a source booklet about what it means to become a bat mitzvah. After the learning the girls went up to the Junior High to do an art project, decorating around the words of 'Eshet Chayil' and 'Birkat HaBayit', which was organized by Morah Nurit Aharoni. Rabbi Krauss addressed the group and offered guidelines to consider when planning a celebration. Afterward, the parents had the opportunity to ask questions. Rabbi Linzer spoke about making Bat Mitzvah a meaningful experience by including learning and chesed as part of the celebration; a special guest joined the group, Mrs. Beile Bloch, Morah Shoshana Bender's mother who spoke about her own experiences getting involved with doing chesed and the importance of everyone getting involved in their own way to do chesed. Every family received a folder with information and resources to guide them through the Bat Mitzvah process at SAR.

It was a helpful evening for many parents and it gave them a chance to compare notes with one another. One parent commented: "Thank you so much for tonight's program-it set the ideal tone. From the learning packet to your guidance/suggestions on the entire process, the evening was well conceived and perfectly executed.  I know that over the course of our upcoming preparations, your words will keep us focused on the true meaning of the occasion."  
            Parent-Child Bar Mitzvah Evening
                          writing hebrew 
On Wednesday evening, sixth grade boys and their parents gathered for the third Parent-Child Bar Mitzvah Evening of the year. This segment in the series included a hands on workshop with Rabbi Pincus on 'Safrut and the Hebrew Alphabet'. As many boys will read from the Torah as part of their Bar Mitzvah celebration, the workshop was designed to help our boys understand the way the Torah letters are written and the meaning behind them. With guided practice, they learned how to form Hebrew letters and write their names in safrut script. In addition to learning about the deeper meaning of each letter of the Hebrew alphabet and each letter's form, both students and parents received a calligraphy pen and graph paper, theirs to keep!
~Jacob Edelstein . . . Uri Craimer 
?מי חדש 
     SAR Academy's Fifth and Sixth
       Grade Drama Club

        Charlie Brown

Last Thursday and Friday, SAR's newest Drama Club, comprised of thirty fifth and sixth graders, performed You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Parents and grandparents filled the gym-turned-theater, and friends ran inside to sit in the front row. The show began with the curtains closed; the first lines said behind the curtains in the dark. Then Charlie Brown's face illuminated the room and suddenly all thirty smiling faces emerged, and the actors marched into place while singing the title song. The show flowed scene after scene, at once colorful and polished, familiar cartoon characters filling the stage with personality, confidence, and humor. The ensemble nature of the show allowed all thirty actors their moment in the spotlight, whether singing solos, or speaking lines, cheeping (Woodstock), or speaking in "Wah wah wah" (Miss Othmar, teacher). The audience laughed at the jokes and applauded in between scenes. Backstage, the actors waited eagerly for their entrances, silently sang along to their cast mates' songs, and congratulated each other on a job well done. Students had technical jobs as well, turning on and off stage lights, and opening and closing the curtain as needed throughout the show. As the actors lined up to take their final bows, running through their minds was a new lyric for the closing song "happiness is performing on stage".
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown was directed by Stacy Horowitz, musically directed by Emily Quintana, with sound by Nick Fadda, lighting, costumes, and set by Stacy Horowitz, Playbill by Benny Weiser, and performed by the talented Rachel Abrams (Lucy), Haia Bchiri (Betty), Tamar David (Clara), Akiva Goldman (Charlie Brown), Ariella Goldman (Woodstock), Daniel Gurin (Pig Pen), Jessica Hecht (Nina), Matthew Heisler (Shermy), Naima Hirsch (Sophie), Coby Horowitz (Ilan), Liat Katz (Frieda), Yaira Kobrin (Violet), Rafi Kubersky (Snoopy), Jonathan Lederman (Dave), Elisheva May (Miss Othmar), Alex Meisels (Suzi), Rachel Ordan (Avital), Danielle Plaue (Meredith), Bracha Rosenberg (Cynthia), Shira Schleifer (Heather), Tal Schwerd (Donna), Abigail Shay (Rerun), Jessie Sherman (Marcy), Elana Spievack (Sally), Josh Tepper (Shroeder), Benny Weiser (Linus), and Yona Zierler-Feit (Peppermint Patty). 
      Lucy and SchroederCharlie BrownPigPen
~Rabbi Krauss . . . Talia Krausz
Out Of The Mouths Of Babe . . .
While driving home one night this week, we heard news reports of schools closed because of cases of swine flu. In total innocence, my second grader, Duly, piped up: "I hope they don't close SAR!" 
I thought to myself: How many teachers, during anecdotal season, would turn down a free week? How many students in other schools wouldn't be thrilled to play hooky for a week?  How can a second grader, who has homework every night be so glad to go to school every day?
We must be doing something right.
Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg
~my aunt . . . I like her . . . and my great uncle . . . he was in the Stern gang . . . Rebecca Rothschild
Insights . . . by Rabbi Moish Drelich
                                            Rabbi Drelich         The Message of Shavuot
Several years ago I was asked to make a short Shavout presentation to the four and five year old children of the ELC in our school's Beit Knesset. I had planned to tell them a short story about the chag and then take the Torah out of the Aron Kodesh and show them the letters inside the Torah scroll.
When I arrived at the Beit Knesset the children were all seated with their teachers eagerly awaiting their guest speaker. Each child was wearing a crown with a picture of the Torah on their heads. They had decorated and made it in class. It was an adorable and sweet sight to see these four and five year olds wearing their crowns, but it did not prepare me for what was to transpire during my lesson.
I began by asking the children, "Why are you wearing crowns?" They dutifully responded that it was in honor of the chag of Shavuot. I then asked about the object on top of their crown. They all screamed, "It's a Torah!" I said, "Wow, how beautiful they and their crowns are!"
I then innocently shared with the children that I was a little sad because I didn't have a crown like them. I was not prepared for what occurred next. A little four year old girl named Hannah rose from her seat with her crown in her hand, slowly walked up to me and shyly handed me her crown! I could not believe the generosity and empathy this little girl displayed. My eyes welled up with tears and my heart swelled with love for this little girl's act of kindness.
Thinking back on this story truly encapsulates the story of Shavuot and Kabalat HaTorah. The Torah tells us that the Jews were camped at Har Sinai as a unified people.
 כאיש אחד בלב אחד(Like one person with a single heart). The Midrash relates that the Jewish people are compared to a Sefer Torah. If one letter is broken or missing the Torah is invalid to use. Shavuot reminds us of our daily responsibility to recreate and maintain the same feeling of unity of Kabalat HaTorah.
Thank you Hannah for sharing your crown, reminding me of this lesson.
~my Mom . . . she cares for me . . . Jacob Wasserman
באמצע: JHS News
. . . in the middle of Middle School 
                 Dr. Gaya Aranoff on Nutrition          
This past week, Dr. Gaya Aranoff, former SAR parent, spoke with our seventh grade
girls about nutrition as part of our Life Values class. She presented the various food groups and distinguished healthier choices within each. Proteins, the girls learned aid growth and healing, carbohydrates give energy, dairy helps bones grow at their age preventing difficulties later in life, and fruits and vegetables provide vitamins, minerals and fiber. Even certain types of fats are helpful to our bodies. The girls were engaged and as Dr. Aranoff presented choices within each food group they called out the healthier one. The seventh graders had many questions for her including, "How many calories do girls our age need?"
Dr. Aranoff highlighted her message about making healthy choices by leaving the girls with the thought that, "It is important in life to achieve balance, and eating is one of those things that needs to have balance."
~my parents . . . Eli Berger
דבר תורה 
sturm dvar torahBY: Akiva Sturm & Yonatan Sturm 
Grades: 2 & 3
In this week's Parasha, Parashat Bamidbar, we see the names of Moshe and Aharon are mentioned very often. Moshe and Aharon are in charge of counting Bnei Yisrael. Hashem taught Moshe and Aharon exactly how Bnei Yisrael should set up their camp around the Mishkan. Moshe and Aharon taught the Leviim about the work that they had to do in the Mishkan. Moshe and Aharon even lived next to each other in front of the Ohel Moed!
When the Torah discusses the children of Aharon, the pasuk says that these are the children of Moshe AND Aharon. This is another time that Moshe and Aharon are mentioned. But, here Rashi asks a very interesting question.
Rashi asks why is Moshe's name mentioned in this pasuk if only the children of Aharon are listed? The pasuk should really say "These are the children of Aharon." Rashi answers this question with a gemarah from Sanhedrin that says if you teach Torah to someone else's children, then you are like a parent to those children. Moshe taught Torah to the children of Aharon so he is considered like a parent to the children of Aharon. That is why it says, "These are the children of Moshe and Aharon." Nadav, Avihu, Elazer, and Itamar were the four sons of Aharon and they were also considered sons of Moshe because he was their teacher.
~firefighters who died trying to save people in the World Trade Center . . . Ben Klein
Thank You!
An appreciation breakfast was held this week in gratitude toward our Learning To Look parent coordinators and volunteers who brought their knowledge and love of art to our students:
                             thank you parents
Parent coordinators: Paulette Morris and Avigyle Gorodischer
Parent volunteers: Susan Bernstein, Stephanie Minkove, Nechama Levy, Deborah Shapira, Gail Friedman, Tamar Major, Barie-Lynne Rosensaft, Vivian Chill, Abbie Greenberg, Tamar Eisenstat, Sarah Zitter Milstein, Jane Blumenstein, Laurie Wolff, Margaret Danishefsky, Toby Smith, Simone Semer, Abby Glass, Lizzie Tropper, Emilia Basseches, Liz Marcus, Melanie Santoriello, Naomi Dorfman, Barbara Schwerd, Susan Stein, Laura Michaeli, Shirley Katz, Bryna Landes, Randi Carrey, Elisa Chefitz, Emily Blum, Jen Kroll, Jen Paradise, Talia Goldwyn, Dana Fishkin, Adina Fand, Jill Schanzer, Dana Teplitsky, Niti Minkove, Amy Michelman, Tami Weitzman, Devora Linzer, Anat Katz, Erica Edelman, Elana Minkove, Sarah Zitter Milstein, Rebecca Shmidman, Barbara Weiner, Michelle Brody.  
  Thank you! 
~Morah Daphna . . . Anna Nuchims
~my uncle . . . Leah Nerenberg 
Photos Of The Week!
Boston 1boston 16
Boston - ShoahBoston - Pirate
~a person that has challenges in front of them and tries as hard as they can to defeat the challenges, even if it doesn't work . . . Allison Herstic 
Chesed Opportunity - Stuffed Animals for Israel

smileyIn search of stuffed animals for children in Israeli hospitals . . .

Only new or like-new condition. 
Drop off outside Rabbi Drelich's office, in the ELC Office, or in the collection box in the Big Building lobby by May 27th.


Lost and Found
An iPod touch was found approximately 2 weeks ago.
To claim it, please see Sara Grinfeld in the Business Office.  
A donation has been made by Mark and Alice Lebowitz and Family to the SAR Library Fund in honor of Rena and Michael Rossman's daughter Keren and her upcoming marriage to Dovie Rush.
Mazal Tov!
Mazal Tov to Marilyn Gordon (Resource Room) on the marriage of her son Yehuda to Shelly Hoffman. Special Mazal Tov to Grandmother Lillian Levine, former SAR staff member.
Condolences to Howard Millendorf on the passing of his beloved mother, Gertrude Millendorf, grandmother of Sharon Millendorf (SAR Alumna).
Community News

Riverdale Educator Looking for a Kidney Donor
Susan Smelin, Director and Founder of Riverdale Nursery School, is in need of a kidney donor.  If you are blood type O or A-, you could be a match. If you would consider becoming a donor or would like to become involved in her search, send contact information to:
Riverdale Y - Junior Rising Stars Perform Once on this Island
Performances are Thursday, May 21 at 7:00 pm, Sunday, May 24 at 2:00 and 7:00 pm, and Monday, May 25 at 4:00 pm.  
There are still tickets available for the remaining performances of Once on this Island, an adaptation of the The Little Mermaid, performed by the Junior Rising Stars theater group of the Riverdale Y and featuring nine SAR students!   
See for more details! 

Riverdale Carlebach Minyan
Shabbat, May 23rd at 9 am
Please join the Carlebach Minyan this shabbos as we daven with ruach in Carlebach nusach.  Noah Solomon to lead davening.
Riverdale Neighborhood House
5521 Mosholu Avenue
kiddush to follow
for more info call 718-543-0085
to join our email list, contact  or find us on Facebook as Carlebach Minyan of Riverdale

Memorial Day Sponsored by the Council of Young Jewish Presidents
Let us gather to honor our fallen heroes.
Please join us for our second annual Memorial Day gathering as we continue the sacred tradition of honoring those who have fallen in defense of freedom.
Monday, May 25th
Doors open at 7:30pm
Program at 8pm
Park Ave. Synagogue
50 East 87th St.
Young Israel of New Rochelle Bake Sale
YINR Women's League invites you to the 2nd Annual Bake Sale
in memory of Sheri Raskas (a'h)
to benefit the Mikveh of New Rochelle
Tuesday, May 26th at 7:00 pm
At the home of Reva & Ilan Slasky: 270 Trenor Drive New Rochelle
All are welcome.

Riverdale Jewish Center Emerald Anniversary Dinner
Wednesday, June 3rd at the RJC
Betty and Fred Sugarman
Guests of Honor
Miriam Schonfeld Hering
Community Service Award
Tami and Jeremy Horowitz
Young Leadership Award
Please visit  for reservations 
An Evening of Inspiration to benefit BONEI OLAM
Sunday, June 7th at 8:00 pm
Helping infertile couples achieve their ultimate dream
at the home of
Mr. & Mrs. Alain & Naomi Spira
5245 Blackstone Avenue, Riverdale, NY 10471
Guest Speaker: Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser
Executive Message: Rabbi Shlomo Bochner
Refreshments will be served
Free Admission · For Men and Women
For more information please contact or Valérie Roshwalb
Book Found
A copy of Professors on the Parasha, edited by Leib Moskovits, has been found in a cubby in the Junior High. There is a program card inside from the 2006 graduation. 
If this is your book, please email Rabbi Rosenberg  at
Tefillin For Sale
Two mitzvot with one act. Support Israel and purchase kosher tefillin from Israel at a wholesale price. All profits from the sale go directly to the sofrim and the tefillin makers in Israel. Contact Rabbi Drelich for details email or 718-548-1717 ext 1212.  
News from Wave Hill
Admission to Wave Hill is free on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 9AM to 12Noon.
Wave Hill Members: Wave Hill Members who are Shomer Shabbat and would like to visit the facility on Shabbat and do not wish to carry their ID cards, may provide their names when they arrive at the front gate; Wave Hill staff are provided with a pre-printed Member list.
Wave Hill Non-Members: Wave Hill Non-Members who are Shomer Shabbat and would like to visit the facility on Shabbat afternoon or on Jewish holidays, may call in advance and prepay for their visit. A record of this arrangement will be held at the front gate, to be checked when such visitors arrive.
RJC Scrip Program
With over 70 stores participating,
these cards are perfect or birthdays, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs,
Year End Teacher gifts and more.
Visit for more info or
contact the RJC Office at 718-548-1850

                        SAR Academy
655 W. 254th Street                                 Phone:718-548-1717
Riverdale, NY 10471                                  Fax: 718-601-0082