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 The Chadashot
In This Issue
Ma Chadash?
Chadashot BaKitot
It's That 'KIND' of Week
B'Reishit . . . ELC News
D'var Torah
Photo of the Week
Thank You
PTC News
Mazal Tov
Community News
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Helpful Hints
helping hands
There is a Junior High School test calendar on display in the Junior High common area. It is there for students to reference in order to plan and organize themselves for upcoming tests and papers.  
Birkat HaChama 
Birchat HaChama
Join us
Wednesday, April 8th 10AM
SAR Academy Field
and say the
Birkat HaChama, which we say every 28 years, 
.ברוב עם הדרת מלך 
9 Nisan 5769                                        April 3, 2009
Parashat Tzav/Shabbat HaGadol                              
Candlelighting: 7:04                        Havdalah: 8:07
A Message from Rabbi Krauss 
bini with kids
Dear Parents,
Yesterday, I had the privilege of joining our second and third graders at a session
with Ruby Bridges (see article below). In my words of introduction, I told the children that one of the hardest things for me at the seder is to "feel as if I myself came out of Egypt". It is difficult to relate to the contrast between slavery and freedom, for those of who, thankfully, have grown up with so much opportunity.
Yesterday, we had a chance to meet a modern day hero who made these ideas real, by learning from someone who was at the center of such a struggle. Thank you to the parent sponsors who made this memorable event possible, and to Beth Pepper and the second grade team for inspiring our kids by teaching her story. 
I hope that those of you who are able will join us on Erev Pesach at 10 AM (weather permitting) on the SAR field for Birchat Hachama, an opportunity to recite this unique ברכת שבח which will not present itself again until 2037!

Best wishes to you and your families for a Chag Kasher Vsameach.
Shabbat Shalom,   
Rabbi Binyamin Krauss
Mark Your Calendar
Monday, April 6th- No New Rochelle District Busing 
Tuesday, April 7th- Friday, April 17th- Pesach Break. No Sessions.
Wednesday, April 8th- Birkat HaChama at 10AM on the field
Monday, April 20th- Sessions Resume
Tuesday, April 21st- Yom HaShoah
Thursday, April 23rd- Schoolwide Lice Check 
Tuesday, April 28th-Yom HaZikaron
Wednesday, April 29th-Yom Ha'Atzmaut 3:00 Dismissal ELC; 3:15 Dismissal Academy 
Tuesday, May 5th-Bar Mitzvah Program, 7 to 9PM at SAR    Topic: Safrut and the Hebrew alphabet  
What does being free mean to you?
(See quotes throughout.)
~a certain level of rules, but you can still be who you are . . . Tova Sidlow 

Yom Haatzmaut

Yom Haatzmaut at SAR

Celebrate Yom Haatzmaut at SAR
Wednesday, April 29th at 5PM
SAR Academy Field 
Flag Ceremony, Barbeque, Lots of Music, Ruach, Drum Circle, and More!
Bring Your Picnic Blankets 

Please consider sponsoring this event:
$100 Zion, $180 Negev, $250 Shfela, $500 Galil, or $1000 Golan.
Please email with sponsorships.
?מה חדש


                                       Preparing For Pesach
Why has this week in school been different from all other weeks in school? To prepare for Pesach, our students have been busy with many different age-appropriate activities from singing to creating their own Haggadot for their family Seder. The first graders held their annual model Seder on Thursday. The students sang the order and watched their teachers model each part. The students ate matzah, maror, and haroset, drank four cups of grape juice, and watched the ten plagues attack the Egyptians on the SMARTboard, even though the students know they can't have a SMARTboard at their family Seder. 
         1st grade pessach 4.3.09model seder
The second graders are hard at work preparing for theatrics at the Seder. Ask your second grader to use his Pharaoh mask or her Shifra and Puah puppets to act out the Maggid story. They can also use their pointers to point to the matzah, maror, and pesach, to make sure you are fulfilling the three big mitzvot of Pesach. 2Y and 2Z, specifically, have learned about all the hard work we have to do before the holiday, and look forward to doing bedikat chometz in their homes. Ask to see his or her personal Haggadah, with a picture in costume looking like your child has just left Egypt!
                                        avraham avinu
Ask your third grader if you can use his or her Haggadah at the Seder. You can, because it has the complete text inside, complete with divrei Torah, pictures, and words written by the students. 
Beyond the classroom, in fourth grade library, librarian Morah Beth showed the students her personal Haggadah collection. Together, they looked at the pictorial representations of the four children. One Haggadah, written in memory of those who died in the Holocaust, used books, not people, to describe the four children. The Russian Haggadah showed the Russian disregard for Jewish values and customs, while one Haggadah didn't label the children at all and asks the reader to decide which is which. Finally, Morah Beth shared her special Moss Haggadah, with playing cards as the children.
                                        ma chadash beth reading                             
The fifth graders would love to share their group-effort Haggadah with you. Each class created a Haggadah with a d'var Torah written about every section of the Haggadah by the students in each class.
The sixth grade Haggadah is a joint effort with the entire grade. Ask students in 6W about their Pesach Treasure Hunt at the Food Emporium!
Out oldest students are busy with their books, learning the halachot of Pesach and the gemara sources for everything we do at the Seder.
Our students will have lots to say at the Seder this year. Encourage their questions and ask them some of your own! This Pesach, no matter your age, may we all learn a little more from each other.
                Second Grade Biography Dolls
As a culmination to the study of biographies, second grade students designed puppets to portray historical figures they studied. They then presented them to classmates with fascinating information they had learned. For example, they learned that heroes come in all shapes and sizes, contribute many wonderful things to our world and can often be the ordinary people that we encounter each day in our lives.
    bio puppet1bio puppets2bio puppets3
Stop by second grade for a travel through time via our biography puppets.            
                          Shemoneh Esreh
On Thursday, March 26th, SAR's 4th graders were treated with a visit to an exhibit created by their classmates on the Shmoneh Esrei. As part of the 4th grade Judaic Studies enrichment program, a group from each class studied several brachot of Shmoneh Esrei, learning about their meaning, origin and framework. They then wrote summaries in Hebrew, chose visual images, created 3-dimensional objects and interactive activities that helped teach their fellow students about the brachot of Shmoneh Esrei
As the visitors made their way through the display, they were given an "Exhibit Challenge," a set of questions to help guide them. Among the questions they were asked were: "What do we add to the ברכה called 'גבורות) 'אתה גיבור)?", and "Which ברכה was added to שמונה עשרה?"
Highlights of the exhibit included a visit by Rabbi Krauss, who was immediately challenged by students to a stacking game, meant to represent the rebuilding of the Beit Hamikdash and the brachah of "Binyan Yerushalayim". Other interactives that delighted students were the game "Operation" representing the brachah of "Refuah," and a matching game that incorporated many of the brachot of Shmoneh Esrei.
                 aviva1ma chadash boys
                                      ma chadash rabbi k

                Schreck II . . . Watch The Movie!
                                    "The games were great! The teachers remained
                                      undefeated. It was exciting. There were even more
                                      people playing this year."
                                                               -SAR students 
Click here to watch a film clip of the Mike Schreck Memorial Basketball Games.
~Without freedom what's the point of life? . . . Ariel Haberman
 Ruby Bridges-Rockwell
 ?מי חדש: Ruby Bridges 
                         She is Part of History
What an opportunity our second and third graders had this week, as they meet Ruby
Bridges, the woman who many students were inspired by in their study of heroes in general, and through books about her in particular. "As we approach Pesach and understand what freedom is, there is no one who understands freedom more than Ruby Bridges," Rabbi Krauss said to our students.
     Ruby Bridges 
Ruby Bridges' warm, patient presentation and use of questions to facilitate discussion,
engaged the children in dialogue. Her easy connection with our second and third graders invited them to move through history with her. She began by sharing the story of what her first day of first grade was like, and presented a film clip documenting that day in November, 1960, when she, at age six, walked up the steps of the William Frantz Public School in New Orleans. She was the first black student at the formerly all white elementary school. The United States had handed down its landmark decision ordering the integration of public schools, she told the children.
"Years earlier though," she said, "there was a law stating that black and white children had to attend separate schools. "How can we change the law?" Ruby Bridges asked the riveted group. The children suggested: "talk to the government"; "protest"; "have a boycott". "These are all great ideas," she encouraged them. "What if we had a march and let the president know?" she asked. "What if we held a peaceful protest?"
Ruby Bridges' family made the courageous decision to send her to a formerly segregated
school in New Orleans. Though they were trepidatious, they believed her attendance at this school was a critical move toward engendering change. In first grade Ruby was alone with a single teacher, Mrs. Henry, the entire year because the white parents wouldn't allow their children to be in school with a black child.
Our students had many questions for her such as: "Why didn't white children just decide to go to black schools?"; "What was it like for you being different from everyone else in school?"; and, "Were you scared when you went that first day?"
It was a privilege having Ruby Bridges as our guest. She brought an era alive and allowed our students to understand well, the history of which she is a significant part.
~getting to go places because you're not slaves . . . Ezra Deitcher
חדשות בכיתות: Jewish Communities Around The World
Our students are busy learning within their grades about many different Jewish communities around the world through film, song, research, and more. As a school, we will also come together for events surrounding our theme of the year.
On Lag B'Omer, Tuesday, May 12th, our students will participate in a Walk-a-Thon to raise money for Jewish Camps in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. In preparation for the Walk-a-Thon, we invite your children to participate in a Walk-a-Thon Logo Contest. The chosen logo will be used to design the shirts every child will wear while walking.
We encourage any child interested to submit a logo design for the Walk-a-Thon.
The Walk-a-Thon Logo must include the following items:
SAR Name or SAR Logo 
A symbol for the World
A Jewish symbol
The saying: כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה
All logos must be submitted by Tuesday, April 21st, the day after we return from vacation. Please email your logo to or place in the box outside of Rabbi Krauss' office.
We look forward to a successful event. Stay tuned for more details!
If you have any questions, you can always contact Morah Deganit at  
~we're not slaves for the Egyptians anymore . . . Noa Mintz 
It's That 'KIND' of Week
                     Caring For Our Chayalim       

                                chayal on sb                    

Class 5Y sent packages with candies and letters to chayalim during the war in Israel. One of the chayalim wanted to thank the students personally and sent his phone number so we could call him from class. A webcam was set up in the classroom so that he could be seen on the SMART Board. Exactly when we were ready, he himself was not available but we spoke to a friend of his, also a chayal, who thanked us and told us a little about himself. He told us that he lives in Gush Etzion and was called up to serve for ten days during the war in Gaza. Students took turns using the microphone to ask questions of the chayal such as: "What do you do?"; "Where do you live?"; "What was the war like?" He told us about his family and about serving in the army. He also told the students that what he does in the army is classified and a military secret. As you can imagine, the fifth graders were very excited to think about that! 

   chayal class chayal class 2
He thanked the class and especially talked about how great it feels to know that Jews everywhere were doing their best to help and contribute to the State of Israel and to the soldiers. It was simply heartwarming! (Students were excited to hear that his son was just watching some soccer game that they were interested in too!) Our new technology made it feel like we are close to Israel. The students were saying things like "That was awesome!" or "Let's send more things. Let's do this again!". It was a really great experience.
Thank you to: Debby Schloss for taking our packages to Israel, Avishai Catane from Beit Shemesh who is a lieutenant in IDF and gave out the letters and packages to his soldiers (He is also Morah Nurit Aharoni's brother!), Yaron the chayal who wrote to us, Mendel who organized the technical part and the entire fifth grade for writing to the chayalim
Here is the letter Yaron, sent to 5Y:
נורית שלום,  
שמי חביב בן -חיים ואני והגדוד שלי לחמנו ברצועת עזה לאחר שיצאנו קיבלנו את החבילות והמכתבים שהעברתם לנו.
אני מודה לך ולילדים בכיתתך על תמיכתכם החזקה הייתם לנו לחוסן בחזית,כיף לקבל ברכות ומתנות מאנשים שמעריכים זאת.
 מקווה שלפחות חלקכם יעלה לישראל ויתנדב לצה"ל לחיל הרגלים.
כמובן שאם תירצו ליצור קשר איתי אז במייל או בפלאפון:050-2959308.
נורית אודה לך אם תעשי זאת בשיעור שכל הילדים יהיו ותשימו אותי על רמקול בכדי שאודה לכולם.
חביב(ירון) בן-חיים
~not working . . . Eden Allerhand
בראשית: ELC News
. . . the beginning steps 
                            Building Mitzraim
The K-1 kids learned all about the story of the Jewish people in Egypt. They knew that the Jewish people were the ones to build Paroah's beautiful cities and prepare the bricks. This task was neither simple nor easy. In order to better appreciate this concept, the K-1 kids prepared their own cities out of clay using their hands to form stones and buildings.
         elc pesachelc pesach 2                 
The K-1 architects learned the importance of working as a team in order to facilitate communication in the planning and in the execution of their ideas. They ended up recreating a mini-Mitzrayim complete with a Nile River and even Baby Moshe floating in the water. Many children noted, "This can't be like Mitzrayim, we're having too much fun!". Among some noted favorite part of this collaborative effort: "making the Nile River", "making bricks", "making Paroah's palace", "making pyramids", "making baby Moshe floating down the River Nile".
~being free from what you don't want to do . . . Moshe Sopher-Harelick 
דבר תורה: By K5
                                K-5's Four Questions For Pesach...
1. What is special about the egg on our seder plate?
Unlike other foods that get softer when cooked (meat, rice, noodles, potatoes) eggs get harder. This is like B'nei Yisrael. No matter what happens to us we always get stronger!
2. Why is Moshe's name mentioned only once in the haggadah?
Even though Moshe certainly deserves credit for taking us out of Mitzrayim, we shouldn't make the mistake and think that it happened only because of Moshe. Moshe was a messenger of Ha-shem who was the One who really took us out of Mitzrayim!
3. What is all this "stuff" happening in "Chad Gadya?
All of the things that happen in Chad Gadya are really just to show us that in the end Ha-shem has a plan. Sometimes things seem to be a bit crazy, and we don't understand why different things happen. In the end, though, Ha-shem always has a plan for us!
4. What are you thankful for on Pesach?   

                               holding torah
(Answers are in the order of appearance starting with the top row moving left to right.)
Aaron Rosenberg - for my family.
Adin Pepper-Fox - for my family.
Arbel Rosen - for my new baby.
Dahlia Apfelbaum - for my family.
Ethan Lapp - for my family.
Jakob Berger- for the food that we have.
Julia David - for my brothers and sister.
Julia Cappell - for my family.
Leah Stern- for the food that we have.
Meira Linzer - for Mommy and Daddy.
Neima Fine - for my family.
Mina Benovitz - for the food that we have.
Rivka Boniuk - for my family.
Yaniv Naggar - for being able to play piano.
Pearl Shapira-Stern - for the name that I was given.
Yoav Offir - for my family.
Yonah Pretsfelder- for my family.
Yonah Rosenfield - for my one hundred and three year old aunt.
Orly Stulbach - for my school.
Allie Berkowitz- for the food that we have.
Not pictured...
Morot Rena, Barbara and More - for the wonderful children of K-5!
Chag Kasher V'Sameach!

~not a slave to anyone . . . Ravi Schwartz 
PHOTO OF THE WEEK!          
                                      pic of the week
              "Keeping the haggadah close at heart."
~when you don't have to do what someone wants you to do . . . it's like a free country . . . Sara Rosin
Thank You
The Cohen family (Rachel 3X and Joshua 1X) extends its deepest gratitude to the entire SAR community for the outpouring of support and nechama they received during their recent time of loss.  
PTC News
Many thanks to Marcella Marcus who organized and arranged the Bartons candy sale. Thanks for always making the candy sale a successful fundraiser! Also thank you to her children Sammy and Dovie for packing the candy.
Congratulations to the Nordlicht family for selling the most candy! 
Wishing everyone a Chag kasher v'sameach,
Benay Meisels and Diane Hill
Condolences to Alan Rosman on the passing of his beloved mother, Flora Rosman, grandmother of Ari (Gr. 8); and Dena (Gr. 4).
Mazal Tov
Mazal tov to Lanie and Ari Kellman upon the birth of a daughter, sister to Maayan in N1.
Mazal Tov to Allison & Jonathan Bellin upon the birth of a son, brother to Kayla in K1.
Community News

Tefillin For Sale
Two mitzvot with one act. Support Israel and purchase kosher tefillin from Israel at a wholesale price.  All profits from the sale go directly to the sofrim and the tefillin makers in Israel. Contact Rabbi Drelich for details email or 718-548-1717 ext 1212.  
League of Our Own- Riverdale Softball
It's almost spring time and that means baseball season will be  starting. 
Announcing registration for A League of our Own-Riverdale's girls' baseball league. 
We invite girls in 3rd -8th grades to register.
Click here for the registration form
and more info. 
SAVE THE DATE! If you wake up in the morning wondering what happened  in Israel overnight then you will want to go on the NORPAC mission to Washington on Wednesday, May 20th. This is a rare opportunity to have private small group meetings with Senators and Congressman to talk about issues vital to Israel's security. Sign up by May 10th and take advantage of the student discount. To sign up, go to If you have any questions, contact David Frankel at
Ballet @ RJC
The RJC Youth Department  invites you to join us for another  fantastic season of Ballet!
 * classes subject to change if enrollment does not warrant class*
Sunday's @ 9AM
9.00-10:00 - Ballet (2.5 and up)
All classes will meet on 8 Sundays, price for the session $180  
Registration is open for the next session of ballet at
Please email with any questions.
Cost: $180
4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/31, 6/14
T-Ball & Pre-K Sports  With Wayne Samuels!
T-Ball for K & 1st
Sunday morning @ 9 AM
(April 26th - June 21st) (Link for Registration form & schedule)
Pre-K Sports
Sunday morning from 10:00 - 11:00 AM
(April 26th - June 21st)
 Click here for Registration form & schedule 
Where: The RJC gym
What: 8 weeks of skills, playing and fun!
Cost: $90 (Special RJC Youth Member Discount: $75)
Please Reserve your spot...
First come, First serve!
Email:  or call 917-548-2703 and remember to leave your contact info.     
RJC & HIR Teens Presents:
Great Adventure Trip - Chol Hamoed Pesach
If you like Pesach, roller coasters then this is the trip for you!
The bus will be leaving promptly from the RJC at 8:30 am right after 7:30 minyan.
WHEN: Sunday, April 12th, 2009 
WHERE: Six Flags Great Adventure
$50 B/4 April 7th
$60 after April 7th
Contact Noam Schneck
Phone: 240-393-9119 
IMPORTANT: Limited seats available, first come first serve
RJC Boy/Cub Scouts - Troop 613
Boy/Cub Scouts will meet not meet this Sunday due to Pesach preparations.
Sunday, April 12 2009- Chol Hamoed Hiking Trip to Turkey Mountain. 
The Scouts trip will be meeting at Turkey Mountain @ 9 AM. 
We will be returning to the RJC @ 12.30 PM.
OPEN to the whole community!
Cost: $10 charge per child for Non-Scout members.
(All RJC Youth are invited)
We will be teaching the children to set up a tent, read a map, and use a compass.  Please pack your own lunch.  
The hike is open to the whole family!
Please RSVP how many people (adults and children) will be participating, and whether you have room in your car for more people by Monday, April 6th.
HIR Clothing Drive Sunday April 5 , 2009 9:30 am to 12:30 pm . Please sort and bag separately men's, women's and children's clothing . Deposit clothing in the truck that will be stationed outside the HIR. Volunteers are needed. If you are able to help for even a short amount of time please call Steve Pretsfelder or Barbara Gochberg at 718-601-3586 or email 

  • If you are interested in sponsoring the Chadashot in memory or in honor of someone special, please email the Development Department or call Rachel at 718-548-1717 ext. 1275.
  • If you would like to submit a Mazal Tov or a Condolence, or general Community News, please email
  •                         SAR Academy
    655 W. 254th Street                                 Phone:718-548-1717
    Riverdale, NY 10471                                  Fax: 718-601-0082