Wellesley Chiropractic Office

Spring 2010 Newsletter

"Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure. You have no security unless you can live bravely, excitingly, imaginatively, unless you can choose a challenge instead of a competence."

Eleanor Roosevelt

In This Issue
Nutrition Info
Getting To The Cause
Who Are We?

Wellesley Chiropractic
471 Washington St. Wellesley, MA. 02482
Phone 781.237.6673
Fax 508.651.2209

We have been serving the Metro-West are since 1982.
We specialize in family centered chiropractic health care, pediatrics, craniopathy, and long term spinal reconstructive care.

Dr. Rosen practices Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) and is a certified Craniopath and SOT instructor.
SOT is a chiropractic technique based on the removal of Subluxations and chronic spinal neurophysiological imbalances that effect the overall function on the nervous system. Because of the diversity and flexibility of SOT anyone from infants to the elderly can be safely adjusted.

Office hours:
Mon 2:00-7:00pm
Tues 8:00am-1:00pm
Wed 2:00-7:00pm
Fri 8:00am-1:00pm

Specialty Services
  • Pediatric chiropractic
  • Allergy desensitization
  • Animal (dog and cat) chiropractic care
  • Cranial adjusting
  • Nutritional evaluation
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Nutrition Info

Vitamin C helps make plant-based iron more absorbable, says nutritionist Stacy Kennedy of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.  It actually converts much of the plant-based iron into a form that's similar to what's found in fish and red meats.  Kennedy suggests getting your Vitamin C from citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, strawberries, tomatoes, bell peppers, and broccoli, and getting plant-based iron from leeks, beet greens, kale, spinach, mustard greens, Swiss chard, and fortified cereals.
According to Diane Birt, PhD, a professor at Iowa State University and a food synergy expert, the specific amino acids absent in wheat are actually present in peanuts. You need, and very rarely receive in one meal, the complete chain of amino acids (the best form of protein) to build and maintain muscle, especially as you get older.  In short, while this combo exhibits only what Birt calls a "loose definition: of food synergy, it gives good evidence that a peanut-butter sandwich isn't junk food it it's prepared with whole-wheat bread (not white) and eaten in moderation (once a day).  So enjoy a peanut-butter sandwich right after a workout instead of drinking a terrible gym-rat-shake.  Just make sure the peanut butter doesn't have added sugar, chemical ingredients you can't pronounce, or cartoon characters on the label.
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Dr. Rosen's teaching schedules and member organizations:

Thank you!!

We just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all of you referring your family and friends into our office for chiropractic care.  We will continue to do our best to serve them. 

From all of us at Wellesley Chiropractic Office.

Spring is here and once again we are very excited about sharing valuable information with you and your families regarding your health. The purpose of this publication is to keep you informed about new research regarding chiropractic and increase your knowledge about the benefits of chiropractic care. In this way you will be able to make more informed choices regarding your healthcare.

We will also be presenting articles and information concerning other health care options that can play an intricate part in your overall well-being.
Chiropractic - 6 Facets of Health

  • Proper Nutrition/Diet
  • Exercise
  • Proper Rest
  • Positive Mental Attitude
  • Spiritual Practice
  • Proper Nerve Supply and Functioning Nervous System
Getting To The Cause
Some time ago, a friend of mine was at a family get-together.  As was customary whenever his family gets together, he set up his portable adjusting table and checked everyone.  He noticed one of the guests watching him very closely as he checked and adjusted his family.  As he was finishing, she introduced herself as a physical therapist and asked, "Should we start fighting now or should I wait until you're finished?"
Of course she was only kidding, but his response confused her.  "Why should we fight at all?" he asked.  "After all, we have entirely different objectives when we work on people, don't we?"  
She seemed genuinely perplexed.  "Isn't your objective to get your patient's spine to move more normally and get them out of pain?" she asked, "That's my goal too - to remove the cause of the pain, not just treat the symptom!"
"That's a very common misconception," he replied.  "You see, chiropractic is not about eliminating the cause of disease as many people think.  Rather, it is an approach that actually focuses on restoring the cause of health by balancing the nerve system and allowing the body's Innate Intelligence to be expressed as completely as possible.  Of course, we do this by working on the spine."
She replied, "I've never heard it put that way before.  You say that you actually focus on restoring the cause of health, rather than trying to get rid of the cause of disease - is that right?"  
"That's right!", he said.  "Wow, I like the way that sounds; but what's the difference?"
He explained to her: "It's simple," "The Innate Wisdom of the body is perfect in every way.  It always knows what to do in order to help you function at your absolute best.  If that means it needs to digest your food, heal your lungs, relax your neck muscles, or make new spleen tissue, then that's what it will do!  And, it always heals whatever most needs healing first.  All chiropractors do is make sure there is a normal flow of Life Force between your brain and all the parts of your body.  After that, it's just a matter of time and of trust that your Innate Intelligence is on the job adapting, healing and growing you into the maximal expression health and life.  You see, chiropractors don't pretend to know more than the God-given perfection you have inside of you when it comes to what needs to be done in your body.  Chiropractors simply understand that the power that made your body will, organize, heal and grow your body continuously, throughout your life, if given the chance."
My point in telling you this story is not to highlight the differences between a physical therapist and a chiropractor.  It's to ask you why YOU are here.  Are you here to "get to the cause of your problem?"  Or, are you here because you have a greater understanding?  Are you truly aware of the perfection you have within you? And, do you know that when it has the chance to express itself as fully as possible, health and happiness are automatic?  Do you have a great enough understanding of how this perfection works to be patient while trusting that whatever needs to heal first is in fact healing, even if it's not what you'd like to see heal first?
It's true, we chiropractors DO get to the cause, but what we help to cause is the progressive actualization of your body's own natural state of vibrant health and happiness... this comes from the full expression of your Life Force!  We don't eliminate the cause of disease; we help restore the cause of health!

Many Cancers may be Preventable
According to a new report from the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), about one-third of the 12 most common adult cancers may be preventable by making healthy lifestyle choices. The report did not include cancers that could be prevented by not smoking.
Cancer is the second-leading cause of death among Americans, surpassed only by heart disease. Based on projections by the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer deaths will likely continue to rise, with an estimated nine million deaths from cancer in 2015 and 11.4 million deaths from cancer in 2030.
The panel of 23 experts concluded that being physically active, maintaining a healthy weight and eating a nutritious diet may help prevent various types of cancer. In the United States, endometrial cancers, esophageal cancers and cancers of the mouth, pharynx and larynx were found to be the most preventable. (See table below.)
Estimated Percentage of Cancers that may be Preventable

These estimates do not represent an individual person's risk of developing cancer. Instead, they reflect the general population's estimated chance of developing the disease. WCRF/AICR also emphasizes that there is no way to completely eliminate the risk because many factors beyond a person's control (such as family history) may affect cancer risk.
The report also includes recommendations for governments, schools, workplaces media and other organizations to encourage healthy lifestyles. For instance, the panel recommends that schools and workplaces promote walking and bicycling and eliminate unhealthy foods in cafeterias. They also stress the need for food and beverage companies to reduce the cost of healthy products and to stop promoting unhealthy products to children.

Yours in Health,

Martin Rosen, DC, CSCP, CSPP