Vol 10-2  February 2010

Specializing in information technology outsourcing for small and medium businesses (1-50 Employees). "It's like having your own IT department"
  • Network Design
  • High Speed Internet
  • Computers & Software
  • Network Security
  • Email & Web Hosting
  • Back-ups
  • Virus Protection & Recovery
  • Web Sites
  • Professional Service


Welcome to this month's issue! The Technology Advisor provides technology advice, strategy, tips and trends to help you manage and grow your business!

Countdown to March 1, 2010:
The Massachusetts Data Protection Law Goes into Effect in Just a few weeks!

Is your Antivirus software up to date? Are your Microsoft critical patches up to date? Better find out soon because after March 1st it will be against the law in Massachusetts for any computer system containing personal information about any resident of the commonwealth to be left unprotected.

After a number of extensions, the new MA Data Protection Law goes into effect March 1, 2010.

Are you prepared to help your organization get into compliance with the new data security regulations? Massachusetts has enacted one of the most onerous data protection laws in the country. The regulations apply to every individual or entity, including those outside Massachusetts, that maintain personal information regarding Massachusetts residents, and regardless of whether the information is stored in paper or electronic form. To be in compliance, covered entities must ensure that such data is maintained securely, and develop a Written Information Security Policy (WISP).

Last month, we ran a quick poll in our newsletter to see how businesses are doing in their preparation for the new law. Only 8% of respondents had already completed their WISP document! The other 92% reported that they haven't even started!

There is still time to get ready. Most businesses will be happy to find that they are already in compliance for most requirements, and the requirements are pretty easy to understand. The biggest areas of non-compliance we see relate to the use of strong passwords, and encryption of portable devices and transmission of personal information.

If you need to jumpstart your readiness process, we'll be offering a free webinar on Friday February 5th at 12:15pm. Please call (978-692-4200) or email us to reserve your spot and get the dial-in instructions.

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Secure It!  Get Ready by March 1st!

Team Ekaru

Introductory Technology Assessment Over 400 local small businesses have chosen Ekaru to manage their computers and networks. We offer a free, no-obligation initial consultation to get started. We'll visit your office, review your network, and make recommendations. Call us at 978-692-4200 or email us to schedule a no-obligation assessment. If you know someone who could benefit from this offer, simply forward this email to them. Thank You!

           Microsoft Small Business Specialist
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