Bob Singapore
Front-Range Fundraisers - Join Bob Burdenski in Boulder...
More Innovations In Annual Giving
One-Day Workshop at the University of Colorado Boulder
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's an all-new program for 2012, as CASE Crystal Apple teacher, Innovations in Annual Giving author, and international consultant Bob Burdenski brings the most innovative new annual giving strategies to you in a special one-day Front Range workshop. 

More Innovations in Annual GivingWhat's new in annual giving program strategy?  What old nuggets of annual giving wisdom are as relevant as ever?  Bob's examples and ideas are selected for their relevance to a range of institutions of all sizes.

Give your annual giving program an overhaul, and collect a day's worth of new ideas and innovations for annual giving success.  Fine-tune your phonathon.  Bring new definition to your direct mail.  Define success for your social media.  Embark on new email strategies.  Bob's programs are famous for featuring many examples from a range of institutions.  Bob sees the best new ideas in annual giving --come and see the latest he has to share.

Staff Discount:  First attending member of a staff pays full price ($199).  Additional staff members receive a $50 discount ($149).

Workshop Location:
University of Colorado Boulder
4001 Discovery Drive, East Campus
Boulder, Colorado 80303
Free parking is available on-siteSee a map here.

This workshop will run from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
with lunch and pdf copies of all 150+ slides included with your registration. 

Register online or by phone - 773-351-1728.

Agenda Highlights:  
  • Annual Giving Performance Metrics and Evaluation -- How should your organization be defining success for annual giving fundraising today? What are the "little numbers" that contribute to "big number" fundraising success, and how do we maximize annual giving's "bottom line" dollars raised while also advancing other development goals?  Bob offers his thoughts on the right metrics for your annual giving program. 
  • Online Innovations in Annual Giving - Web giving strategies are changing fast.  What are the latest new ideas in new media for annual giving?  Bob previews his third CASE book with the latest in social media, Web pages and email fundraising ideas and strategies. 
  • The Language of Annual Giving -  More than 200 institutions participate in Bob's Annual Giving Appeal Exchange and share their annual giving email and letter appeals.  Bob dives into the batch and shares the most creative and innovative new samples for crafting the case for support.  What's the difference between charitable support and philanthropic support?  What themes are particularly important in today's recessionary economy?
  • Annual Giving Ahead: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities -- Annual giving fundraising is evolving quickly -- the result of new communications methods as well a challenging economy. Sticking with old methods can be a waste of resources, yet annual giving remains an important investment in your overall fundraising portfolio.  What's next for the traditional elements of the annual giving program, and what other new elements are appearing on the horizon?  Bob offers some final thoughts on trends in annual giving fundraising methods and strategies.    
  • Participants' Best Practice Ideas and Sample Sharing - Learn from your fellow workshop attendees as Bob moderates a discussion of group best practice ideas and shares samples from the participants themselves.  Bring your favorite samples to share and learn from your colleagues in attendance. 
Watch a sample vldeo from a previous Bob appearance.
Wonder if it will be any fun?  Watch a sample vldeo from a previous Bob appearance.


"The evaluations were glowing... You present with humor, energy and authority. I left the program with many ideas to share with our annual giving staff... Thank you"
-- Nora T. Sale, Development Director
Children's Hospital and Health System Foundation

"Top Ten Faculty!"
-- Blackbaud Conference on Philanthropy

"You helped give me the energy to get to the end of our fiscal year, not to mention all the great ideas for the next year!"
-- Eileen R. Sheets, Nardin Academy

"What a star - double crystal apple for this fount of all knowledge."
-- 2012 CASE Europe Conference Attendee

"Bob is positively compelling and compellingly positive."
-- Sharon Thomas, University of Oxford

"You should know that your days with us were a great big hit-often referred to in planning sessions I'm in with the campus annual fund folks.  Thanks so much for providing such a valuable experience for our colleagues!"
-- Cathy Hanby-Sikora, Office of the Chancellor, University of North Carolina System

"A great presentation by a consultant who didn't push his books at all. Bob is a gem -- funny, informative, lots of concrete examples.  He's fabulous."
-- CASE 2009 Boston District 1 Conference Evaluation

"Thank you for a truly informative and uplifting presentation ...the information you shared, paired with the collegiality of the group, recharged my confidence. Thank you." 
-- Christine Leible, Associate Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations
Marymount College

 "Once again, I would like to express my great appreciation for your stimulating and informative presentation."
-- Kathy Chan, Director, Development and Alumni Relations Office
City University of Hong Kong

"The room was much too crowded, but fortunately, the content was extremely good."
-- CASE NAIS Conference attendee, 2007