Vol. 1, Issue 2  
September 2012
Lift up Heart

 I have come

to drag you out of yourself,

and take you in my heart.

I have come

to bring out the beauty

you never knew you had

and lift you like a prayer

to the sky.

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     The change of season is upon us. There it is a great time of transition. In the Jewish calendar it is the new year. Shana Tova. Happy New Year. May the coming year be sweet, and fruitful.

     How does this apply to you? Who are you going to be? What are you reaching towards? What do you want more of in your life? Are you being fully 'real', authentic? What stories are you holding onto that aren't serving you? During this time of year, it is the time to go inside and contemplate these questions. How comfortable are you with conflict, or, would you do whatever it took to avoid it?

     I recently had an experience where I had a conflict with a friend. I said what I needed to say, and yes, it was uncomfortable. However, my experience with conflict is that it actually creates the opportunity to develop greater depth and connection.  When these types of situations arise it really is an opportunity to be real, to feel, and to get to the other side, with a friend. If you are using old strategies of safety, to prevent you from moving forward, explore what might be waiting for you on the other side. It's ripe, and ready.

     The following quotation really gets at the heart of what I am referring to...

"The secret of beginning a life of deep awareness and sensitivity lies in our willingness to pay attention. Our growth as conscious, awake human beings is marked not so much by grand gestures and visible renunciations as by extending loving attention to the minutest particulars of our lives. Every relationship, every thought, every gesture is blessed with meaning through the wholehearted attention we bring to it. In the complexities of our minds and lives we easily forget the power of attention, yet without attention we live only on the surface of existence. It is just simple attention that allows us truly to listen to the song of a bird, to see deeply the glory of an autumn leaf, to touch the heart of another and be touched. We need to be fully present in order to love a single thing wholeheartedly. We need to be fully awake in this moment if we are to receive and respond to the learning inherent in it."
-   Christina Feldman and Jack Kornfield, Stories of the Spirit, Stories of the Heart

letting go

The Clear Day is happening this Saturday, the 22nd. So many amazing people will be participating and it is going to be a fantastic day. There are a couple of slots still open if you are a late decision maker, or you are just suddenly feeling drawn, we would love to have you.

The magic of the Clear Day is the opportunity to be in community, to be in the depths of feelings and emotions, to be there for each other, AND to see and experience the depth of soul in each of us. I can't wait to see you there...

Click here to view the flyer. 
Tibetan Pulsing

Tibetan Pulsing Yoga is happening on Monday evenings. If you are interested in exploring what Tibetan Pulsing is you may want to join us on Monday evenings, 7:45.

It is a night of sinking into your being at such a deep level. It is a body work which is done in pairs. You give and you receive. It is very meditative. There is a small group of us who are VERY passionate about this work, and we would love to share it with more of you.

To learn more you may look on the web at We need to know if we have an even number on Mondays so if you would like to come please call Tarita at 510-654-1480 and let us know.

In November, Parmesh, a Tibetan Pulser, will be coming here to offer sessions and do a weekend group. We are looking at November 16-18. It will be a deep internal weekend. So you might want to come prior to that to explore. We want to expand our community of pulsers, so if it calls to you, join us.

I am planning to attend this program in January, the 2nd-9th.  This is a one week intensive with Donny Epstein, the developer of this work, and in it you explore the invisible forces that shape your life, body and destiny. It is an incredibly powerful and life changing experience. If any of you are up for the intensity, it would be so nice to have some of you there with me.

Click here for more details about the program.
Thank you for being on this journey together with me. May we all shine more and more brightly every day.

With Love,


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