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Who Is Epochalips?
We are the out and proud  
lesbians and allies who cleared the way for queer/bi/transgender youth. 

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A few our contributors: 

     Meredith Baxter
     Vicki Randle           
     Jewelle Gomez

     Robin Lowey
     Monica Palacios
     Marga Gomez
     Eleanor Palacios
     Shawn McAndrew
     Kim Powell
     Jody Cole
     Margie Adam
     Rachel Wahba
     Melanie Nathan
     Echo Brooks
     Page Hodel 

     Kate Clinton  

     Chantal Carrere   

     Terry Wolverton 

     Lee Lynch 

     Wallis Stern  

     Nicole Conn        

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Dr. Frankie
Robin Lowey � 2012 All rights reserved  

Dr Frankie's Little Gay Book   

I kept running into Frankie at countless events this past summer. Whether it was Zuni Cafe during Pride, the SF LGBT Center's 10 year Soiree, the NCLR gala or a golf tourney for Horizon's, Frankie was omnipresent. She told me about her unique niche business providing lesbian matchmaking services. Who knows? She may already have your next hot girlfriend in her book!.. Read More 

Lisa Cordileone Easy Abby �2012 All rights reserved

Lisa Cordileone is 'Easy Abby'  

I knew who Wendy Jo (Carlton) was and had seen her film Hannah Free a couple years before...I remember thinking who is making films like this here in Chicago?..(In our new series) Abby has an anxiety disorder that is only soothed by seducing women. She has never been in love and doesn't want to be! It's like David Lynch meets Jane Lynch!  Read More

Lesbian Dating
Dr. Glenda Corwin �2012 All rights Reserved
Dating: Screening for Problems
Beware of the words "I don't know what it is about you, but I feel like I can really talk to you." These words often mean "I have a lot of emotional problems and need a lot of your help." Granted, we've all got problems, and need to talk with someone we trust-but we don't assume that a complete stranger is that person. Unless you cherish a life of emotional care-taking, back away gently... Read More 
Carrie Avritt Carrie Avritt �2012 All rights reserved

Fat: The Other 'F' Word   

Collectively, we get angry about hate speech particularly that which is specific to color, gender or sexual orientation, etc. We even confront those who do it. Although they are just words, it's the intent we take issue with - rightly so. We know words are used as weapons. In our LGBT world using words like "dyke" or "fag" are amongst those. Then there's the other three letter "F" word:  FAT... Read More 

Margie Adam �2012 All rights reserved

Margie Adam w/Jewelle Gomez 

It was the publication of the Gilda Stories. I did get a comment from an editor in the early 1990s: "We've already published our 'colored woman' this year." From another editor I heard: 'Well, it's vampire, it's black and its lesbian. That's too confusing.' And others said: 'If the character wasn't a lesbian, this could work...Read More  

Belly fat Dr. Glenda Corwin �2012 All rights reserved

Sex and Body Image         

When I ask women to rank order the most negative influences on their sexual relationships, negative body image almost always tops the list. They mean "feeling fat." True, some women worry about their breasts and hips and skin and other body parts, but by far the major self-criticism is about weight. One woman summed it up: "You feel like you don't even deserve to enjoy sex if you're not thin"... Read More 
Wallis Stern
Wallis Stern �2012 All rights reserved

Get Wet in 'Deep Water Flesh' 

I dream the word made liquid made flesh, a cuneiform splatter, its babble, its gurgle, its hydraulic laughter. I dream the mouth of the fountain, its aquarian ripple, the way it comes down in sheets and swells up like a hydrant. O me, O my thirsty soul! I get lost in the tub, I let loose every anchor. I rock the boat, I know, I push the river sometimes even though it's already flowing....  Read More
LIPS Flo Vinger �2012 All rights reserved

New Lesbian Web Series - LIPS       

I wanted to do a gay women's show that is fun, sexy and hilarious. I added the singing and dance numbers because it adds a lot of comedy and fun to the series...I really wanted to lighten up lesbian shows and find the funny! That's why I created LIPS.... Read More 

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