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February 13, 2012

Thank you for your continued support of my newsletter. Each month I look forward to writing about a new topic that will help you achieve your wellness goals.


This time of year I usually start hearing more and more questions about how to lose the weight that many of my patients have put on and can't seem to shake off. This can be so frustrating for so many people that I thought this would be a good opportunity to write this newsletter about weight loss.


Three New Web Pages


Last month I introduced these three new web pages. Response has been so great, I thought I would remind everyone else who may not have had the chance to check them out.  


When I add these, it is normally because there is a sudden rash (no pun intended) of outbreaks from other patients. Most often, patients are coming in for other reasons when we discover treatment is needed to improve these conditions:

Of course, I invite you to contact me if you discover, or believe you may have any of the symptoms related to these health issues.   


Review Me

If you have a Google gmail account, you can post a review of my services. Of course great reviews are preferred, but I won't "rub you the wrong way," for a lesser review.

Tools To Help You With Weight Loss


There are many reasons that we hold onto weight and can't lose it. First of all, if you think that you can do the same things that you have been doing, you are kidding yourself. Change is going to be an important part that you embrace in order to achieve any goal.

We can hold onto weight because we have toxicity in the body and the body in turn will hold onto water to dilute the toxins, our thyroids can be functioning abnormally (look up the barnes thyroid test online and take the temperature under the armpit for 10 minutes as soon as you get up in the morning- normal readings should be between 97.8-98.2 degrees- this should be done for at least 3 days-there are wonderful natural remedies to balance the thyroid), we may have food intolerances such as to gluten,  which causes us to hold onto weight causing inflammation in the body, lack of exercise, poor eating habits - such as eating processed foods and empty calories, and not cooking any of our own food.

The more you know about your own body, the more you are equipped to find a solution. Make sure you know what your food intolerances are and if you have a burden of toxicity in your body. The nutrition response testing protocol is an effective way to determine this information for you. Another way is through a hair analysis or saliva analysis. Blood work is not as effective.

My general advice to people that want to lose weight is cut out all your starches, such as white rice, pasta, white potatoes. They breakdown into sugar and generally people that have weight issues do have problems digesting these foods properly. Increase your vegetable intake and diversify your vegetables.

Eat more cruciferous vegetables( but not if you have a thyroid problem) such as brussels sprouts, broccoli, collard greens etc..Get rid of the bread as many people gain weight cause of this common food. Cut out soda, and drink a lot of water. Water has zero calories and is quite filling. I think this is an obvious one, but cut out your sugar. Make more of your own food, as many restaurants load the food with unhealthy ingredients. When you make your own food, you know exactly what is going into it.

Here are Some of the supplements that I have had success with in helping people lose their extra pounds.

Green tea extract is effective in increasing fat metabolism. Egcg in green tea increases the metabolism and helps with weight loss.

Acetyl L-carnitine acts as an antioxidant, a natural anti-inflammatory that enhances the affects of the other antioxidant systems within the body. These anti-inflammatory properties protect the cell plasma membrane (the cell's first line of defense) and prevent the conversion of arachidonic acid into pro-inflammatory chemicals. It aids in increasing the metabolism as well.

UBQH is a form of Coq10. It is a powerful antioxidant/anti-inflammatory with many benefits for treating and preventing obesity. It acts similarly to acetyl L-carnitine in that it assists in energy production within the mitochondria. Ubqh enhances the metabolism, giving us greater energy and endurance, a greater ability to lose body fat, preventing the energy decline seen in aging cells. Ubqh also maximizes the burning of foods for fuel, helping to normalize fats in our blood.

Chromium is an essential nutrient for normal sugar and fat metabolism, it is critical in our effort to control and reduce excess body fat. Chromium supplementation effectively lowers blood sugar and insulin levels and can also increase levels of the 'good' HDL cholesterol. This lowers total cholesterol and triglycerides, thus playing a key role in regulating appetite, reducing sugar cravings, and lowering body fat.

Coleus forskhollii extract is an herb that helps with weight loss and has been found to specifically target belly fat.

The standard process detoxification program is a three week program where the average woman loses 6-9 lbs, and the average man loses 9-15 lbs. This is a cleanse I highly recommend as it is safe and supports phase one and phase 2 liver detoxification.

Any supplements that you take should be combined with eating habit changes and exercise to be most effective. If you are ready to shed those extra pounds, call my office and set up an appointment to achieve your healthy goal!

Healthfully yours,


Dr. Lou Granirer