Jim Philips for Sheriff
Dear ,

We are now only 52 days away for the opportunity to bring honesty, integrity and professionalism to the Sheriff's Office. 
I want to thank all of you that attended my fund raiser at Ciminero's last Saturday. Your support is both humbling and amazing and together we can restore the Trumbull County Sheriff's office into the respectable law enforcement organization we all deserve. An organization grounded on the principles of honesty, integrity and professionalism.

We're planning our next fund raiser and our most important one to be held next month on Saturday, February 18 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at Vernon's Cafe. Tickets include a Steak Dinner and will be available later next week.

, again I thank you so much for the support you have provided thus far and remember it's very important to forward this email to your friends and ask for their support as well. With the ever increasing costs of marketing materials like print and TV, our electronic campaign that includes our web and facebook sites and email news, helps the effort in very big way.  


Jim Phillips 4 Sheriff Signature












Horiz Bar
, the image to the right is what my "sign" will look like and start appearing in our neighborhoods next month.

Until then, you can click on the image and open a file automatically that you can print and display in you car or wherever you like so we can get a jump on spreading our message to the county.

The file is optimized to print on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. And if you're not sure what that code graphic is on the bottom right, they are called QR (Quick Response) codes and can be easily snapped as a picture on your smart phone. But instead of just having the picture, your phone will immediately take you to our web site.

My staff tells me this is a good thing and will help our campaign. I guess these codes are gaining more and more popularity and if someone walking by your car, while parked at the mall or grocery store, see's it, then there's a very good chance they will recognize what it is, scan it, and learn about our quest to bring honesty, integrity and professionalism to the Sheriff's office. And they can join us!

Please remember to forward this message to your friends by clicking on the "Forward email" link below the facebook button.

Horiz Bar
Jim Phillips 4 for Sheriff - 3 Badges

Jim Phillips for Sheriff - Facebook