June 2011
Community!Youth Concepts
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Thanks to our Sponsors!

United Way of Central Iowa
Chrysalis Foundation
Principal Financial Group
AmeriCorps Learn and Serve Reach Out Iowa
Metro Waste Authority
United Health Care
IMT Insurance Company
State Farm Insurance


Iowa Dept. of Public Health

Iowa Dept. of Education

Iowa Commision on Volunteer Service

Coming up....

Trainings...check out our calendar to register. 

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Last month, we brought you a guest greeting from a student who was job shadowing at CYC. The column received such positive feedback that we decided to make it a regular guest piece! This month's greeting is written by Rebekah Mahan, a Youth Venture participant.
I became familiar with CYC's Youth Venture program because I helped my older sister with her Youth Venture, Smiles on Siblings and wanted to start my own project. My Youth Venture project is H.E.A.T. Healthy.Eating.Active.Teens (H.E.A.T.) is a group of teens that assists youth to become fit. To raise money and increase support for Trim Kids, a YMCA program for youth, we are selling Vapur Water Bottles. By selling environmentally safe water bottles, we have raised $1,135 for Trim Kids. A challenge that we have faced is getting the awareness out that we are selling water bottles. This program has taught us that helping people can be fun.
If people are interested in learning more or donating to our cause, they can go to http://www.randomkid.org/projects/heat4trimkids or call 515.306.0903.
Thanks to the members of H.E.A.T. for their great work to help youth develop healthy habits!  
Amy, Julie, Danny, Amelia, and Michelle


Want to make a movie this summer? 


Community! Youth Concepts is looking for a small group of high school student volunteers to make a promotional video. Students will tape interviews with local professionals who have alternative careers, or had alternative career paths, about their experiences and how they used what they learned in school. Equipment will be provided if needed. If you (or you and a group of friends) are interested, contact Michelle at 243-4292 or michelle@cyconcepts.org.

Looking for a fun volunteering experience? 


CYC is looking for volunteers for our second annual Sidewalk Chalk Flood, to be held Saturday, August 20. We are looking for planning committee members and day of volunteers. The planning committee will meet three times during the summer months for 1-2 hours each time. Event volunteers are needed for a variety of times and duties. If you're interested in the planning committee, contact Amelia at amelia@cyconcepts.org. If you're interested in volunteering at the event, contact Michelle at michelle@cyconcepts.org. If you have questions, feel free to call the office at 243-4292.




ID Action Youth Work to Reduce Stigma and Increase Understanding 


Thanks to the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service for their mini-grant award to the ID Action Youth Advisory Board for a summer of service project. The ID Action youth are in the process of creating a presentation about stigma related to disability and bullying. The group will share their own experiences, strategies for overcoming challenges, and how everyone is impacted by bullying. If you are interested in having the ID Action youth present to your group, contact Amelia at 243-4292 or by email at amelia@cyconcepts.org.


Give 6 This Summer


Join other young people and Community! Youth Concepts for Community in Action and the Give 6 initiative. Work with other youth to create and take part in an extraordinary service project for our community. Each Monday and Wednesday (June 20 - August 22) from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the CYC office, youth ages 10-17 will come together to brainstorm, plan, and carry out service projects to give 6 hours of service for the week. For more information, call 243-4292 or email info@cyconcepts.org.


Volunteers Needed for the Tour de Cure


The American Diabetes Association's Tour de Cure bike ride will be Saturday, June 11 at Water Works Park in Des Moines. Volunteers are needed for a variety of shifts and duties. There is a mandatory volunteer information meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. If you're interested, please contact Jacqueline Gibson at 209-271-7939. 

CYC welcomes Michelle!


In June, CYC welcomed Michelle Raymer as the organization's new Volunteer Coordinator. Michelle will be coordinating CYC's new mentoring program and formalizing the volunteer program. She graduated from Central College, where she studied political science, Spanish, and international studies. She has experience in human services, volunteer management, and teaching through her service in the Peace Corps in Guinea.


Of her new position at CYC, Michelle noted, "I'm looking forward to partnering with members of the community to enhance opportunities for youth."

CYC can help your groups of youth ages 12-24 create their idea and implement it, either through service-learning opportunities or through a Youth Venture.  Contact us for more information. 

Like what CYC is doing?

Also, if you haven't seen our new website yet, take a look around.