April 2011
Community!Youth Concepts
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Thanks to our Sponsors!

United Way of Central Iowa
Chrysalis Foundation
Principal Financial Group
AmeriCorps Learn and Serve Reach Out Iowa
Metro Waste Authority
United Health Care
IMT Insurance Company
State Farm Insurance


Coming up....

Trainings...check out our calendar to register.
Celebrating Success

Join Our Mailing List
We have a lot going on these days, so we've opted to send a special announcements bulletin to get information to folks in a timely way. Thanks for all you do for youth!
Amy, Julie, Danny, and Amelia

CYC is looking for Americorps applicants!


Good news! CYC has been approved for two Americorps VISTA members for the summer. The VISTA positions will support current youth who engage in service, either through one-time service-learning opportunities or ongoing Youth Venture projects. The goals are to engage at least 500 youth in service, harvest at least 500 pounds of produce, and assist in the maintenance of at least three community gardens over the summer. The VISTAs will also assist in the development of a volunteer management system and training of new volunteers who can provide workshops and support to youth on an ongoing basis.


For the complete job description and benefits, visit:



Spots still open for Celebrating Success training


There are still spots open for the Celebrating Success training on Monday, May 9, from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. at the CYC office. Participants will learn strategies for celebrating success with youth, parents, program staff, funders, and community partners. To register, visit the CYC website here.

Mural Painting


If you're interested in mural painting at CYC, call us at 243-4292. We are looking at future dates that work well for folks.

H.E.A.T. group raises money for Trim Kids program


H.E.A.T. (Healthy. Eating. Active. Teens) launched their Youth Venture designed to support scholarships for youth to attend the YMCA Trim Kids program.  The team is selling recyclable, collapsible water bottles.  Order your water bottle and learn more about their project here.


KWAKers highlighted in the Des Moines Register



The KWAKers (Kids with a Kause) were highlighted in the Des Moines Register for their Global Youth Service Day project. They raised money for a conservation project for apes and forest areas of Rwanda by baking and selling monkey bread. To see pictures from the event, click here.

CYC can help your groups of youth ages 12-24 create their idea and implement it, either through service-learning opportunities or through a Youth Venture.  Contact us for more information. 

Like what CYC is doing?

Also, if you haven't seen our new website yet, take a look around.