News from the FIRM Foundation
The Foundation for Indigenous Research and Mormonism |
FIRM Newsletter June - July 2010 |
We are very excited to share the latest developments in this research. So much is happening that at times it seems overwhelming, but we feel truly blessed to have so many wonderful associations with so many incredible people! Please forgive our exuberance in wanting to share with you so much of what is happening that it has made this newsletter rather lengthy. From the survey that was recently completed I learned that the majority of you would like to receive updates about every other month or so because of all the new things happening. This newsletter reflects that goal to try to stay in better touch with those who have been so helpful and supportive over the past couple of years. You will find in this newsletter all kinds of interesting things to read, discuss, watch and enjoy, but it is our hope that it will cause you to feel uplifted and excited about the future. There is so much discouragement, negativism and despair these days that we hope this newsletter will provide a reprieve from the daily worries that swirl around us all. We hope that you enjoy this June/July issue of the FIRM News. We'd love to hear what you think! Realistically though, with our numbers swelling as they have, it has become nearly impossible to respond to the daily emails that we receive. Nevertheless we enjoy reading your thoughts, comments and experiences with this research and hope that should you feel it important that you will not hesitate to share your story with us. Please forward this newsletter to all that you feel would be interested in learning more about this research supporting the Book of Mormon. They will be glad you did! Rod L. Meldrum - President
ps. Be sure to see the SPECIAL OFFER at the end of this newsletter! |
Heartland Model declared a "movement" |
What a whirlwind the past two months have been! There have seen signs of a significant shift in the minds of members of the Church all over the country, and this 'paradigm change' has not gone unnoticed by the media. Both LDS and non-LDS people are now officially calling the "Heartland Model" research a "movement" within the membership of the Church! This is both astounding and humbling.
With this in mind, you might find the following quotes regarding this 'movement' encouraging.
"There is a swelling movement within the Church, though, that prefers to believe that the story took place in Illinois, among other North American locales. ...'Prophecies and Promises: The Book of Mormon and the United States of America' is the latest salvo in this argument. ...When and if such features begin to shift, the impulse discernible in the Heartland Model is only likely to grow stronger."
- Seth Perry - History of Christianity PhD candidate, The Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion, University of Chicago Divinity School
Click the Martin Marty Center logo above to read the article!
The article was picked up by several publications including...
That such a dramatic 'movement' or shift is occurring within an organization as large as the Church, and that it has been brought about primarily by the work of only one or two people, is remarkable. How could a couple of individuals, working from their homes, who hold no advanced degrees, are without the aid of any large organization, have received no outside funding or have support from a sympathetic media, have accomplished such a monumental task? That such is the case is especially amazing when one considers the obstacles presented by the widely accepted, long held and heavily promoted belief that Mesoamerica was the setting for the Book of Mormon by many highly educated, respected and influential individuals for well over 60 years.
The influence that they have had on the membership of the Church pertaining to ideas of where this sacred history took place is undeniable. From photographs of Mesoamerican structures embedded within the printed pages of the book itself, Church sponsored research in the area, innumerable Church firesides, artistic depictions of Mesoamerican pyramids, promotion of "Book of Mormon" tours, and hundreds of books, articles, and films portraying this region as the 'lands of the Book of Mormon.' Hence came the establishment of several organizations. While their purpose may have been to show forth the evidences of the Book of Mormon, at least to some extent their purpose has increasingly become to indoctrinate this theory in the minds of latter-day saints. That the premise of this well-entrenched, highly organized group is now thought to be seriously challenged after less than three years by a virtually unknown person with no scholarly credentials and armed with only a rather rudimentary DVD presentation of his personal research is astounding.
The overwhelmingly positive response to this refreshing new research, on Book of Mormon geography by the membership of the Church, has been truly humbling. |
Mormon Times 'Heartland' Articles |
Mormon Times / Deseret News religion reporter Michael DeGroote wrote two articles involving Heartland Model research released Thursday, May 27th, 2010. Overall the articles are fairly balanced and have some good information.
There are several clarifications that need to be made regarding what was written in the articles. The responses can be found in the 'Articles' section of our new www.FIRMLDS.org website under their respective names.
The headline article, The fight over Book of Mormon geography, discusses the importance, or non-importance, of Book of Mormon geography study, while another article, Pros, cons of Book of Mormon geography theories, provides DeGrootes perspectives on the strengths and weaknesses of the two strongest theories of where the Book of Mormon saga may have taken place, the Mesoamerican theories and the Heartland Model. As would be expected from a good reporter, DeGroote does give his readers something to think about, using information gleaned from his interviews and attendance at some geography related events. Read the replies from The FIRM Foundation HERE! |
Further Evidence of a 'Heartland' shift |
Even the most avid supporters of Mesoamerican models now admit that the Heartland Model Book of Mormon geography has become a movement sufficient to warrant their utmost attention and concern.
For example, the organization known as BMAF or Book of Mormon Archaeological Forum recently determined it necessary to counter this movement with an entire section of their website, some 18 articles, in an effort to confront what they incorrectly term as the "Great Lakes "Heartland" Model. Their mission statement makes it very clear that they view Mesoamerica as the only viable option for Book of Mormon lands.
After quickly dismissing several alternative theories, they address their primary concern, " Our examination of the Eastern US/Heartland model will, however, be exhaustive because some quantity of Church members seem to find this model appealing." Then they conclude with, "While we would agree it has some appeal, the Heartland model is fatally flawed." Fatally flawed? From where did they derive the authority to positively declare something as 'fatally flawed?' Is this not a rather bold statement to make, based on the fact that the Church has maintained for over 150 years a position of neutrality on this issue. Especially when combined with the fact that there are dozens of differing proposed geographies even within the Mesoamerican setting itself? John E. Clark of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship maintains that when it comes to Book of Mormon geography, there is " no consensus in sight."
Dr. Joseph Allen and his son Blake of 'Book of Mormon Tours and Research Institute, LLC' published in their ' Book of Mormon Archaeological Digest' of Feb. 2010 that they were going to begin offering online classes " In light of a great deal of opposition that has surfaced on Book of Mormon geography in the past few years." Their concerns mounted in the April 27 edition wherein nearly their entire publication is devoted to attempts at discrediting the Heartland Model. They plea for " able bodied people to help us defend this territory against attacks from without and from within. There is a movement abroad that would rob the descendants of Lehi of their promised land. We invite you to help lead an army to help defend the remnant of Jacob that live in the highlands of Guatemala and the central depression of Chiapas." Then they call for " Capitans"...(CAPTAIN in Spanish) to join their " army" for a two year appointment wherein they promise compensation.
That the Heartland Model has truly become a proverbial 'burr in their bonnets,' is evident as their website is now sporting a new PowerPoint presentation, " Mesoamerica vs. Heartland Model" and much of their new material is aimed at minimizing the damage already caused by loss of faith in the Mesoamerican theories to answer Book of Mormon geography questions.
One might ask, why would The FIRM Foundation provide links to these websites? Wouldn't we be afraid to have folks see the materials critical to the Heartland Model? We have always encouraged folks to study things out in their own minds, and then do as the scriptures indicate...ask the source of all truth if it be right or wrong. Those who have objectively considered the research provided in the new 5 DVD series, Book of Mormon Evidence, don't require others to respond to the questions brought up in the Allen's powerpoint, they can answer those questions for themselves. And when they see inaccurate information or erroneous conclusions in regard to the Heartland Model, it is more likely to stengthen their desire to learn more of the Heartland Model.
We feel that people should be allowed to come to their own conclusions. However, some organizations are desperately trying to discourage people from viewing, reading, or considing the Heartland Model because they feel that members of the Church are incapable of coming to 'proper' conclusions without their scholarly guidance.
An article is being completed to provide a more detailed overview of the critical and odious responses to the Heartland Model geography by those supporting Mesoamerican geographies.
This informative article will be posted to the newly launched website...
Survey Results |
We would like to thank all those who took the time to complete the questionnaire for their free e-book. The response was tremendous and we received wonderful input about what is wanted and needed from our organization. From these responses, we learned things that are already helping in providing direction for the FIRM Foundation.
Some of the important answers we received were:
When asked if the FIRM Foundation should offer memberships to individuals, families and/or businesses, 74.8% of respondents indicated yes, we should.
67.5% of respondents said they would be interested in participating in online presentations or 'webinars' and 48.9% indicated that they would be willing to help defray the costs through a small fee. In addition, 82.9% said they would like to see these webinars archived for viewing at their convenience.
An example of how this survey has been used to guide the direction of the FIRM Foundations resources can be seen from the question about what products respondents would like to see made available. The third highest ranking item was an inexpensive introductory (1 hour) DVD for sharing with others. Over the past three weeks we have finalized this new item and it will be available for shipment this coming week!
Many respondents took extra time to express their thoughts and feelings or experiences about the Heartland Model research and their testimonials. Well over 200 new testimonials have been added to the FIRM Foundation website at www.FIRMLDS.org !
Thanks to all of you who have taken your time to help make this the best organization it can be!
For those who selected the DNA research book, Rediscovering the Book of Mormon Remnant through DNA, you should have already received your free e-book. For those who chose the upcoming book, Joseph Knew, please be patient as this book will require at least an additional month or two for completion of the manuscript and editing. We have been conducting further necessary research which has required more time.
FIRM Events |

Several very special events are now planned that we would like to share with you!
July 2,3 and 5th, 2010
Come and participate in a three day celebration of Freedom in these United States of America! Event is FREE, bring your whole family and have some fun learning about citizenship in this great nation. See the play 'Cries of Freedom' or come to the Quintilian School of Oratory shows scheduled throughout the event. Country singer Nathan Osmond will debut his new album, "Feels Like Heaven" on Friday, July 2!
Rod Meldrum, president of the FIRM Foundation
set to speak Saturday, July 3, 3:00 - 4:00 pm!
Click for more information |
in July have been planned as fundraisers for the new South Davis (county) Historical Museum to be built on land donated by the City of Bountiful, Utah as soon as funding reaches a prescribed level. The FIRM Foundation was invited to sponsor and host these events due to the wonderful speakers we have had at previous events. This event is being sponsored by 5 cities in the South Davis County area of Utah. They are Bountiful, West Bountiful, North Salt Lake, Woods Cross, and Centerville. Also by The FIRM Foundation and many other organizations. For all the details please visit each events homepage by clicking on their titles below.
'Proud to be an American' Celebration!
Friday, July 9th
Senator Orrin Hatch | This incredible event will be featuring:
United States Senator Orrin Hatch,
Bountiful City Mayor Joe Johnson
Dr. Glenn Kimber, Constitutional Educator
Kim Burningham, Utah State Representative
Dean Collinwood, Bountiful Historical Commission
Former LDS Relief Society General President and Bountiful native,
Sister Mary Ellen Smoot |
Mary Ellen Smoot Jon McNaughton, Renowned LDS Artist of 'One Nation Under God'
Bountiful Color Guard will perform a patriotic flag ceremony honoring veterans of Utah and the Pledge of Allegiance
Young American Voices musical group will perform a medley of patriotic songs directed by Maria McKay Price
The incredible power tap-dancing troupe, The Fab Five, who were finalists in 'America's Got Talent' show, are flying in for this event and we guarantee they will thrill you to the core! Watch their amazing story by clicking on the image below!
Click to watch the Fab 5! |
'A Celebration of the Prophet Joseph'
Saturday, July 10th
Come and enjoy inspirational presentations on the life and times of the Prophet Joseph Smith, done by his actual descendants.
Smith family Ambassador, Mike Kennedy, and 4th great grandson of Joseph Smith
Singer/songwriter Kimberly Smith and her son Bryan Davis, 2nd and 3rds generation descendants of Joseph Smith
Author of "Keeper of the Prophets Sword" Howard Carlos Smith
as well as distinguished Bountiful resident Steven Smoot and Joseph Smith artist Jon McNaughton.
FIRM Foundation President, Rod Meldrum will be sharing portions of his latest research on the inspired knowledge of Joseph Smith regarding Book of Mormon geography.
You will have the thrill of experiencing first hand the actual Lieutenant Generals Sword of the Prophet Joseph Smith...hidden away in West Bountiful for 160 years and on display during this event!
Come and witness the sword held by the hand of the prophet Joseph.
Click on the Sword for more information!
America's Constitution Week, 2010!
Monday, September 27 - Friday, October 1, 2010
Mark your calendars! This will be the event of the year that you will not want to miss! The FIRM Foundations October National Conference is being expanded from a two day event to a weeklong celebration of the United States Constitution! The FIRM Foundation is hosting "America's Constitution Week 2010" which will be held the week before LDS General Conference at the former David O. McKay Events Center arena, on the campus of Utah Valley University in Orem, Utah.
A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit worthy organizations such as American Indian Services, Sons of Utah Pioneers, and others.
Presenters are still being confirmed for this event but will include such powerful speakers as:
Dr. Glenn Kimber (President of the Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Studies),
Earl Taylor (President of the National Center for Constitutional Studies), Scott M. Bradley (Constitutional author and educator),
Doug Brinley (Author of "America in Peril: Ten Stages in the Destruction of a Promised Land)
Jerome Horowitz (Constitutional author),
Scott Swain (President, Roots of Freedom), and many others.
Paul Skousen (Constitution Coach and son of Cleon Skousen)
Rod L. Meldrum (Author and Reseacher, co-author of Prophecies and Promises; The Book of Mormon and the United States of America)
A special tribute for Constitutionalist Cleon Skousen is also in the process and there is the possibility of a nationally recognized Constitutional celebrity coming in for the event! For more information click HERE! |
Dedication of Native American Village |  The Village of Many Nations Native American Cultural Center was recently dedicated near Kanab, Utah. Arthur Letkey, Native American and founder of the village, invited several distinguished Native American supporters to participate in the opening ceremonies. They began with a dedicatory prayer by Elder Hartman Rector Jr. over the encampment. This was followed by a dedicatory prayer offered by Rod Meldrum in the Navajo Hogan recently constructed on the site. Other festivities included a wonderful lunch and Native American music, drums and dancing into the evening. It was quite beautiful experience, set in within the red sandstone walls of Three Lakes Canyon. |
Bishop Henry Westbrook killed in accident |
Bishop Henry Westbrook, owner of Royal Motor Coach of Buna, Texas who has provided his services for several of our groups back to visit the sacred sites of the Heartland, was killed Monday, April 19th as he was working to clear a piece of property. Charlie Ratcliff, who worked for Henry, called me only 2 hours after the accident as Henry was being transported to the hospital. Apparently Henry was on his bulldozer and another person was cutting a large tree when his chainsaw got stuck. Henry got off the dozer to help remove the saw and the tree fell, crushing him. His loss is heartbreaking to all of us who knew him. He was a dear friend and a saint in every sense of the word. We were looking very much forward to working with him on several 'Heartland' tours this summer and fall. Margaret has decided to close the coach business. If you would like to contact Margaret and let her know of your love and support, you could call her at 409-994-3600.
Online Presentations Offered |
Because of the overwhelming interest shown by your answers to the survey, we are planning to begin offering online presentations to be scheduled beginning in July and August. You will be notified via email of the times and course subjects in the beginning of July.
We will be using your survey responses to offer the most interesting course subjects for sharing online. The subjects ranking highest include Joseph Smith's knowledge of Book of Mormon geography and the physical evidences and correlations between the Hopewell civilization in America's heartland and the Nephite civilization of the Book of Mormon.
Finally we have a way of reaching all of you who live in areas where it is not possible to conduct a live presentation. We look forward to sharing new information, having informative guests and making it possible for everyone who has access to a computer and the internet to join with us in wonderful discussions that will be enlightning, educational, and fun! Please watch for the emails with dates, times and registration information!
FIRM Updates - The Lost Civilization |
The documentary film, The Lost Civilization of North America has now undergone its revisions and the new version will be available in the next week or two. Many have asked why the film was taken off the market and for this answer we will defer to the film's producers. After speaking with co-producer Barry McLerran recently, the new version, while somewhat different from the first version, will be every bit as powerful in its message. We are very excited to share this film again and hope that it will reach as many people as possible to show forth the evidences of high civilization in North America during Book of Mormon time frames.
FIRM Updates - The Phoenician Expedition |
The Phoenicia 600 B.C ship replica | Those who attended the FIRM Foundation's National Conference in April were treated to a first-hand account of an incredible expedition, the Phoenician, that is proving out by actual experience that Lehi's group may have left the Arabian Peninsula and sailed around Africa to the America's rather than attempting to cross the earth's largest ocean at its widest point, as proposed by Mesoamerican theorists. This expedition, taking place as you read this, in a re-created wooden ship patterned after the remains of ancient Phoenician vessels that were plying the oceans during Lehi's days (600 B.C.). It is showing unequivocally that a circumnavigation of Africa is not only possible; it is the most likely route for Lehi's group coming from the Old World to the New World. Evidence of this magnitude for the Book of Mormon journey is unprecedented.
Route intented |
For the past three weeks the ships captain has been desperately trying to sail north and east toward the Mediterranian, but the prevailing winds in the North Atlantic continue to blow them within miles of America!
Right now the ship is only a few hundred miles from making landfall in North America, only a weeks journey! They intended to sail north and east toward the Mediterranian, but the prevailing winds in the North Atlantic continue to blow them within mile of America! Click on the map and then click 'track the ships progress.' Then zoom out using the scale bar on the left. The assumption that Lehi's family crossed 10,000 miles of the open waters of the Pacific Ocean to land on the west coast of South America is one that must now be re-examined. Never before has this level of evidence been available to demonstrate by actual experiment the route most likely to have been taken by Lehi's family to the Promised Land. Such a high level of actual evidence is entirely lacking for routes proposed by Mesoamerican theorists. You can track this expeditions progress , see photo's of the ships construction and learn of the ancient sea-faring Phoenician people who left their homes in the Mediterranean Holy Land near Lebanon, Syria and Palestine by ship to circumnavigate Africa in search of trade goods. You can read more about their history by clicking HERE.
A recent article titled Sailing with Nephi, in Meridian Magazine by Mesoamerican theorist Warren Aston, Sailing with Nephi, discusses another expedition by a ship patterned after a much later 800 AD vessel with a deeper keel which helps it to better sail against contrary winds. In contrast to the Phoenicia, this ship set sail in February from the Arabian Peninsula in an easterly direction towards their final destination of Singapore, off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula of Southeast Asia. The ship, deemed the 'Jewel of Muscat' after the port city where it was constructed, is presently completing its journey across the Bay of Bengal just north of Aceh province of Indonesia.
Aston, assumes this route for Lehi's voyage as he states that this ship launched in February of this year, "sailing eastwards across the Indian Ocean toward Singapore in much the same direction that Nephi likely did." According to Aston, Nephi "headed in a different direction" from the Phoenicia expedition.
Nowhere in the Book of Mormon does it state that they sailed east in their ship or that they landed on the west coast of South America. This assumption is based on a false report that Joseph Smith claimed that Lehi "...landed on the continent of South America in Chile, thirty degrees South Latitude" and has been thoroughly refuted by Mesoamerican theorists themselves. The account has been shown to have been written in the handwriting of Frederick G. Williams in the margins of the Bernhisel Manuscript. This false report was then promulgated time and again by faulty research, claiming that Joseph was its author. That this claim, thought to be made by Joseph Smith, has been shown through historical documentation to have been falsely attributed, is further evidence for the need of solid historical documentation for all claims regarding the mind of the prophet. More on this will be discussed in the upcoming book, Joseph Knew. |
Tour the Heartland with Rod Meldrum and Legacy Tours and Travel! |
We are about to embark on the first tour of the season with Legacy Tours and Travel to see the sacred sites of Church History and visit the proposed Book of Mormon sites of America's Heartland!
June 14 - 26 13 Day Comprehensive Tour with Rod Meldrum
Sept. 3 - 11 9 Day Tour with Rod Meldrum and Kay Godfrey Oct. 11 - 23 13 Day Comprehensive Tour with Rod Meldrum,
Elder Hartman Rector Jr. and Kieth Merrill (schedule permitting)
For those who are interested in joining us on one of our future excursions, please contact Legacy Tours Betty Leasure or Mark Clifford. They are offering some very special pricing for their 2010 summer and fall tours.
Come Join Us! |
We would like to announced that presenters are needed to handle the demand around the country to learn more about this research. If you are interest in becoming a Heartland Model presenter, please email me at rodneymeldrum@hotmail.com and include your reason for wanting to share this information with others, along with your presentation experience or call directly at 801-429-9751.
Have a Question? Do you have a question you've been wanting to ask or have interest in an area of research that you'd like to see published on our website? If so, please submit your question or relate your interest on a specific subject (one per person please) to the FIRM Foundation by sending it to rodneymeldrum@hotmail.com . We cannot guarantee that your question will be selected for answering, but the board of FIRM will consider the questions and determine the overall interest in the subject material. If selected and approved, it will be assigned to one of our affiliates for any additional research, writing and editing. Finalized responses will be posted on the FIRM website and included in the newsletter.
Thank you all again for your marvelous help and support. We are truly grateful for you and hope that you have found this information to be uplifting, exciting and helpful!
Your brother in the gospel,
Rod L. Meldrum The FIRM FOUNDATION |
New Items!Educational Materials, Products and Specials
To Order
go to the
or call
801-429-9751 | |
New! Introduction to the Heartland Model DVD! |
Click to Order | |
Those who completed the recent survey indicated that one of the things they wished they had was a very inexpensive way of sharing this information. We have listened!
Introducing our newest way of sharing this incredible new research with your family, neighbors and friends. This 1 hour video presentation forms the scriptural basis for this research. It includes an introduction by Elder Hartman Rector Jr., Rod Meldrum's Prophecies and Promises presentation (disk 1 of the Book of Mormon Evidence series), interview with filmmaker Kieth Merrill, introduction to the DVD series and information about visiting these sacred lands. Now you can share the exciting new Heartland Model research for a great price!
Only $2 ea. when purchased in a qty of 10!
Note: these DVD's are in a paper sleeve with clear cellophane window to reduce packaging costs. |
Iron Age America Before Columbus |
Click to Order | |
Did the ancient Hopewell Mound Builder civilization smelt metals? After 50+ years of intensive research, locating and identifying a multitude of ancient furnaces in the Ohio River Valley, field study amateur archaeologist William D. Conner of the Midwestern Epigraphic Society, reveals new evidence that the Hopewell's were smelting iron and copper in furnaces buried within their mounds using technology found in the Old World before Lehi! Unprecedented evidence of Book of Mormon technology among the Hopewell Mound Builders!
Now 10% off, only $22.45 |
He Walked the Americas |
Click to Order | |
This almost legendary book, first printed in 1963, now in its 22nd printing!
Archaeologist L. Taylor Hansen shares her amazing research into the ancient legends, oral histories, writings and traditions of the native peoples of the New World which tell of a great teacher, healer and prophet (Jesus Christ) that visited the people and taught them wonderful things that made indelible impressions on civilizations throughout the Americas.
Hardcover - only $19.00 |
Heroes of the Fallen |
Click to Order | |
This is the first of many new LDS novels sooon to be released written from a 'Heartland perspective!
Author David J. West enters LDS historical fiction with an incredible look into the last days of the great Nephite nation as they battle for survival against their sworn enemies, the Lamanites. Stand alongside daring heroes such as Captain Amaron, the White Lamanite Zelph, and Anathoth, the Lamanite General as their wars and contention consumed their once mighty civilizations!
Now 15% off, only $16.95 |
The Elders of Israel and the Constitution |
Click to Order | |
The United States Constitution plays a significant role in God's plan for his children. Millions today live in peace and freedom because of this sacred document. The Lord described its framers as "wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose." Latter-day Saints have been encouraged to learn its principles and precepts. Author Jerome Horowitz presents a true Constitutionalists view of its inspired creation and our duty to uphold it.
Now 15% off, only $11.85
Hear Jerome Horowitz speak at America's Constitution Week, Sept. 27 - Oct. 1, 2010! |
The Name of God - From Sinai to the American Southwest |
Click to Order | |
Dr. James R. Harris, a foremost expert on ancient Near Eastern languages, shares the culmination of over three decades of work uncovering an ancient alphabetic script used by peoples of the Negev (Israel) and the ancients of America. He traced the name of God, or "Yah" (abbreviated from "Yahweh") from Proto-Sinaitic (Proto-Canaanite) depictions to New World petroglyphs in America demonstrating Hebrew linguistic influence.
$19.95 |
The Spirit of America |
Click to Order | |
The Spirit of America is a limited edition compilation of patriotic addresses from America's Freedom Festival, held each 4th of July in Provo, Utah.
The twelve addresses were delivered at this event, which has become one of the largest in the nation.
LDS Presidents
Gordon B. Hinckley,
Ezra Taft Benson,
with apostles
M. Russell Ballard, James E. Faust,
Jeffrey R. Holland,
Neal A. Maxwell,
Russell M. Nelson,
Dallin H. Oaks,
Boyd K. Packer, and
L. Tom Perry.
-20% only $14.36 |
The Book of Mormon and the Constitution |
Click to Order | |
Now being offered again for the first time in years!
Being the first General Authority called by President Ezra Taft Benson, H. Verlan Andersen shared many of the prophets political views regarding the proper role of government. This book identifies parallels with the Nephite experience of self-government, and the requirement to avoid the secret combinations that proved the downfall of so many ancient civilizations. The inspired Constitution of the United States formed the foundation for which free people around the world are ever indebted.
$19.95 |
To Preserve the Nation |
Click to Order | |
Scott N. Bradley, has dedicated his life to the study of American History, the Constitution, and the wisdom of the Founding Fathers. He is recognized as one of our nation's foremost Constitutional scholars. This book should be every citizen's guide for becoming involved in civic affairs so that America can continue to be the freest, most prosperous country, and light to the rest of the world.
- Save 15%, Only $29.75 |
Only One Cumorah! |
Click to Order | |
Just came in!..a limited number (12) of our new shirts! They are 100% cotton short sleeved button-down collared shirts in deep rich colors. Presently we have Royal Blue, Burgundy, and Black in Large and XL sizes only. The logo is embroidered in gold / grey / silver with the words
"THE FIRM FOUNDATION" in white with the words "ONLY ONE CUMORAH!" in gold. Jonathan Corey shirts retail for over $45. We are offering for only $29.95!
- Save 35%, Only $29.95 |
 If you are planning a road trip this summer, take along something educational and interesting for the whole family! We are now offering the Audio 5 CD series, Book of Mormon Evidence, which is the audio track of the incredible DVD series that is causing a 'movement' within the Church at a special 'Family Vacation' discount just in time for summer! To get your copy of this highly educational and entertaining research for listening in your vehicle or at home, go to:
| Reg. retail is $30, Now ONLY $15. Offer Expires: June 30, 2010 |