Bikers, Babies & BBQ!
The Custard Stand was a proud sponsor of the Bikers For Babies Pig Roast at Flatwoods while Nickie was in Medina!
We gave away more than 350 BBQ plates and lost count on how many hot dogs were served. All together, more than $15,000 was raised.

Webster Co. Natives Up North Get Taste Of Home
Every year on the third Saturday of August, natives of Webster County reunite for a picnic in Medina, Ohio. Many left West Virginia in the '60s and '70s for work but they still like to get together and reminisce.
Nickie had heard about this reunion and got in touch with organizers to see if she could bring some Custard Stand Hot Dog Chili. They said, "Come on!"
Nickie and her son, Aron, traveled to Medina, loaded with chili, T-shirts and other goodies. More than 300 good ol' hillbilly people show up every year at Buckeye Woods Park, Nickie says. This year was no exception!
Know of a Webster County reunion in another state? Let us know!