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TurtleSan Pancho Life Newsletter

November 12, 2010

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November 12, 2010

Greetings 540 San Pancho Newsletter Readers,

As we begin the new season, our newsletter will be published weekly.  I am headed back to San Pancho next week and look forward to spending time with as many of you as are in town. 

A special need has been brought to my attention this week.  We have families and individuals who have lost everything to the recent floods and are continuing to struggle.  Many lost possessions that they used to support their livelihood such as "ovens".  I have heard of one specific need and I am sure there are many more in the village.  I will work to have these needs posted in the Classified section of the Forum and encourage anyone who hears of other needs to help them post an ad in the classified section.  Please visit the forum frequently and if you have a need please contact the person posting directly.

On November 18, Thursday I will be hosting an event at La Ola Rica from 6-7:30 pm.  I hope to see many of you there.  I will have some appetizers for you to enjoy, free t-shirts and SanPanchoLife window stickers.  If your not back in town yet, I plan to hold another one at Mar Plata in early December.

This weekend is also the start of our La Patrona Polo Matches - make sure and come out and enjoy a great evening of polo.

The San Pancho Friday Night Art Walks begin in a week and are getting some great press in the many of the local papers.   Please check out the calendar for details.

Many of you are now following San Pancho on Facebook and Twitter.  We have added links to the sites below, please help us keep driving traffic to our site by joining us on these social network sites.W


Please provide feedback if there are things you would like to see in the weekly news and if you would like to provide an article just send me an email. I greatly appreciate this weeks contributors taking the time to send me articles, I know your all busy getting ready for the season!

If you would like to write for us or submit photos, please contact me directly at Sandy@SanPanchoLife.com. 



Thanks for reading this week!

Saludos,Find us on Facebook
Sandy Redmond
Executive Business DirectorFollow us on Twitter
San Pancho Life
PV MedicalUpcoming Puerto Vallarta Medical Expo
Mark your calendars for November 22, 2010
Hotel Marriott Puerto Vallarta
9 am until 7 pm

Transportation will be available from Sayulita, San Pancho, La Cruz & Bucerias.  See transportation details on Calendar event! 

entreAmigos Scholarship Program

Attending San Pancho public schools may be free, but to walk through the doors requires a considerable cash outlay for the parents who are struggling to keep their children IN school. 

This school year marks the 4th year entreAmigos has provided scholarships to deseentreamigosrving and needy San Pancho students.  Over 130 students applied for assistance this year and 55 were accepted into the program.  A basic requirement is a verified financial need and the student must have on a scale of 1 - 10 a qualifying minimum mark of 8.25 which is a B average. 

The cost of sponsoring a student is US$600 a year.  The basic economic costs to attend the public school for all parents cover school uniform, shoes, school supplies, supplemental food, additional classroom supplies and emergency needs; this allows the child to walk into the classroom. A scholarship student not only has to have and maintain a B average, but must commit to the after-school entreAmigos Scholarship program which entails weekly meetings with other "beca" students, tutoring services, participation in entreAmigos' functions (parent involvement as well), specialized classes, constant in-school monitoring by the Scholarship director with each student's teacher, community involvement and an elective component at etreAmigos, ie tutoring other students, special classes, sustainableetreAmigos  projects ( glass works, recycling).

 The US$600 is based on both components, the IN school needs and the AFTER-school requirements.


entreAmigos has raised US$10,000 for the 2010-2011 school year, but a total of US$33,000 is needed!

Your support would be greatly appreciated and YOU can make a significant difference in a child's life, "education is a terrible thing to waste!" 

Recently a mother of two scholarship students came to entreAmigos with a dilemma.  Her children are at the top of their class and made the Honor Guard, a prestigious accomplishment.  However it also comes with economic costs.  They must wear a special uniform distinguishing them from the other students and she was distraught at their achievement because she could not afford their success.  How was she going to pay for their uniforms?  There are many stories associated with the children, for instance the three who began their life along the river bank with no running water and no electricity and now live on the land with sheets for walls.  These three students are exceptional and stand equal to students in the United States, Canada and Europe intellectually.  However, without the help of entreAmigos, they would most likely not be able to ATTEND school and would be working full time as 10, 14, and 16 year old children.  They are a beautiful and happy family and certainly know the value of an education.  Can you help?

Payment Options

Visit the entreAmigos Donation page at www.entreamigos.org.mx to make a tax-deductible gift to entreAmigos' 501 �3 non-profit status.

Donations of any amount will be greatly appreciated and payment schedules can be arrange to reflect your specific time frame, whether it is for total or partial sponsorship given at one time, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually. 

Tatehuari Jewelers Presents - Gyotaku exposition

Tatehuari Jewelers y Galeria presents the inauguration of the Gyotaku exposition  "Catch of the Day" Friday November 19th from 6:00 pm to 8:00pm at TATEHAURI ,  90-A  Av. Tercer Mundo, San Pancho, Nayarit.  The exposition will  be on display until December 23rd. 


Gyotaku  ( gyo=fish; taku=impression) began in Japan in the early 1800's as a means to measure and record a commercial fisherman's catch.Gyotaku


There are two methods of printing- the direct and the indirect.  The direct method is more common  and is what you will see exhibited in the exposition.  As the name suggests, inks or paints are applied directly to the surface of the fresh caught prepared fish.  When the paper or fabric is impressed upon the fish and lifted, a detailed image is produced.  The indirect method is more along the lines of a gravestone rubbing where the paper is molded atop the inkless fish and then inks or paints are applied with delicate and precise detail.


The Gyotaku on exhibit at Tatehuari was done with hand ground sumi ink on rice paper  and is framed and matted.


SanPanchoLife.com Visitor Statistics

Statistics for November 5 - November 12, 2010

Total Pageviews:  3,972

Total Unique Visitors:  3055

Reservation Requests:  13

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                           Villa Ca                     Casa La Bodeguita              
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La Playa Beachfront Restaurant

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Notes from the Ranch

The weather is turning and the plants are happy. It looks like there will be a bumper crop of pepino, or cucumber, this year. I swear the seeds sprouted over night! The chives are lagging behind and I may need to reseed the plot. I planted a long row of gigantic sunflowers so hopefully I will have a Van Gogh inspired wall border soon. Basil is taking off nicely as well. I am seeding a lot of broad leaf Italian Basil for pesto use. I also have purple flower basil that has a slight anise taste to it, small leaf local basil that is good for teas and oils and a mid sized leafed basil for sunflowerssalads. And the corn is up and looking good.

I am waiting for my heirloom tomato seeds to show up then there will be 7 different varities! The green husked tomatos are looking good. Peas are just showing their little shoots. Mar Plata restaurant is using the abundant passion fruit for tasty mojitos and sorbet. You have to try them!

One good thing all of the rain did for my garden is that it deposited a layer of good top soil. Thanks to my upstream neighbors! I promise to share in the bounty.

The baby cows are growing so quickly. They spend their daBulys eating grass, nursing, napping and playing. It is fun to watch them run on their wobbly legs.

Sr. Memo Flechas, the young bull, is having a conjugal visit with the cows this week so we should see more babies in the spring.

San Pancho Farmers Market continues to grow and last week we doubled the amount of vendors. Come down for yummy breads, herbs, rocking coffee, coconut oil, spices, vinegars and oils. Also one of the vendors makes lovely hand embroidered traditional blouses.
So life continues to grow and evolve. I am always open to the changes that each day brings.

Note to self: Next time before stripping down out of stinky ranch clothes on the back porch make sure the gardener has gone home! Oops! A little too much information for Don Miguel.

Things I am thankful for: mini vacations, my son, socks on cool mornings and you, my friends.

Blessings, Tamara

Contact Tamara with comments or suggestions.

Notas del Rancho

El clima est� cambiando y las plantas son felices. Parece que habr� una excelente cosecha de pepino, o pepino, este a�o. Juro que las semillas germinadas durante la noche! Las cebolletas se est�n quedando atr�s y podr�a tener que reinicializar la trama. Yo plant� una larga fila de girasoles gigantes, as� que espero que tendr� una frontera Van Gogh pared inspirado en breve. Basilio est� despegando muy bien tambi�n. Estoy sembrando un mont�n de hojas de albahaca italiana amplia para uso pesto. Tambi�n tengo albahaca flor morada que tiene un sabor ligero a an�s, albahaca de hoja peque�a local que es bueno para los t�s y aceites y medianas empresas albahaca hojas para ensaladas. Y el ma�z est� en marcha y en buen estado.

Estoy esperando a mi semillas de la herencia de tomate a aparecer a continuaci�n, habr� siete variedades diferentes! Los tomates verdes descascarillado se ven bien. Los guisantes son s�lo mostrando sus hojas poco. Mar del childrenPlata restaurante est� utilizando la abundante fruta de la pasi�n de sabrosos mojitos y sorbete. Tienes que probarlo!

Una de las cosas buenas todos los de la lluvia hizo por mi jard�n es que se deposit� una capa de tierra vegetal buena. Gracias a mis vecinos de arriba! Me comprometo a compartir el bot�n.
Los terneros est�n creciendo tan r�pidamente. Ellos pasan sus d�as comiendo hierba, de enfermer�a, la siesta y el juego. Es divertido verlos correr en sus piernas temblorosas.

Sr. Memo Flechas, el novillo, es tener una visita conyugal con las vacas de esta semana as� que debemos ver m�s beb�s en la primavera.
San Pancho Farmers Market contin�a creciendo y la �ltima semana hemos duplicado la cantidad de vendedores. Desciende de pan delicioso, hierbas, meci�ndose caf�, aceite de coco, especias, vinagres y aceites. Tambi�n uno de los vendedores hace bella mano bordadas blusas tradicionales.

As� que la vida sigue creciendo y evolucionando. Siempre estoy abierto a los cambios que trae cada d�a.

Nota mental: La pr�xima vez antes de despojar de la ropa rancho apestoso en el porche trasero aseg�rese de que el jardinero se ha ido a casa! �Uy! Un poco de informaci�n demasiado para Don Miguel.

Cosas que me siento agradecido por: mini vacaciones, mi hijo, los calcetines en las ma�anas frescas y ustedes, mis amigos.

Bendiciones, Tamara

Escribe Tamara con comentarios o sugerencias.

Tamtamaraara Bode has been living in San Pancho for 14 years. She is the owner of Harmonia Holistica. She is a Massage Therapist, and also specializes in nutrition counseling and lifestyle coaching.

San Pancho Estuary`s Early-Morning Bird-show!!

Yes, you read well! There is a bird show displayed by San Pancho�s Estuary every morning. This show is not something new, it has probably been running there every morning for ages and many people have noticed it.

 What I call the Early Morning Birds Show is a perfectly birdshowsynchronized sequence of behavioral displays and movements that is fun to watch, it`s like watching a movie in the sense that once you have seen it you know what to expect but with the exception that there are always some variations to it. 

The birds� show of every morning at the estuary starts at dawn when there is just enough daylight to be able to see in the distance but the sun has not shown up yet. The estuary is sometimes covered with a layer of mist and by that time there is little or no movement around, crickets are just finishing

Photo by Chris Parsons

their night serenade and the Ferruginous Pigmy Owls eventually make their repeated woo-woo calls... Suddenly,  at the top of the palm trees next he estuary the whiteness of Snowy, Great and Cattle Egrets and White Ibises becomes evident, soon they will take off to make their day and won�t come back until sunset... by then Great Tailed Grackles and Sinaloa Crows start making their melodious calls and flying all over the place looking for food an chasing other birds... then flying along the coast a lonely Yellow-Crowned Night Heron comes back from another pond where he went to get dinner at night... by then the daylight keeps flooding the atmosphere and within a few moments of immeasurable beauty all the different species of wading birds like Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, Northern Jacanas, Common Moorhens, Killdeers, Whimbrels to mention a few of the species starts to show up into the scene as they fish, dry up their wings, feed amongst the grass or catch sand bugs, at times creating unique clusters of different species hanging peacefully as a community and making the San Pancho estuary a fantastic place to begin the day. 


Espect�culo Matutino de Aves en el Estero de San Pancho!

S�, has le�do bien! Hay un espect�culo de aves en el estero de San Pancho cada ma�ana. Este espect�culo no es algo nuevo, probablemente ha estado ocurriendo all� todas las m

bird 3
Photo by Raul Chapa

a�anas desde tiempos remotos y muchas personas ya lo han notado...
Lo que yo llamo El Show Matutino de las Aves es una secuencia perfectamente sincronizada que muestra el comportamiento y movimientos de las aves, es como ver una pel�cula en el sentido de que una vez que lo has visto ya sabes qu� esperar, pero con la diferencia de que siempre hay algunas variaciones de la misma.

El espect�culo de las aves de todas las ma�anas en el estero comienza al amanecer cuando s�lo hay suficiente luz de d�a para poder ver en la distancia, pero el sol no ha aparecido a�n. El estero a veces est� cubierto por una capa de niebla y en ese momento hay poco o ning�n movimiento alrededor, los grillos est�n terminando su serenata nocturna y los Tecolotitos pigmeos a veces hacen sus repetidas llamadas woo-woo ... De repente en lo alto de las palmeras junto al estero, la blancura de las garzas mayoress y garcillas n�veas y bueyeras y de los Ibis blanco se hace evidente, pronto  van a despegar para Pelicanshacer su d�a y no volver�n hasta el atardecer ... entonces los Zanates y los Cuervos de Sinaloa empiezan a hacer sus melodiosas llamadas y a volar por todo el lugar en busca de comida, unos p�jaros persiguiendo otros ... y luego, volando a lo largo de la costa solitaria Garceta corona-clara vuelve de alg�n otro estanque donde fue a buscar la cena por la noche ... para entonces la luz del d�a sigue inundando la atm�sfera y dentro de unos momentos de inconmensurable belleza todas las diferentes especies de aves zancudas como Patos pijijes, la Jacana Norte�a, Galleretas comunes, Zarapitos trinadores, Chorlitos tild�os por tan solo mencionar algunas de la especies que suelen aparecer en la escena... algunas  pescando, otras se secan sus alas o se alimentan entre la hierba o capturan insectos en la arena... a veces  crean agrupaciones �nicas de diferentes especies conviviendo como una comunidad pac�ficamente y haciendo del estero de San Pancho un lugar excepcional para comenzar el d�a.

 Luis Morales is a Marine Biologist, Director and Founder of the San Pancho Birding Club, and Owner of Birding San Pancho. Luis has Bird watchiingvast experience on leading nature tours both in land and aquatic habitats. He has lived in San Pancho for 3 years and has become not only a frequent and avid observer of the local birds and nature but also an educational resource for our community and an environmental activist to help in preserving and restoring natural habitats.  Luis has agreed to become a part of La Voz and will be weekly contributing to our newsletter - welcome on board Luis!

Spanish Word of the Day 

English Translation: Scholar; learner: someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs
Spanish Example: Usted es un estudioso de mi hijo.

English Translation:
You are a scholar my student.
Vacation Rentals San Pancho
Do You Own a Vacation Rental House in San Pancho?
House for rentIf so, we hope you are advertising on SanPanchoLife.com and reaching the hundreds of visitors we receive to our website everyday. Our rates are very affordable, your success is 100% guaranteed, and best of all you are helping to support our community website.

Sign up now and start receiving more reservations than ever before.
Thanks for reading.  Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make San Pancho a better place in which to live and vacation.
Sandy Redmond
Executive Director