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TurtleSan Pancho Life Newsletter
March 26, 2010

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March 26, 2010
Greetings 424 Readers,

Spring is finally here and with that brings the masses of spring breakers from all over. The village is still preparing for Semana Santana (March 31-April 4), and the weather has continued to be beautiful--even warming up a bit making me realize the summer heat will be here before we know it. 
If you're looking for something to do tonight the San Pancho Art Walk is happening. And for all you college basketball fans you can watch March Madness at Panchito's Bar this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 
To view upcoming events in San Pancho visit the SanPanchoLife.com Event Calendar.
As always, we are constantly looking for news articles for our community newsletter so if you hear of anything, please let us know.

I hope you enjoy the articles below.

San Pancho Life Newsletter
Update on Ana Paula's Surgery
Before Surgery
Ana Paula
After Surgery 

Ana Paula

Blanca and Ana Paula traveled to Tepic on Thursday, March 18, 2010 for Ana Paula's corrective surgery. The surgery went well and Ana Paula and Blanca are back home in San Pancho with their family. She will have to return to Tepic for one more surgery and SanPanchoLife.com will update you when that occurs.
Thanks to numerous donors we exceeded our goal of $10,000 pesos and raised $12,775 pesos for Ana Paula!

Your generous gifts helped restore Ana Paula's smile and changed her life forever. And your donation made a huge impact on not only her but her entire family. It's great to see how our community pulled together to help this beautiful child.

 Before Surgery
Ana Paula
After Surgery

Ana Paula

Article by Nicole Fredrichs. Nicole is the Director of SanPanchoLife.com. She received her degree from Boise State University and has a background in Marketing. She has been living in the area since June.
San Pancho's 2009-2010 Season
The end of March brings many things to our beautiful beach village of San Pancho. The days are getting longer, the sun is burning a bit warmer, and the end to the high season of tourism is right around the corner. Now that we have a chance to reflect, questions arise as to exactly how prosperous businesses are during these difficult global economic times. Writers for the San Pancho Life newsletter decided to hit the streets to get a recap of the season from local business owners.
David Marquez, owner of Comedor Rincon de San Pancho, had this to say of this past season. "The ongoing road construction did affect me. Last year there were more customers, but I am seeing the customer base pick up." His restaurant is located on the corner of Primavera and Costa Rica. The most recent section of road construction did divert the main flow of traffic away from entrance to the road upon which his restaurant lies. Despite a recognized decrease in consumer base, David has successfully remodeled his restaurant and is optimistically looking towards the future. Open every day but Sunday from 7:00am-3:00pm and 5:00pm - 8:00pm David gives a huge smile as he says, "Come join us, we welcome everyone and speak both English and Spanish!"
Many of David's sentiments were echoed by Gino Lampier ofCalandria Realty Calandria Reality. Gino voiced his disappointment with the flow of traffic through town this season. "People would hit the detour and simply turn around at the beginning of town, never to come back. The problems we have had this year with traffic circulation are very similar to those Sayulita faced last year with their road construction." Gino has a unique perspective on the volume of tourist activity in the area because he is lead singer for Juan Ted and the Amazing Rhythm Roosters, a local band that plays not only in San Pancho but in neighboring towns as well. He reports that tourism is alive and well in the Riveria Nayarit; crowds have been healthy in venues he has been playing.
Galer�a Serendipity and Galer�a Corazon share a highly coveted location at the corner of Calle Cuba and Av. Tercer Mundo. Owners Judith Anderson, Jesse Hendry, along with Judi and John Levens open their shared gallery space between 11:00am-5:00pm every day excecpt Sundays and Mondays. This is a new location for both businesses this year, but owners knew what challenges to expect. "We knew this season was going to be a bit slow because of the economy," states Judith. "We have really made some good contacts, gained some great exposure, and remain optimistic. "  She went on to indicate that she felt that business will definitely turn around for the better in the near future.
It is no secret that San Pancho relies heavily on the tourist trade in order to flourish. It is unfortunate that many had to struggle through adversity brought about by the dip in the economy. The local situation was then exacerbated by our ongoing road improvement project. These findings do have a silver lining in that tourism in the area reported to be on the incline. Even better, road construction is rumored to come to conclusion in the very near future.
San Pancho's 2009-2010 Season
Este fin de marzo trae muchas cosas a nuestra hermosa playa de San Pancho. Los d�as son cada vez m�s largos, el sol est� un poco m�s c�lido, y el final de la temporada alta del turismo est� a la vuelta de la esquina. Ahora que tenemos la oportunidad de reflexionar, surgen preguntas, �c�mo les ha ido a las empresas locales durante estos dif�ciles tiempos econ�micos mundiales?. Los escritores del bolet�n de  San Pancho life decidieron salir a la calle para obtener un res�men de la temporada de los propietarios de empresas locales.
David M�rquez, propietario de Comedor Rinc�n de San Pancho, ten�a esto que decir de la temporada pasada. "La construcci�n de la calle principal me afect�. El a�o pasado hubo m�s clientes, aunque la base de mi clientela es para llevar. Su restaurante est� situado en la esquina de la Primavera y Costa Rica. La secci�n m�s reciente de la construcci�n  desvi� el flujo principal de tr�fico fuera de la esquina en la que se encuentra su restaurante. A pesar de una disminuci�n en los consumidores, David ha logrado remodelar  restaurante y ve con optimismo hacia el futuro. Abierto todos los d�as menos los domingos de 7:00 am-3: 00pm y de 5:00-8:00 David nos brinda una gran sonrisa y dice, "Ven y �nete a nosotros, le damos la bienvenida a todos y hablamos Ingl�s y Espa�ol!
Muchos de los sentimientos de David encontraron eco en Gino Lampier de Calandria Realty. Gino expres� su decepci�n con el flujo de clientes en el pueblo en esta temporada. "La gente al encontrar la desviaci�n  simplemente se di� la vuelta a la entrada del pueblo para nunca volver. Los problemas que hemos tenido este a�o con la circulaci�n son muy similares a los que se enfrentaron en Sayulita el a�o pasado con la construcci�n de la calle principal. Gino tiene una perspectiva �nica sobre el volumen de la actividad tur�stica en la zona, porque �l es el cantante y director de Juan Ted y los impresionantes gallos del ritmo, una banda local que se desempe�a no s�lo en San Pancho sino tambi�n en los pueblos vecinos. �l informa que el turismo est� vivo y bien en la Riviera Nayarit; ha tenido gran audiencia en los lugares que ha estado tocando.
Galer�a Serendipity y Galer�a Coraz�n  comparten un lugar muyGaleria Corazon codiciado en la esquina de la calle Cuba y AV. Tercer Mundo. Los propietarios Judith Anderson y Jesse Hendry, junto con Judi y John Levens abren su espacio de galer�a compartida entre las 11:00 am-5: 00pm todos los d�as excepto domingos y lunes. Esta es una nueva ubicaci�n para estas dos galer�as este a�o por lo que los propietarios sab�an lo que les esperaba. "Sab�amos que esta temporada iba a ser un poco lenta debido a la econom�a", afirma Judith. "Hemos logrado algunos buenos contactos, ganado algo de exposici�n, y siguen siendo optimistas. "Ella dice que se siente optimista de que la empresa definitivamente tendr� una mejor temporada en el futuro pr�ximo".
No es ning�n secreto que San Pancho se basa principalmente en la industria del turismo para prosperar. Es lamentable que muchos tuvieran que luchar con la adversidad provocada por la ca�da en la econom�a. La situaci�n local fue exacerbada por nuestro proyecto en curso de mejoramiento de la avenida principal. Estos resultados tienen un resquicio de esperanza en los informes sobre el turismo en la zona. A�n mejor ,se rumora que la avenida principal estar� terminada e inaugurada en un futuro muy pr�ximo.
NicoleArticle by Nicole Fredrichs. Nicole is the Director of SanPanchoLife.com. She received her degree from Boise State University and has a background in Marketing. She has been living in the area since June.
Spanish translation done by Julie Ferrara. You can contact her for translation details.
"Reina de la Primavera"
 "Queen of Spring"
Every year during March you have probably seen decoratedSpring Parade boxes with local children's photos and a slot to place coins. These boxes are to raise money for San Pancho's church, San Francisco de Asis, and every year a "Queen of Spring" or "Reina de la Primavera" is elected by who has raised the most money in their box. This year the crown went to Fani Vallejo Gil who raised over $2,300 pesos. The total raised for the church this year was over $14,000 pesos.
The parade and crowning of the "Reina de la Primavera" tookSpring Parade place on Sunday, March 21st. The parade marched down Av. Tercer Mundo, where you could see many children donning their favorite costumes, and ended in the Plaza del Sol with the crowning of the queen and princesses. It was a brightly colored site to see with many cheerful children dressed up as lions, butterflies, mermaids and much more.
"Reina de la Primavera"
Cada a�o, durante marzo, usted habr� visto en cajas decoradasSpring Parade con fotos de ni�os de la localidad y una ranura para colocar las monedas. Estas cajas son para recaudar fondos para la iglesia de San Pancho, un San Francisco de As�s, y cada a�o "Reina de la Primavera" o "Reina de la Primavera" es elegido por los que ha recaudado m�s dinero en su caja. Este a�o, la corona pas� a Fani Vallejo Gil, que recaud� m�s de $ 2.300 pesos. El total recaudado por la iglesia este a�o fue de m�s de $ 14.000 pesos.
El desfile y la coronaci�n de la "Reina de la Primavera" tuvo lugarSpring Parade el domingo, 21 de marzo. El desfile marcharon por la Av.. Tercer Mundo, donde se pod�a ver a muchos ni�os vistiendo sus trajes favoritos, y termin� en la Plaza del Sol con la coronaci�n de la reina y princesas. Era un sitio de colores brillantes para ver con muchos ni�os alegres vestidos de leones, mariposas, sirenas y mucho m�s.
NicoleArticle by Nicole Fredrichs. Nicole is the Director of SanPanchoLife.com. She received her degree from Boise State University and has a background in Marketing. She has been living in the area since June.
Pictures provided by Elisabeth McColl.
Health for Life
In our ongoing Spring Cleaning, this week is about EXERCISE! The dreaded word.

Half an hour of movement a day leaves 23 and a half other hoursExercise to be lazy. And with the half hour of exercise, the other 23+ will be filled with more energy and focus.
Yes, you can go to the gym. I go because I need the motivation and commitment of the monthly membership fee. I can be completely unmotivated.
But what about if we use what is around us in our lives already? We are surrounded by jungle, beach, gardens, golf courses and dance clubs. All of these are within an hour of San Pancho; some just out our front door.
Don't like to exercise? What if we throw away that word and it just becomes a natural part of our lifestyles? Here are some fun ways to get the movement our bodies need:
-Dancing. Put on your favorite CD and shake your booty. Or hit a salsa class.
-Hiking the jungle road.
-Golf. Don't use a cart.
-Walking on the beach. Jumping in the ocean.
-Gardening. Take a walk around your garden and pull weeds. Haul rocks.
-Surf or boogie board. A lot of us have access to swimming pools. Do some water aerobics, water tai chi or jog in the pool. It is easy on the joints and really effective.
And always eat breakfast! When my brain is on idle in the mornings I know that I've waited too long to eat. Skip the sugary breakfasts and start the day with proteins. Our bodies need fuel for the day. If I don't eat breakfast I am more apt to binge on junk mid-day.
See you out hiking, biking, swimming or dancing!
Salud para la Vida
En nuestro curso de limpieza de primavera, esta semana es para el EJERCICIO! La temida palabra.

Media hora de movimiento en un d�a con 23 horas y la otra mitadWalking para la pereza. Y con la media hora de ejercicio, los otros 23 + se llenan de m�s energ�a y concentraci�n.

S�, usted puede ir al gimnasio. Yo voy porque necesito la motivaci�n y el compromiso de la cuota mensual. Puedo estar totalmente desmotivada.

�Pero qu� pasa si usamos lo que nos rodea en nuestra vida ya? Estamos rodeados de selva, playa, jardines, campos de golf y clubes de baile. Todos estos est�n a menos de una hora de San Pancho, y algunos hasta cerca de nuestra puerta.

�No me gusta hacer ejercicio? �Qu� pasa si tiramos esa palabra y  s�lo se convierte en una parte natural de nuestro estilo de vida? Aqu� est�n algunas maneras divertidas para conseguir el movimiento que nuestro cuerpo necesita:
-Bailar. Ponga en su CD favorito y a mover el cuerpo. O tome una clase de salsa.
-Senderismo por la selva.
-Golf. No utilice un carro.
-Pasear por la playa. Saltar en el oc�ano.
-Jardiner�a. D� un paseo alrededor de su jard�n y tire las malas hierbas. Rocas Haul.
-Surf o boogie board. Muchos de nosotros tenemos acceso a una alberca. Haga algunos ejercicios aer�bicos acu�ticos, tai chi acu�tico o correr en la alberca. Es f�cil para las articulaciones y realmente eficaz.
Y siempre desayune! Cuando mi cerebro est� en marcha lenta en las ma�anas, s� que he esperado demasiado tiempo para comer.
Pasar de los desayunos dulces y empezar el d�a con prote�nas. Nuestro cuerpo necesita combustible para el d�a. Si no desayuno estoy m�s apta para una fiesta de comida chatarra a medio d�a.

Nos vemos por ahi caminando, andando en bicicleta, nadando o bailando!
tamaraTamara Bode has been living in San Pancho for 14 years. She is the owner of Harmonia Holistica. She is a Massage Therapist, and also specializes in nutrition counseling and lifestyle coaching.
Spanish translation done by Julie Ferrara. You can contact her for translation details.
Do You Own a Vacation Rental House in San Pancho?
House for rentIf so, we hope you are advertising on SanPanchoLife.com and reaching the hundreds of visitors we receive to our website everyday. Our rates are super affordable, your success is 100% guaranteed, and best of all you are helping to support our community website.

Sign up now and start receiving more reservations than ever before.
Notes from the Ranch

I celebrated my 50th birthday this week.? Ack! Did I just say that50th Birthday out loud? Fabulous, frisky, flirty, 50? Eh, no. Focused, fierce, fun 50. More better.
Here are some things I've figured out (bear with me, I can be a little slow):
-It takes great company to beat my own company. I am my own best friend. And I treat myself that way.
I have experienced great love in my life; that may be over. And I am okay with that (most days).
Would I go back to India? In a heart beat.
Whether you like me or not is none of my business. I like me.
-I am thankful for each and every moment. I try to fill each of them with joy.
-My life works better when I sit on my butt and open my mind for half an hour in the morning. And when I trust that the Universe has my back.
To wish for a better or different past is futile and a waste of this moment.
Everything happens here and now. If I am focusing too much on the future or rehashing the past, I miss right here, right now.
-Graciousness goes a long ways.
No, is a complete answer.
-A smile takes years off of my face. And I always wait until after the first cup of coffee to check the mirror.
-If I don't love myself, no one will.
-I'll never have Buns of Steel.
-Thank God for good bras.
-Dream. Dream BIG. And expect it to come true. Work at it every day.
-I will never use my living room to sit and relax. It works much better as my studio and workshop.
-And finally, Life is exactly what I put into it. Thoughts become things. I choose the good ones!
Things I am thankful for: love, girlfriends, dogs and big hugs from my son.
Blessings, Tamara

Contact Tamara with comments or suggestions.
Notas del Rancho
�Celebr� mi cumplea�os n�mero 50 esta semana.? Ack! �AcaboLife Lessons de decirlo en voz alta? �Fabulosos, juguetones, coquetos, 50? 
Eh, no: Concentrados, feroces, divertidos 50. Mejor.
qu� hay algunas cosas que he descubierto (cr�anme, puedo ser un poco lenta):
-Se requiere gran compa��a para competir con mi propia compa��a. Yo soy mi mejor amiga. Y me trato de esa manera.
-He experimentado un gran amor en mi vida, tal vez haya terminado pero estoy bien con eso (la mayor�a de los d�as).
-�Volver�a a la India? En un latido del coraz�n.
-Ya sea que yo le guste a usted o no, no es de mi incumbencia. Me gusto a m�.
-Estoy agradecida por todos y cada momento. Trato de llenar cada uno de ellos con alegr�a. Mi vida funciona mejor cuando me siento y abro mi mente durante una media hora en la ma�ana.
-Cuando conf�o en que tengo el Universo a mi espalda.
-Desear un pasado mejor o diferente es in�til y un desperdicio de tiempo.
-Todo lo que sucede es aqu� y ahora. Si estoy demasiado centrada  en el futuro o el pasado, echo de menos el aqu� y el ahora.
-El de la Gracia es un largo camino.
-No, es una respuesta completa.
-La sonrisa llevo a�os fuera de mi cara. Ahora siempre espero hasta despu�s de la primera taza de caf� para comprobar el espejo.
-Si no me amo a m� mismo, nadie lo har�.
-Nunca tendr� m�sculos de acero.
-Gracias a Dios por los buenos brassieres.
-So�ar. So�ar en grande. Y esperar que se haga realidad. Trabajar en ello todos los d�as.
-Nunca usar� la sala para sentarme y relajarme. Funciona mucho mejor como estudio y taller.
-Y, finalmente, la vida es exactamente lo que he puesto en ella. Los pensamientos se vuelven cosas. Puedo elegir los buenos!
Cosas por las que me siento agradecida: el amor,las amigas,los perros y muchos abrazos de mi hijo.
Bendiciones, Tamara

Escribe Tamara con comentarios o sugerencias.

tamaraTamara Bode has been living in San Pancho for 14 years. She is the owner of Harmonia Holistica. She is a Massage Therapist, and also specializes in nutrition counseling and lifestyle coaching.
Spanish translation done by Julie Ferrara. You can contact her for translation details.

This Week's Voice of San Pancho

Miriam Aleida Hernandez Orozco y Jose G. Hernandez Orozco 
What do you do in San Pancho? I am the head of Reception at the Celest Hotel and a waitress at Zen Sushi.
�A que te dedicas en San Pancho? Soy Jefe de Recepci�n en el Hotel Celest/ mesera en Zen Sushi.  
Were you born in San Pancho? No, I was born in Tepic. 
�Naciste en San Pancho? No, naci en Tepic.
How did you come to San Pancho? I was offered a job at Costa Azul. 
�Como es que llegaste a San Pancho? Me ofrecieron trabajo en el Hotel Costa Azul. 
Why did you choose San Pancho over Tepic? I knew the manager at Costa Azul and he offered me work there.
�Porque elegiste San Pancho en lugar de Los Angeles? Conoc�a al gerente de Costa Azul y me ofreci� trabajo. 
What were you doing before you came here? I was working as a hostess at a restaurant.
�Que es lo que hac�as antes de llegar al pueblo? Trabajaba como "Anfitriona" en un restaurant. 
What can you tell us about your current jobs in San Pancho? Zen Sushi is a new restaurant in San Pancho where you can enjoy the varied flavors and good tastes of sushi for both tourists and locals. Zen Sushi is open on Tuesday's and Wednesday's and is located in the Baja Takeria restaurant on Av. Tercer Mundo.
�Que nos puedes decir sobre tus proyectos? Zen Sushi es una nueva opci�n en San Pancho para disfrutar el sabor y la variedad de la buena comida tanto turistas como locales.
How do you see the town in comparison to how it was before culturally/socially/economically? T
he development has been impressive and an ever-growing engine. In five years the town has blown up. I think it's great that people from other places help with the growth of San Pancho, but always keep the basics in mind that helps us maintain the natural and traditional feel that San Pancho has.
Como ves al pueblo ahora en comparacion a como lo viste antes culturaly/socialy/economicamente? El desarrollo y crecimiento han sido impresionantes, en 5 anos esto se ha ido para arriba, me parece genial que personas de otros lugares ayuden al crecimiento de San Pancho, pero siempre conserven lo elemental que es mantener lo natural y tradicional que es la riqueza de san Pancho.
Why do you think there are so many cultural projects in San Pancho? To come to San Pancho and enjoy the tranquility and magic that surrounds you from the beginning you realize that all of San Pacho is an art. It inspires you and you fall in love, that's why we do not want to move from here. I think the cultural momentum in San Pancho helps everybody learn about different culturals and should be used as that and not just as a holiday destination.
�A que crees que se deba que en San Pancho hay muchos proyectos culturales? Por que al llegar a San Pancho y disfrutar de su tranquil dad y magia que te envuelve desde un principio te das cuenta que todo San Pacho es Arte, te inspira y te enamora, es por eso que todos los que llegamos no queremos irnos de aqui, Creo que el estar dando ese impulso cultural a San Pancho es la mejor forma de aprovecharlo,  como algo cultural del cual aprender, no solo como un destino de vacaciones. 
Would you leave San Pancho now? Definitely no!
Dejaria a San Pancho en este momento? Definitivamente no!
Is there a story you want to share with us? My experiences in San Pancho have helped me learn to have that magic touch with nature, which many people speak about doing but don't live it. I realized that San Pancho is better than I thought, whenever I see the surrounding areas of jungle and ocean two words come to mind: divine inspiration.
�Hay alguna an�cdota que quieres compartir con nosotros? No es tanto como una an�cdota mas bien mi experiencia en aqua ha sido que he aprendido a tener ese contacto m�gico con la naturaleza del cual mucha gente hablaba, pero al vivirlo me he dado cuenta de que es mejor de lo que pensaba, siempre que veo la naturaleza de San Pancho solo viene a mi mente: Inspiraci�n Divina.
Article by Nicole Fredrichs. Nicole is the Director of SanPanchoLife.com. She received her degree from Boise State University and has a background in Marketing. She has been living in the area since June.
Spanish translation done by Julie Ferrara. You can contact her for translation details.
San Pancho Spanish Phrase of the Day

la pista

English Translation:
 road, track, trail; court (tennis, squash); clue, hint
Spanish Example: �Me das una pista para este rompecabezas?
English Translation:
Will you give me a hint for this puzzle?