

Chris Walker Trust Expedition Grants


On 24th February, 2010 Chris Walker lost his life when he was taken by an avalanche whilst descending from Buachaille Etive Mor. Chris was a highly talented, accomplished and popular mountaineer who loved to share his enthusiasm, knowledge and skills with others. He already held the MIC, was a full member of the Association of Mountaineering Instructors and no doubt would have fulfilled his life-long dream of becoming a British Mountain Guide. In order to assist other climbers who share the same passion for the mountains as Chris, the Chris Walker Memorial Trust has been set up.

The CWMT will award an annual �1000 grant to help fund expeditions to the Greater Ranges. We welcome applications from aspiring Greater Ranges climbers who need help to fund expeditions with the objective of establishing new routes, repeating rarely attempted lines, or visiting unexplored areas. The closing date for applications will be 1st December each year, after which the trustees will meet and make their decision.

The CWMT will also be providing and funding avalanche awareness courses each winter to support the continual professional development of guides and mountaineering instructors.

In conjunction with the CWMT, the British Alpine Ski School (BASS) are annually offering a free place on their 'Ski Performance Course for Mountaineers'. The closing date for applications is 11th September each year.

More details can be found at  www.chriswalkertrust.co.uk  

Kyanjin Gompa - Langtang
Langtang Valley - Kyanjin Gompa 
Langtang women
Langtang local women
Langtang Porters
Langtang porters 
Langtang Pigeons
Flocks of Snow Pigeons 


Langtang Tillman's Peak
Gangchempo - Tillman's Peak, over looking Langtang Khola valley  

The Chris Walker Trust ran the Lake District Cycle Challenge on 4th August to raise more funds for this worthwhile cause. 

There was a good turn out and 79 riders took part 77 finished and unfortunately 2  bikes broke! �1070 was raised on the day and we are hoping for some more from the sponsorship forms.

The event will be run in early July next year as the roads where very busy, with tourists looking at the scenery and not the road or bikers!!!!!



Links - Retailers - Good Gear 


An important area of an outdoor instructor/guides work is keeping up to date with equipment in order to be able to answer a wide range of questions about mountaineering kit. In the ever changing world of equipment this is difficult and that is where some good outdoor manufacturers and retailers come in. There are many and varied outdoor shops and I cannot hope to know all of them. However a few come to mind as being very helpful to our mountain visitors over the years. Some clients have driven many miles of a weekend to get good sound advice and here is a small selection.


Paramo Manufacturers of the best shell clothing I have ever used in 40 years of mountaineering.
Ardblair Sports Importers Ltd Importers Ltd In particular for AKU footwear . If any of you have seen my awkward feet you will know that to find a  comfortable pair of boots is not easy for me. The AKU Spider and Spider Lights are very light, warm and comfortable. The Spider is very good for the Alps in my opinion.

Ardblair Sports Importers have started an AKU Facebook page.  If you like what you see tell your friends and confirm.


Any good pair of boots will be enhanced by proper insoles and I'm convinced that Superfeet Footbeds really help. Go for the custom fit insoles. They may be expensive, but are a good investment towards comfort and stabilisation of the whole body frame.


Needlesports will be well known to anyone visiting the Lake District. Once again sound advice from passionate outdoor folk. 56 Main Street, Keswick, CA12 5JS

Freetime in Carlisle is worth considering if you are heading north/south and need that last minute bit of kit. 1-2 Market Street  Town Centre, Carlisle CA3 8QJ 


914 Outdoor is worth a visit for anyone on their way to the Isle of Skye, especially as the view towards Eilean Donan Castle in one direction and the Black Cuillin to the west is stunning. Friendly advice and a chance to pick up some last minute kit. Ardelve Kyle By Lochalshe, Kyle IV40 8DY Ross-Shire 


Cioch-Direct on the Isle of Skye made to measure Paramo outdoor clothing is very close to where Norman Collie and John Mackenzie are laid to rest. There is also a good spot over the road for tea and scones. Struan, Isle of Skye IV56 8FA  


Mac Mountaineering  if you land up in Inverness and prefer an old style independent shop instead of the larger apartment store layout. 34 Church Street, Inverness, IV11EH

Walk Highlands for a comprehensive list of mountain adventures and information  



 Alps Flora
Alan Kimber


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