The Aware Body
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THE AWARE BODY NEWS                                                   Spring 2011top

"Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling." Margaret Lee Runbeck, Time for Each Other

Welcome to the Spring Newsletter!

Mary Serphos
Happy Spring!  And Happy Mother's Day!
Now that it's spring, it's time to rejoice again with the warmer weather and unfurling blossoms everywhere! This is the season of re-birth and the time when all that fresh, delicious produce starts to appear in the market. It's also the time to start thinking about our bodies and tuning them up for summer.  Spring is a great time to clean out your body; think of it as a tune up just as you would tune up your car, your bike or whatever other appliances we often pay more attention to than our bodies! I can guide you through a personalized cleanse that allows you to eat whole delicious foods and will leave you feeling fantastic.


And, I am offering a special that will make you smile and help you and a friend reach the goals that have been on your monthly list since the new year. It is always best to reach those goals with coaching but those who are committed to reaching their goals with a friend or partner stick to their schedule because, let's face it, we're not always accountable to ourselves but when another person is involved, our level of motivation increases dramatically.


The Aware Body Will Coach You To:


1.    Cut down on sweets and refined carbs


2.    Lose the extra pounds that are weighing you down and keep them off


3.    Participate in and complete a customized cleanse with whole foods and juices


4.    Make self-care and time for you a priority!

5.    Become more kitchen savvy and teach you to cook quick healthy meals

6.   Get back on track with your health and wellness goals   






 View Details 


Buy one session and you'll automatically gift a friend or loved one or yourself with 1 free session. An offer you can't refuse!

And remember that brides to be, new mom's or about to be mom's are everywhere right now- a self-care, health boosting session makes a GREAT GIFT. 

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Aware Body Update 

Mary in Costa Rica

Mary enjoying a 'picked that day from the garden' salad and sashimi at the Harmony Juice Bar in Costa Rica


I realize that it's been forever since I've updated you about what has been happening with The Aware Body. Here is a brief news update:


Since the first of this year, I have been living on the Pacific Guanacaste Coast of Costa Rica. I have settled in and am seeing clients (both local and afar via Skype), doing menu consultation, personal chef work, lectures as well as teaching classes, writing for the local paper and have applied for a grant to teach nutrition education to the local community!  


I also plan to do FOOD TOURS next fall/winter so please stay tuned! There is such a wealth of great food where I am living and it's a shame not to share it with all of you....Please contact me if you are interested. This summer I will be in NY and California and would love to meet with you in person while I'm on either coast. 


recipeKeys to a Successful Cleanse

By Mary Serphos


Why cleanse your body? Toxins, pesticides, chemicals in household cleaners and the use of plastics, Teflon pans, not to mention all the years of  emotional pain builds up in our tissues and organs as well as our blood. While the job of the liver and kidneys is to cleanse the body, quite often, they are overloaded and taxed to capacity. The symptoms of an overtaxed body can lead to lead to a loss of energy, weight gain, fatigue and brain fog to name a few.


Cleansing can include anything from a total fast or a juice cleanse to an elimination eating plan where certain foods and substances are eliminated for a set amount of time. The best foods to avoid are alcohol, tobacco, unhealthy fats, sugar, processed food and refined flour products. I often advise clients who are cleansing for the first time to take the cleanse gradually as to not "shock" the body into starvation mode which can lead to binging and overeating after the cleanse is over and can last for months afterwards. And if the goal is to shed the weight and keep it off, it is important to go into a cleanse armed with knowledge. For example, certain bodies do great on a juice fast while others don't fare as  well on this type of fast since the sugars in juice, even in green juices, turn into simple sugars in the body, especially if the fiber from the plant is eliminated while juicing. I always recommend using the whole fruit or vegetables when juicing and drink slowly.


How long should a cleanse last? Those who eat a healthy plant based diet can reap the benefits of a two to three day cleanse while those of us who are ingesting processed foods, sugar and unhealthy fats can cleanse for up to two weeks to get the maximum benefits. Again, it is best to cleanse with professional guidance and care, slowly eliminating foods and toxic substances over time. Please contact me if you have any questions- I am happy to answer them!


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recipeTop 6 Cleansing Foods For Daily Detox
 By Mary Serphos 


1.   Fresh Organic Green Vegetables- Raw or cooked, greens like kale spinach, bok choy broccoli, arugula and fresh green herbs such as basil and cilantro have fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and chlorophyll all which flush the liver and boost energy.


2.   Garlic- The antibacterials in garlic help clear out the digestive tract while the sulphur compounds, especially one called allicin, work to strengthen the immune system.


3.   Whole Grains and ground flax seed- Quinoa, brown rice, ground flax seed and other unprocessed grains are excellent sources of soluble fiber and are packed with nutrients.


4.   Cabbage- effective at reducing inflammation in the body, cabbage prepared raw or lightly cooked or made into "kim chee" aka raw sauerkraut. The probiotics in kim chee are great for boosting the  "second brain" or digestive system.


5.   Fresh Fruit- whole fruit or occasional one hundred percent pure fruit juices have vitamin C, and are loaded with antioxidants but it's important not to overdo fruit and fruit juices because they are high in simple sugars. Also, those who have candida or yeast overgrowth in the body should avoid most fruit and eliminate fruit juices entirely while cleansing.


6.   WE LOVE LEMON-  lemons boost the enzymatic activity in the body and are packed with phytonutrients that help cleanse almost every organ in the body.


Remember while cleansing to drink lots of good quality water and eat or juice water based vegetables such as cucumber and celery.  For an extra boost to your "daily detox" repertoire, add in a bit of spice such as ginger, cayenne, hot pepper and fresh hot sauce. If you're not used to using spicy and hot condiments, add them to food in minimal amounts at first.


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Spring Rejuvenation Smoothie 

Forget the powders and packaged "smoothies" Just say Yes! to this fantastic whole food Smoothie






  - 1 cup cubed pineapple

  - 5 large ice cubes

  - 3 or 4 large or 7 small leaves of


  - 1/4 avocado

  - 1/4 vanilla bean (you can use the 

    whole bean or just scrape out the


  - 1 cup of coconut water


Blend and drink it up...

  • vanilla bean is great to combat chocolate cravings!
  • avocado provides healthy fat and protein to help you feel satisfied
  • basil is cleansing and great for mood
  • pineapple is naturally sweet and has fantastic digestive enzymes (bromelain)
  • coconut water is packed with vitamins, minerals and electrolytes

Enjoy this smoothie and look out for a summer smoothie recipe in The Aware Body News summer issue that will not only make you smile but will make you jump up and down! In the meantime, enjoy this time of re-birth and stay in touch...


Print the Recipe for This Smoothie 


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Enjoy this time of re-birth!

It is possible to eat your way to health, happiness and fuel a brighter mood.

Make an appointment with Certified Health Coach Mary Serphos to help your get your body correctly prepared for the spring months. I look forward to helping you make your health goals a reality.


Mary Serphos
The Aware Body
In This Issue
The Aware Body Update
Keys to a Successful Cleanse
Top 6 Cleansing Foods For Daily Detox
Spring Rejuvenation Smoothie Recipe
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Must mention this coupon when purchasing your sessions.
Offer Expires: July 1, 2011

Start achieving your health and wellness goals today!