The Aware Body
THE AWARE BODY NEWS                                                   September 2009top
"The doctor of the future will give no medicines, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the causes and prevention of disease."  
-Thomas Edison


Welcome to the Third edition of The Aware Body Newsletter.
Mary Serphos

I hope this past summer has brought you as much joy to you as it did to me.  My body loves summer, all the outdoor activity and fresh picked produce truly does a body good.  

Before the summer of 2009 runs away completely, take in the last days of sweetness and warmth before the fall chill begins.  Schedule time to take it slow and give your body lots of love and care.  Let those late summer rays hit your skin without sunblock for 15 minutes a day to get that Vitamin D stored up before winter.  Run barefoot on the sand one last time to give your feet a great natural exfoliation. And make sure to feast on all the fresh natural deliciousness of the late summer season. Sweet corn, blueberries and ripe tomatoes are right there waiting for you at your local farmers market.   

This month, in conjunction with CUESA, (Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture) I have included an article about the pleasures of venturing out to a farmer's's one of my favorite things to do during the harvest season and a great gift to your body!  Take in the freshness and delight in the flavors.  The food at the farmer's market yields the most crowd pleasing fare because the flavor is truly in the food - you don't need to add much to make it taste great.  Corn with sweet butter and sea salt is a delight on its own.  And we all know about mixing fresh heirloom tomatoes with mozzarella and basil - just add lemon or lime and some sea salt and pepper and voila! Your mouth will smile and so will your whole body. 

I have also included an article on healing heartburn naturally.  Chances are you know someone who has suffered from heartburn also known as acid reflux or GERD.  Most likely he or she has turned to over the counter medications to treat the symptoms of this uncomfortable condition; yet, there are effective ways to relieve heartburn naturally. Even though it may seem easiest to pop a pill at the onset, the long term effects of most of these medications can wreak havoc on your health.  It seems like GERD and acid reflux are on the upswing and many clients list this as a health concern.  Sometimes it takes a while for heartburn to recede completely but it usually can and will when underlying factors are dealt with carefully and thoroughly via a holistic and natural approach. 

As the fall season begins, consider giving the gift of Wellness to yourself, a friend, or a family member.  An hour session makes a great gift that can significantly shift your health, help you find balance and boost your mood for months.  Here is what a recent client has said about working together.  

"I was suffering from migraines and other stress related health issues.  Mary was able to connect with me in such an amazing way and understand these issues on all levels.  Mary adjusted my diet regime and got my lifestyle back on track in such a way that my health improved immediately.  I appreciated her compassion through the process and would highly recommend her services to anyone!" 

The Aware Body website is in the process of being updated.  For more details about what is offered from The Aware Body, please contact Mary Serphos at 415-412-5490 or [email protected].  And please see the July Newsletter for more information about The Aware Body approach to health and wellness. Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter and I look forward to hearing from you.  

Mary Serphos

The Aware Body Founder and Owner

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How to Heal Heartburn/GERD/Acid Reflux Naturally
by Mary Serphos
Ginger Tea
A very uncomfortable yet common condition, acid reflux can be exacerbated by stress, eating large meals, drinking alcohol, carrying excess weight, and taking certain medications.  Americans spend over $10 billion per year on medications that claim to quickly relieve heartburn but many of these drugs have serious side effects and don't treat underlying problems.  Read on to find out how to care for yourself and what you can do to take the natural 'Aware Body' approach to healing.
                    What Triggers Acid Reflux?
  • Foods with a high acid content such as tomato sauce, orange juice and excessively spicy foods.  Acidic and salty foods offset the natural alkaline balance in our bodies.
  • Alcohol and sweets with refined sugar can worsen symptoms.
  • Many over the counter medications such as ibuprofen (NSAIDS) and prescription meds including certain antibiotics can set off heartburn.
                                What can Help?
  • Eat small meals more frequently throughout the day rather than large ones 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Change your diet- increase the amount of vegetables (all are good, especially dark green ones) and non-acidic fruit such as apples, bananas and berries.  Don't skimp on protein- the best sources are legumes and beans such as lentils, kidney beans and black beans.  It's best to choose lean cuts of meat/fish/poultry rather than cuts with a higher fat content.
  • Slow down, de-stress and choose to wear loose clothing to help ease symptoms.
  • Help your digestion by adding probiotics and digestive enzymes. Taking "bitters" just before a meal can stimulate the digestive process.  I often recommend a mild supplement called deglycyrrhizinated licorice that has few or no side effects; it can work wonders.  Fresh Ginger tea sipped slowly during or after a meal is also a wonderful digestive aid.
  • I have read shining reviews and heard firsthand from a client about a product called Mastic Gum.  There have been claims that this is the one 'treatment' that works best for heartburn sufferers.
I have addressed this condition with past clients and have accumulated a wealth of information about natural alternatives to acid blockers.  If you have any questions or for more information on ways to improve digestion and to learn more ways to address this condition, please contact Mary at The Aware Body, 415-412-5490 or [email protected] 


Boost Your Health with Fresh/Organic/Local Food: 5 Great Reasons to Shop at a Farmers Market
Adapted from an article by CUESA
(Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture)
Edited by Mary Serphos
  1. Nourish Yourself: Most of the produce found at farmersbeach markets is minimally processed and many farmers go to great lengths to grow the most nutritious fruit and vegetables possible. On the other hand, many of the foods and products found in grocery stores are highly processed.  Unfortunately, much of the produce, poultry and meat at the supermarket is either sprayed with pesticides, injected with hormones or fed antibiotics. Furthermore, "fresh" grocery store fruit and vegetables have also been irradiated, waxed and gassed in transit. As we know, all of these practices have potentially damaging effects on our health.
  2. Taste Real Flavors and Sample Away: The fruit and vegetables you buy at the farmers market are the freshest and tastiest available. Fruit ripens in the field and is brought directly to you! No long distance shipping, no gassing to stimulate the ripening process, no sitting in storage for weeks on end. This food is as real as it gets- fresh off the farm. And the best part is that many of the stalls will offer samples so you can taste their delicious harvest and see for yourself how fresh it really is.
  3. Learn Cooking Tips, Recipes, and Meal Ideas: Vendors at the farmers market are often passionate cooks who will give you ideas for meals, recipes and troubleshoot your culinary conundrums.
  4. Discover the Spice of Life- Variety: At the Farmers Market you will often find an amazing array of food that you often don't see in your supermarket: red carrots, handmade yogurt, a rainbow of heirloom tomatoes, swordfish caught the prior day, white peaches, freshly laid eggs, purple peppers, grass fed lamb, and cinnamon basil! What a wonderful opportunity to experience first hand the diversity and biodiversity of our planet, both cultivated and wild.
  5. Enjoy the season: The food you buy at the FarmersSummer Berries Market is seasonal. It is fresh and delicious and reflects the truest flavors. Shopping and cooking from the Farmers Market helps you reconnect with the cycles of nature in your region. As you look forward to asparagus in spring, savor sweet corn in summer or bake pumpkins in autumn, you reconnect with the earth and your body.
For more information about CUESA or to find out about local Famer's Markets check out CUESA's website at The website is also a great resource for San Francisco Bay Area events and information. ENJOY!

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We look forward to hearing from you.
Mary Serphos
The Aware Body
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How to Heal Heartburn/GERD/Acid Reflux Naturally
Boost Your Health with Fresh/Organic/Local Food
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