ACLUJune 7, 2012
Dear ACLU of Georgia Supporter:

Debbie Seagraves
From Debbie Seagraves
Executive Director


June 26th marks the UN International Day

in Support of Torture Victims. 

Join the ACLU of Georgia, Amnesty International USA-Southern Region, International Action Center, the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT), and the Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition-Atlanta, as we join with people of conscience from around the world in taking action against torture and for human rights.


In 2009, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) announced a review of the CIA's detention and interrogation program as part of U.S. counter-terrorism efforts. The report is expected to be completed this summer, but pressure from pro-torture politicians and pundits to stop its release is growing. The public and survivors of torture have a right to know the truth about the U.S. government's involvement in torture and its cruel treatment of detainees.  Senator Chambliss is the ranking Republican on the SSCI and repeatedly has acted in favor of torture.  It's time to let him know that many Georgians oppose torture - and that the public has a right to see this report. 


 When: Tuesday, June 26th at 11:30am


 Where:  Troy Davis/Woodruff Park. Gather at the corner of Auburn & Peachtree (across from Equitable building).


 What: Public action with petition gathering to Senator Chambliss and collecting video footage of everyday Atlantans speaking out on why Torture is Always Wrong.

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The purpose of this Association shall be to advance the cause of civil liberties in Georgia, with emphasis on the rights of free speech, free press, free assembly, freedom of religion, due process of law and to take all legitimate action in the furtherance of such purposes without political partisanship.



ACLU of Georgia

1900 The Exchange, Suite 425

Atlanta, GA  30339