Cobb County Racial Profiling Forum

Sunday, September 27, 2009 
4:30 pm
Fountain of Love Baptist Church
460 Bourne Dr., Smyrna GA 30082.
          Please join the ACLU of Georgia and ABLE this Sunday at 4:30 pm for a "Know Your Rights/Tell Your Story" forum to be held in Cobb County.  This forum is the second of several forums to be held in Georgia counties in the coming months, with the aim of building additional community mobilization in opposition to 287(g) Agreements and for the passage of anti-racial legislation in our state. 

          All who have been affected by racial profiling in Cobb County are encouraged to participate and testify about their experiences; as in the last forum (held in Gwinnett County), a documentation table will also be set up where community members who have been affected by racial profiling in Cobb (specifically related to the implementation of 287(g)) would be able to talk about their experiences.  All identifying information will be kept confidential.
          The forum will be held at the Fountain of Love Baptist Church, located at: 460 Bourne Dr., Smyrna GA 30082.
           Our co-sponsors include: Center for Pan-Asian Community Services, CLILA, Coalition for the People's Agenda, Cobb Immigrant Alliance, Council on American-Islamic Relations - Georgia, Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials, Georgia Detention Watch, Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, Georgia Rural Urban Summit, Metro Fair Housing Services, Inc., New Order Human Rights Organization, Raksha, Refugee Women's Network, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Cobb County Chapter.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best Regards,
Azadeh Shahshahani
National Security/Immigrants' Rights Project Director
Mission Statement 
The purpose of this association shall be to advance the cause of civil liberties in Georgia, with emphasis on the rights of free speech, free press, free assembly, freedom of religion, due process of law and to take all legitimate action in the furtherance of such purposes
without political partisanship.
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