October 2009
Mike Arteaga's Health and Fitness CenterMike Arteaga's Health & Fitness Centers

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Group Power


     Imagine all of your favorite group exercise classes packed into one day!That's what Super Saturday is all about.

    On October 24, we'll offer a complete line up of all of our group exercise classes, each program brand new for the fall. Come take the classes you love the most or try one that you've never done before.
      Fall '09 is all about tackling the demands of everyday life and handling the stressful world. What better medicine than Centergy, Power, Step, Kick, Active, Ride and Groove.
     If you've never tried a group exercise class before because you feel like you'll be the only one always a step behind, this is the perfect day to give it a try. All the programming is brand new. That means the music is new, the steps and moves are new, and everyone will be learning together.
    And the energy won't stop at the doors of the group exercise room. The club will be hopping with high intensity workouts on the Med/X circuit, and mini-boot camp workouts courtesy of our personal training department.
   Sign-up sheets for the group exercise classes will be posted at the front desk. Come, do something for yourself and have some fun!



     When do you consider yourself a "success"?  What is your fitness goal and how are you measuring it? Is it when you reach some level of "thinness" or hit some theoretical weight? Or when you can do some super human feat?  
    Setting the right kind of goal 
has a lot to do with whether you stick with regular exercise or not, so chose carefully.
    It is clear that regular exercise is the most important thing you can 
do to avoid premature death and spending many years decrepit and ill!  
    Research is showing that health has a lot less to do with luck then 
previously believed and a lot more to do with the lifestyle decisions 
we make.  It is clear that we should be exercising for the rest of our 
lives to protect the most important possession we have: our health.
    Assuming we are in agreement on the importance of health, (If you have any doubts just ask someone who has lost their health) isn't it counter productive to chase ridiculously difficult or unrealistic goals?
    Any psychologist will tell you that the best plan is to set short term easier goals that lead to the ultimate goal and celebrate achieving each goal as you reach it!  This way you feel like a success most of the time, rather then feeling like a loser!  
    Cervantes said "The journey is better then the inn."  The reality is 
that when it comes to fitness, regular exercise is the journey and the goal.
    A feeling of success should come from getting yourself exercising and 
on the road to improvement not saved for when you reach perfection. If you wait until you achieve your ultimate goal before patting yourself  on the back, you will always feel like a loser and never achieve your goal. 
    What are the odds of reaching any goal if you feel like a loser most of the time?
    Even those who have worked miracles will always say, I just have a little more to go or I still have 5 pounds more.  Even they don't feel 
completely successful.
    In 35 years of helping people exercise. I have never meet a person who has said, "I made it, I reached my goal!"
    So set those short term goals and pat yourself frequently. Maybe even 
set little rewards for each goal you hit!
    The flip side to this is to make sure you are focused on the right 
goals. For example the all to common goal of losing "x" number of 
pounds is not a fitness goal.
    The new research clearly shows that it's not weight that is causing the epidemic growth of many diseases, it's lack of regular exercise.
    Even obese men who exercised regularly had the same premature death rate as thin men who exercised regularly. 
    Weight loss is only beneficial if you lose fat. Most people who go on diets lose a lot of water and muscle along with some fat.  This is unhealthy and nearly always results in putting more fat on in the future.
    A fitness goal is to exercise 3 times a week, to walk 45 minutes 
on the treadmill if you can only do 10 minutes now, to jog for a half 
hour at 5 miles per hour if you can only walk it now, to eventually 
increase the weights you are lifting by 25%, or hike that mountain 
next summer that you were unable to do this summer.
   These are fitness goals with measurable outcomes. To reach them you need to set interim goals like five minute increases on the treadmill or 5% increases on the MedX machines. You should then celebrate each goal as you reach it! 
    By the way, as you achieve your fitness goals, assuming you are 
careful not to increase your food intake, you will be losing body fat 
along the way!
    This is the way to achieve your goals and most importantly feel like 
a winner while you are on the journey!
     If you have comments or questions please email me at 
[email protected].
Mike Arteaga
   Are you currently living with or know someone living with the bothersome or even debilitating low back and/or neck pain? We would like to help.
     Mike Arteaga's Healthy Back and Neck Program is celebrating its 10-year anniversary.
     Since 1999, the program has  helped over 2,500 people in this community decrease back and neck pain while increasing their quality of life.
     Mike Arteaga's MedX Healthy Back and Neck Program has been so sucessful that, in 2007, the program was added to the Mike Arteaga's Express facility in Highland.
   Erica Woolley, program director, trained for the program at the University of Florida Gainesville, Center for Exercise Science, Colleges of Medicine and Health and Human Performance.
    Erica explained as part of the program,  "We follow a set treatment plan that will take into account your individual needs while closely monitoring your progress at every session."
   Erica and her staff would like the opportunity to personally answer your questions or schedule your initial consultation at either the Poughkeepsie or Highland facility. Please call 452-5050 in Poughkeepsie or 691-6161 in Highland.
     Have you been longing for private yoga instruction, and a deeper yoga experience or wanting to advance beyond a frustrating plateau?
    Thursdays, this fall, yoga teacher Yonah Schurink, will offer semi-private one-hour yoga clinics at Mike Arteaga's in Poughkeepsie.
  We call them Yoga Pods. Times: 12:30-1:30 p.m. or 1:45-2:45 p.m. Price $35.00 per student per hour.
Pods must be full to schedule a class.
   With this personal level of yoga instruction, you will be able to
advance your strength, alignment, mobility, stamina, and flexibility, and take this knowledge into your yoga practice.
      Yonah's yoga classes are designed to achieve full body-mind
integration, balance, and stress reduction, essential to self-healing and a lasting sense of well being.
   Form a "yoga pod," up to four people, with your friends.
   Call 452-5050 for more information or to sign-up.
     Also beginning this fall, a brand new Yoga MINI SERIES in Highland
with Yonah.
   The series runs for five Wednesdays from 4:30-6:15 p.m., with a 15-minute meditation included.
   Each series will focus on a particular part of the body.
   Mini Series I, Focusing on Hips, starts October 14. Class is limited
to 14 students with a 10-student minimum.
    To sign up please call Mike Arteaga's Express at 691-6161, or register at the desk.
    Yonah is certified by the Hofstra University College of Continuing Education in Personal Fitness Training & Health Fitness Instruction and is a Yoga Alliance registered and certified teacher, trained and experienced in Vinyasa, Shivananda, lyengar and Kripalu yoga. 
   Yonah is also certified BTS Group Centergy, Group Power and Group
Ride instructor.



        Have you heard about our Cancer Wellfit Program? It's a completely free three month membership for cancer patients who are within one year of treatment. Research shows that when a cancer patient's quality of life is improved by exercising regularly, even at a low level, they are better able to tolerate their medications, participate more fully in daily activities and improve their ability to enjoy life.  If you know someone who could benefit from the program, please speak to the front desk.



      For your protection, all guests of Mike Arteaga's Health and Fitness Centers must present photo identification each time they visit the clubs.
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