OCTOBER 1, 2010
Dates to Remember
11 - Columbus Day - No School
17 - Fall Foliage Classic Road Race
22 - Band Boosters Halloween Celebration
25 - D.A.S.H Begins

School Council
We are looking for parents and community members who would like to serve on the school council.  The school council's membership is made up of teachers, parents, community members and the principal.  Together we work to create and monitor the implementation of the school improvement plan.  The school council meets once a month for an hour.  If you are interested in serving on the school council, please contact Kathy Deveney or Helen Dukehart at 978.887.1530.

 CORI FORMS are available at the school office.  Your CORI is good for three years.  If you are not sure if your CORI is still current, please call the office at 887-1530. You must have a current CORI if you wish to volunteer in any capacity at the Proctor or Steward Schools.
Tentative dates for the installation of the new "Tot Lot" are October 16th for the community build and October17th to spread the mulch.  Volunteers needed.
PROCTOR SCHOOL HALLOWEEN PARTY on Friday, October 22nd from 6:30-9:30 pm ( for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade children).  Come join us for games, haunted house, treats and movie!  Halloween Party Fliers will be going home this week and please send in your registration form and ticket money today!  Pre-registration is required and no tickets will be sold at the door.  Tickets are $15 each and cover the cost of the entire evening.  All proceeds go towards the Proctor School Instrumental Music Program.  Volunteers are needed so if interested please give a call to Sue Fisher today!   887-1163 or [email protected]
Don't Miss the Toy Fair October 30!
Community Giving Tree's Annual Used Toy Fair is celebrating our 20th year, and you will want to be part of it!  Donate your gently used bikes, trikes, ride-on toys, preschool toys, Legos, play kitchens/workshops, American girl dolls, Thomas trains, cars, trucks, children's books, movies and more; Volunteer to sort and/or sell the toys; and Shop for high quality used toys, with all proceeds benefitting Community Giving Tree.  
Donation Times: Saturday Oct. 23 9am-noon, at Community Giving
Tree headquarters, 570 Main St, Boxford, or at Coolidge Hall, Topsfield Fairgrounds Sunday, Oct. 24, 1-4 pm at Coolidge Hall only
Shop the Toy Fair:  Saturday, Oct. 30, 9am - noon at Coolidge Hall 
Volunteers Needed: any of the above dates, or help sort and display at Coolidge Hall on Tues Oct 26 9am-noon or Wed. Oct. 27
 3-6pm.  (Teens welcome to help!)
Donated toys must be clean with no missing parts.  We recommend wrapping puzzles in Saran Wrap and bagging game pieces.  No stuffed animals or happy meal toys, please.  For more information, contact
Proctor School is looking for help in the lunchroom on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  This is a paid position.  If you are interested please contact the office at 978-887-1530.
Message from the Principal, Sarah O'Leary
Code of Conduct and Proctor Pride
This year we have developed and adopted a Code of Conduct.  The Code of Conduct identifies three characteristics that are necessary to create a positive learning community; respect, responsibility and safety.  To develop a sense of community and create an enthusiasm for the core values that the Code of Conduct represents, the whole school community will participate in monthly assemblies.  The first of these assemblies will be on Wednesday, October 6.  We are asking that everyone wear blue (our school color) on Wednesday to show our Proctor Pride.  The Code of Conduct can be located in our school handbook and a copy will be emailed to each family after the assembly on Wednesday.  We ask that you print out the Code of Conduct and hang it on your refrigerator as a reminder for all children.

Reminder:  Office Check In
Please check in with Mrs. Deveney or Mrs. Dukehart in the office before heading to your child's classroom to volunteer or to attend a meeting.  It is important for your safety that we know who is in the building. 

        State mandated screening for vision, height and weight will start in the next few weeks.  

        A Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a measure that is used to show a person's "weight for height for age."  It is calculated using an individual's height and weight.  Just like a blood pressure reading or an eye screening test, a BMI can be a useful tool in identifying possible health risks.

        Massachusetts schools have taken heights and weights of students each year since the 1950's.  According to the state's new BMI screening regulation which passed in April 2009, schools must now collect the heights and weights of students in grades 1,4,7 and 10.  Each child's height and weight will then be used to calculate their BMI.  The results will be mailed home.

        Like all screening tools, BMI can produce some false positives or negatives.  For example, a student may have an artificially high BMI due to a high level of lean body tissue or muscle, as may be found in a well-conditioned athlete. That's why it's so important to follow up with your doctor if your child's BMI is high or low.  All medical information is kept strictly confidential.

        Parents and legal guardians may request, in writing, that their child not participate in the program.  If you have any questions, concerns please contact the school nurse.

The 4th grade has had an exciting week as one of our favorite visitors has returned!  On Friday, October 1st, Jim Parks returned to the Proctor School with his presentation of Wingmasters.  The one-hour performance was held in front of the entire fourth grade.  The program incorporated live birds of prey and focused on our native raptor species.  Jim Parks provided an overview of North American birds of prey and focused on: our native role in the environment, different hunting adaptations used by different birds, their status in our rapidly changing world, and their uncertain future.  Wingmasters ties directly into the 4th grade Science curriculum on animal adaptations and the food cycle.  The 4th grade teachers are so thankful that the program was funded through the support of parents via the PTO Enrichment Programs.  Your generosity in funding these programs is greatly appreciated by all!
tespto logo
TESPTO is looking for someone to Co-Coordinate Breakfast With Santa this year.
This is a fun family event that has been in the community for many years. We need to find someone ASAP, so we can continue this festive tradition for the children of Topsfield. Unfortunately we will have to cancel
 Breakfast with Santa if we can't fill the position in the next two weeks!!!  The scheduled date is Saturday, December 4th.  Please contact [email protected] if you are interested.
Recycle ink and toner:  Don't forget to bring your empty ink and toner cartridges to Steward and Proctor so TESPTO can recycle for you and receive benefits through our recycling program.  Not only are you helping TESPTO raise funds but you're also reducing landfill waste and saving resources. Now that's rewarding!
Innisbrook Fall Fundraiser has begun. Innisbrook offers beautiful gift wrap as well as many other items to choose from. Proceeds from this fundraiser will help with the many enrichment programs offered by TESPTO to our children. You can order online at and select EZ to enter your order. Proctor's school number is 114326. Please make checks payable to TESPTO. Thank you for your generous support. Sale ends October 8th. If you have any questions please contact Barbara Barry at 781-771-1603 or [email protected].

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Wingmasters at Proctor - To a rapt and mesmerized audience, licensed wildlife rehabilitator Jim Parks brought his Wintmasters program to the fourth grade today.  Attentive and fascinated, students were privileged to meet four live raptors: a peregrine falcon, a red-tailed hawk, a screech owl and even an endangered barn owl.  Wingmasters ties directly into your 4th grader's scientific study on animal adaptations, predators and prey, and the food circle.  What adaptation have the Red Sox borrowed from the peregrine falcon? It's not speed!  Which animal is the fastest in the world?  It's not a cheetah!  Are there really snowy owls living in Massachusetts?  Why can sibling rivalry be deadly for the screech owl?  Ask your chld some of these questions as well as what he or she liked best about his amazing presentation.  This program was funded through your support of TESPTO and its cultural Enrichment committee.

7:30 -  Selectmen meeting - Re-broadcast 
Masco Jazz Concert - 02/11/10
7:00 Our Savior Lutheran Church Service
7:00 - Topsfield Congregational Church Service
8:30 - First Church of Boxford Service
7:30 -Dr. Elizabeth Englander - Bullying and Cyber Bullying

Sunday, October 17th at Proctor School - Registration opens at 11:30AM.  1.25 mile Fun Run - 1:00; 5 mile Ccetified Race - 1:30; 3 mile Family Walk - 1:45.  Proceeds benefit local North Shore Food Pantries. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Topsfield, Boxford, Middleton.  Long sleeve t-shirts to first 200 registrants who register by 9/24. OR PO Box 89, topsfield 01983. 
TUESDAY - October 5, 12, 19, 26, November 2, 9, 16, 23
BUSINESS for KIDS        GRADES: 4-6                   FEE: $110.00
Through Youngpreneur's entrepreneurship curriculum students will learn to develop their ideas in a creative and nurturing environment among peers.  They will have the opportunity to create their own company starting with brainstorming, to promoting and marketing an idea.  Students will create commercials for their product and possibly create a blog and a website to support their inner entrepreneur.   This course is taught by staff from Youngpreneur - for more information   Max 12 students

WEDNESDAY - November 3, 10, 17, December 1
TWEEN YOU AND ME         GRADES: 4-6                     FEE: $50.00
This workshop gives girls the opportunity to develop skills such as goal setting, time management, organization, decision making and problem solving, assertiveness, positive self-talk, public speaking, and stress management.   Fun, positive sessions provide a supportive environment in which girls feel free to express themselves and experiment with their leadership identities. This class is facilitated by Deb Dunham, Boxford resident and author of Tween You and Me: A Preteen Guide to Becoming Your Best Self. For more information, please visit her website:  Maximum 15 students
WEDNESDAY - October 6, 13, 20, 27, November 3, 10, 17, December 1
BEGINNERS CHESS         GRADES: 4-6                         FEE: $110.00
The International Chess Institute, considered the most successful chess institute in New England, is bringing their talented team of coaches to Topsfield to begin an after-school chess club.  Accommodations will be made for advanced chess students. For more information about ICI visit  Max 12 students.
All programs, activities, and employment opportunities engaged in by the Topsfield Public Schools are offered without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation and disability.