State Senator |
Dear Friends,
Yesterday afternoon Bob Gough, on behalf of the Greater Kansas City Pachyderm Club, distributed an e-mail (below), soliciting an opponent in my upcoming reelection campaign. Apparently Mr. Gough does not have a problem with my voting record, leadership skills or proven ability to get things done for Kansas City. Instead, he is upset that in May of last year, I traveled to Iowa to marry my partner.
At a time when Missouri is faced with staggering unemployment, a healthcare crisis and unprecedented budget shortfalls, Mr. Gough's sole concern with my leadership seems to be my family and the person I love. While I spent hours this week fighting on the senate floor for a more efficient state government and healthcare for all Missourians, Mr. Gough was drafting an e-mail that resorts to the tiresome tactics of bigotry and fear. I am proud of my record as the Senator of the 10th District of Missouri. Since I took office in 2007 I have passed over two dozen pieces of legislation that have made a difference in the lives of the people of Kansas City and Grandview. From sweeping foster care education reform, to job-creating economic development tools, I have proven I have the ability and experience to get things done in Jefferson City. I filed for reelection because I want to spend the next four years fighting for Kansas City and all Missourians. I can't do it without you. Help me stop this eleventh hour attempt to recruit an opponent. Send a message to Mr. Gough and the KC Pachyderm Club that the politics of hate and fear do not work on the people of the 10th District. You can do so by making a contribution to my campaign or visit my website to see how you can get involved. Your contribution of $100, $250 or even $500 could make the difference in whether I have an opponent. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. I will not let you down. Jolie |
Do you get misty-eyed at
Sen. Jolie Justus, D-Kansas City, poses with
her partner Shanda Garrison after they received
their marriage license in Iowa, which
legalized same-sex marriage this year.
Justus is Missouri's first openly gay state
I usually get misty-eyed, but not this
time. Ms. Justus is unopposed in her reelection bid in the 10th Senate
District. Not one Republican or demorat has filed against her. If no
one runs against Jolie, she will be declared reelected at 5:01 pm March
30. The 10th Senate District has at least 30,000 Republicans who could
alter her effortless reelection. The deadline for filing is Tuesday March
30. We get the kind of government we deserve, not the kind we want.
For information on filing, call Bob at 246-9730.
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