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Sonoran Institute ~ Western Dispatch 
August 2010

Teton Cty Idaho - Empty Home Lots

About 75% of approved home lots remain vacant in
Teton County, Idaho (Photo Courtesy of VARD)

Dancing with Zombies

Teton County, Idaho, Learns New Moves
in Coping With a Mountain of Vacant Building Lots


The fallout associated with unbridled real estate speculation continues to echo across the West. Most states, counties, and communities are struggling financially - many as a direct consequence of new housing projects gone bust. In Arizona, we have counted over a million approved - but vacant - housing lots. "Zombie subdivisions," we call them, neither living nor dead. We estimate that there are at least another million lots in zombie subdivisions spread across the other seven states of the Intermountain West.

Teton County, Idaho, a small, rural county of jaw-dropping western beauty has found itself at ground-zero of the once high-flying real estate market, now crashed and smoldering. Teton County and its leaders are feeling the pain, forced to choose between funding multiple compelling priorities - fire protection, law enforcement, education, roads, etc. - without the property tax revenue to pay for them.  But, they are also determined to look to the future, and work their way out of this debacle. The hard work taking place in Teton County is an inspiring story of local resolve, partnership, and collaboration.

A Thrill Ride Followed by a Crash

With an estimated 75 percent of approved home lots vacant, and almost $250 million in foreclosed real estate, Teton County, Idaho, could be considered the poster child for real estate speculation run amok in the West. County officials, residents, and developers are now locked in a complicated dance for financial survival.

"The numbers are staggering, and yet we have not seen the bottom of this financial mess," said Anna Trentadue, staff attorney for Valley Advocates for Responsible Development (VARD). "This year alone, we have 438 properties that are three years delinquent in property taxes, and may soon be foreclosed for failure to pay taxes.  Idaho law requires that if you fail to pay property taxes for three consecutive years, the property must be deeded back to the state. Unfortunately, this is just the first wave, with more to come next year. Many developers simply did not plan for the long-term carrying costs associated with their subdivisions. With no market demand for these lots, annual property taxes become a significant burden."

"Teton County is paying a steep price as a result of the go-go development years," said Randy Carpenter, a Sonoran Institute senior planner based in Bozeman. "Their fiscal situation could impact the county's ability to provide core services to its residents for years to come."

The boom, which lasted from about 2000 until 2009, kept county officials very busy. Over 5,600 residential lots were approved in this time period, almost five times the pace considered normal for the region. The boom reached its peak in 2007 with 1,800 lots recorded on 3,600 acres. The red-hot development activity both thrilled and blinded local officials.

We are Starving Here!

"What we are seeing unfold in Teton County is unmatched in the West in terms of scale and complexity," said Gabe Preston, with the Colorado-based RPI Consulting. "Not only is there a huge amount of empty lots for a relatively small county, but the lots and the vacant subdivisions are all relatively new, having been approved in the last five years. We typically see older subdivisions in trouble, not new ones. This is unusual in my experience."

The combined effects of development gone wild, and a California-like law in Idaho that limits the amount of new property tax revenue communities can extract from its residents, has placed Teton County in a fiscal "straightjacket," according to Randy Carpenter.  "Unfortunately, Teton County is learning in spades that residential development does not pay its own way for services received."

According to VARD's Trentadue, for years the county had used informal fiscal impact studies for proposed residential subdivisions, relying solely on estimates prepared by the developers of the subdivision. Not surprisingly, their fiscal forecasts were often rosy, and wrong. "Idaho law requires cities and counties to evaluate the fiscal impacts of development, but this do-it-yourself approach was producing inaccurate data," said Trentadue. "Fortunately, the County Commissioners came to the same conclusion and realized, "the developers were projecting huge surpluses, but we are starving here.' Something had to change - fast."

How do you Spell Relief? F-I-P-S

VARD, which soon will celebrate its 10th year working to promote responsible development, reached out to the Sonoran Institute for help. Randy Carpenter got the call and knew exactly what to do.

"We were very familiar with growth and land-use-related issues across the Northern Rockies, and especially in Teton County, Idaho, and Wyoming," said Carpenter. "We knew the situation was dire. They needed ideas, tools, and resources, so the first thing we did was to was to hook up VARD with Gabe Preston of RPI."

"Our immediate focus was to help the county and its leaders get their financial house in order," said Preston. "We needed to give them the ability to link land-use planning with financial outcomes. This capability is supremely important to fiscal soundness."

RPI, VARD, the Sonoran Institute, and our partner, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, went to work developing a customized "calculator" for the county to estimate cost impacts associated with all types of development. Dubbed the Fiscal Impacts Planning System, or FIPS, the calculator uses data like the number of building lots in a subdivision, estimated sales price, and miles traveled on county roads in order to produce hard numbers on the benefits and costs associated with new home development.

"The calculator has been designed so it can be used early in the development process to estimate costs required to provide infrastructure and services to the subdivision," said Angie Rutherford, Teton County Planner. "Once we know the costs, we can get creative about mitigation options."

The Teton County Commissioners adopted the FIPS by resolution on June 28, 2010. The commissioners directed their planning staff to use and apply the calculator to all future development proposals.

Calculating Back to the Future

While clearly valuable for looking forward, the calculator will also be used to examine proposals designed to breathe life into the county's staggering number of zombie subdivisions. "The county recently passed a re-platting ordinance in an effort to identify subdivisions that are no longer viable," said Rutherford. "The calculator will help us understand the real numbers associated with plans to revitalize these zombie subdivisions."

VARD's Trentadue also indicated that FIPS will be central to the 20-year comprehensive land-use planning effort the county has just begun. "FIPS has put the county back into the driver's seat, not only in terms of estimating financial impacts, but also with land-use planning. The calculator will help to inform the process as we go, and enable the county to project various build-out scenarios."
Trentadue says the calculator will also be valuable in retooling how fiscal impact fees are applied in the county. "We have all learned that we really low-balled our impact fees. The calculator will help us make sure that whatever impact fees the county decides on will be realistic."

The New Norm

There is a moral to Teton County's story: Don't allow development without a true understanding of the associated benefits and costs to the community. We simply can't afford the cost of bad development.

We now live in an era of fiscal restraint.  Local governments can't afford to both approve sprawling development patterns and provide local residents with essential community services.  Following the lead of Teton County, Idaho, local governments around the West should look hard at their land-use codes and policies to ensure that they are fiscally responsible and that the community can afford to provide services for proposed new development. Until this becomes the new norm, dancing with zombies will preoccupy us all.


Signed, Luther Propst

Luther Propst
Executive Director

Like Teton County, Idaho, is Your Community Stressed with Development Entitlements or Premature Subdivisions? (see above story)

WLC Logo

Western Lands and Communities, a Joint Venture of the Sonoran Institute and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, is requesting proposals from communities wishing to examine and address potential problems from an over-supply of development entitlements.  We are conducting applied research and engaging with several local governments throughout the Intermountain West to understand the nature of development entitlements and to establish best practices for addressing premature subdivisions, as well as other forms of entitlements to develop land.  

We are currently conducting an applied case study in Teton County, Idaho, a fast growing rural amenity area (see above story, Dancing with Zombies).  However, with the change in the economy and fundamental changes in the market for second homes, the county finds itself with a nearly 100 year supply of platted lots given previous growth rates.  Based on responses to this request for proposals we expect to select two additional case study communities representing different conditions.

To respond to this RFP, please send a maximum 2-page letter (preferably by email) stating your interest and discussing how your community would meet the required expectations and desired characteristics. Letters should be addressed to:

Jim Holway
Director, Western Lands and Communities
The Sonoran Institute
11010 N. Tatum Blvd. Suite D-101
Phoenix, AZ  85028
Crown of the Continent Conference will be held Sept. 23-24 at Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta

Crown of Continent Conf Logo

A diverse group of people and organizations who care about the Crown of the Continent are working with The University of Montana Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Policy to organize a conference that will celebrate and build upon the region's remarkable natural and cultural heritage.

The two-day conference, "Remarkable Beyond Borders: Shaping the Future of the Crown of the Continent," is open to anyone and will take place Thursday and Friday, Sept. 23-24, 2010 at the Bayshore Inn, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta. Registration is $75 through Sept. 10 and $100 thereafter.

The event celebrates the efforts of people and organizations to preserve the culture, heritage, communities and landscape of the region now and for future generations. Participants will assess the challenges and opportunities ahead and build relationships and knowledge to shape the future of the region.

Confirmed keynote speakers are Jack Nisbet, author of "Sources of the River: Tracking David Thompson Across Western North America"; Jonathan B. Tourtellot, director and geotourism editor, National Geographic Traveler; Darrell Kipp, director, Piegan Institute; and Lynn Scarlett, former U.S. deputy secretary of the interior.

This year's conference is the first in a series that will occur during the next four years in each of the four sub-regions of the Crown, which are formed by the Continental Divide as the north-south axis and the U.S.-Canadian border as the east-west axis.

Roundtable events are organized and convened by UM's Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Policy with the support of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Sonoran Institute.                 
For more information, to register for the conference or to learn about sponsorship opportunities, visit                 
CommunityMatters'10 Conference Set for October 5 - 8 in Denver, Colorado

Community Matters 10 Logo

It's 2010. Your community has never faced more pressing issues, and it has never had a better opportunity to solve them. Begin here...

CommunityMatters'10 is a coalition of leaders, thinkers and doers committed to building strong, vibrant communities from the ground up. This conference is focused on new ideas and tools, an interdisciplinary network of relationships, and lasting inspiration to help you create a stronger community and a better world.
Conference highlights include: Panel sessions on community tools, pressing issues and solutions; experiential workshops and trainings; tours of innovative Denver-area projects and communities; community arts experience with Sojourn Theatre; vibrant networking; and of course, successful community initiatives that you can learn from and apply back home. Mark your calendars today and join the Orton Family Foundation in Denver, October 5-8, 2010. For more information, visit: Be an early bird and register before Aug. 31st!
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Articles In This Dispatch
Dancing with Zombies
Like Teton County, Idaho, is Your Community Stressed? We Can help.
Crown of Continent Conference - Sept. 23-24, 2010
Community Matters '10 Conference - October 5 - 8 2010
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Bryan Morgan, of Boulder, Colorado, is so passionate about the work of the Institute, he now chairs our Board of Directors. Find out why.