RYAN PRICE '...draw while...' October 18 - November 6Many are familiar with Price's meticulous and technically skilled drypoint engravings. '...draw while...' takes us from the press to the wall as Price's characters break free of the constraints of the small and exacting to revel unconsciously in the roots of liberal mark making. '... draw while ...' opens at 11am on Saturday, 18 October. Ryan Price and family will be at the gallery between 2-4pm to meet and greet with gallery friends. Please make a note in your calendar as this exhibition marks the first time Price's drywall works are available to collectors through a solo exhibition. Price exhibited '...draw while...' publicly in 2006 at the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre in Guelph, Ontario.
October's 'beyond the gallery walls' feature takes us to the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario (MDAO) and their annual fall event, Touched by Fire. Ingram Gallery's Jeff Duns, as a member of the Touched by Fire board, has been busy at work raising awareness for the association and their event taking place at the Gladstone Hotel November 13-15th, 2008. Please note that this is not a fund-raiser for MDAO. Rather, it is an opportunity to celebrate the creative works of individuals with mood disorders. This event is an extraordinary showcase for individuals to display their resilience, their passion, and above all, their creativity.
During a recent trip to an artist's studio, as we drove through the Ontario countryside rich and ripe with the fall harvest, we had the following thought:
From creation, to exhibition, to the pleasure of viewing works at home or in public spaces, great art feeds the mind, body and soul in ways not unlike that of a fresh, locally sourced home cooked meal.
From all of us at Ingram Gallery we wish you an art filled October and a very happy harvest.
See you at the Fair!
Tarah Aylward, Director
Ingram Gallery 416-929-2220