Action Alert-and Great News from New Mexico on several levels!


April 13, 2012

Animals' Angels
 PO Box 1056 Westminster, MD 21158

Thank you,


Sonja & dying horse

AA supporters for the huge response to our NM investigation of the Dennis Chavez auction in March in which AA found dying horses and hundreds of horses in poor condition, and the livestock inspector reluctant to act. http://www.animalsangels.org/newsletter.html


The timing could not have been better. Thanks to your voluminous(!) responses, telling the Attorney General, the Governor and other NM officials that this kind of treatment of animals should not be tolerated, pro slaughter interests discovered to be planning to begin operations in NM have been dealt a serious setback. Pro slaughter interests have applied for permits to begin slaughtering horses in Roswell, NM. AA believes that your phone calls have been extremely helpful.


NM Governor Susana Martinez said, "There is no excuse for injured or starving ho...animals to be kept in any location without food and water and veterinary care....This is unacceptable." http://www.capitolreportnewmexico.com/?p=9066


NM Attorney General Gary King said, "A horse slaughtering plant in Roswell is a terrible idea. Such a practice, while not illegal, is certainly abhorrent to public sentiment, and I strongly suggest it be abandoned. I come from a ranching family but processing horses for food was never part of the plan for raising livestock. Horses are different and should be treated differently."


Gray with bleeding hip injuryNM Land Commissioner Ray Powell said, "As a veterinarian and someone who has had the great good fortune to grow up with and around horses, I am very saddened and angry about the recent revelations of mistreatment of horses in New Mexico. If a horse is hurt, terminally ill, or has no chance to find a loving home, then humane euthanasia is a realistic alternative. I am told New Mexico is entertaining the idea of a horse slaughtering facility in our state. Since we do not have the horses in New Mexico to make this economically viable, it means horses would be trucked in from surrounding states. This is a bad idea on every level, and I strongly oppose it. New Mexico can do much better by these intelligent and gentle creatures."



Well done. Thank you very much for your invaluable help and contribution to animals. Horse slaughter is a cruel, predatory business and 80% of Americans want it to stop. AA has shown again and again that by the time a horse stands in the kill box, it is probably not the worst thing that has happened to the horse since it entered the horse slaughter pipeline. Horse slaughter is anything but humane euthanasia. AA will keep you updated on the horse slaughter plant

proposal as well as the case pending against Chavez.


PLEASE DO THANK these officials for doing the right thing and provide them with moral support to continue to do right by animals. And thank YOU so much.

Contact Information New Mexico Officials: 



Governor Susana Martinez



Attorney General Gary King    



Land Commissioner Ray Powell


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Sonja at horse auction  
   Your support is crucial to continue our work and to finance our upcoming investigations! Animals' Angels counts on you, please send your donation today.


Thank you so much.



About us

Animals' Angels works to improve conditions for farm animals. We closely cooperate with law enforcement and government agencies to fight animal cruelty. Our investigators are out in the field nationwide, visiting auctions, feedlots and slaughter plants.



Animals' Angels Inc.

PO Box 1056

Westminster, MD 21158


