Journey of Health

Spring is almost over, oh wait I mean winter. So is Spring coming or will summer really be here? Who knows, I'm going to Texas! I will be leaving the day after the Brendan Brazier event and not returning until September.

Good news though.We are so excited to have a new employee, Rebecca Heon working with us. She is full of energy, smart, fun and just plain adorable. She is really into raw foods and learning all about what we do at Journey of Health. We are so happy to have her part of the family. Rebecca will be with us all summer so stop in and make her day or she will make yours!

We have lots going on before I go to Texas. I will have my last two raw food classes (with only a few spots available) on May 24 & 31, a Juice  Feasting 101 course and our Brendan Brazier Exclusive Raw Food Potluck. So stop in and see us before we go.
In This Issue
Juice Feasting 101
Hemp Oil. Oh WOW!
Brendan Brazier
Featured Book
Featured Recipe
Join Our Mailing List
If you enjoy our newsletters, I encourage you to click the icon and update your information. We have new and exciting sections coming soon.  
I will be embarking on a 92 day Juice Feast.
I am so excited to be on this journey. I have many people interested in joining me in this wonderful juice feast and some have already started. This intro course will include a personal print out of all 92 days of the Juice Feast along with the intro pages from the Juice Feasting website. This is a lot of pages!!
The course will include an introduction to the products needed for the fast, making a few juices, recipes, resources, Q &A, an invite to my fasting blog and so much more.  The fast will last from June 1 to August 31. For more information on juicefeasting, click on the image.
You must RSVP and pre-pay prior to the event as the book is HUGE and I need time to make copies.  Please call the store @ 403-254-5991.
COST: $77
DATE: Wednesday, May 27 from 6:00-8:00 PM
Hemp OilAmazing Hemp Oil
My new love is hemp oil. I can't believe I have been ignoring Cody on how great hemp seeds and oil is. Well, I bought Kristen Suzanne's Hemp book and started making these amazing hemp recipes, like her nacho sauce and hemp Caesar dressing. I went further and started using the oil on my skin, and oh wow!  My skin is getting moist and soft.
Hemp oil is one of the few seed oils containing significant quantities (20%) of alpha-linolenic acid, an important omega-3 EFA.  Hemp oil is also the source of a rare super omega-3 EFA called stearidonic acid (SDA) that is the "first metabolite" in the omega-3 family and therefore easy for the body to process. Omega-6 EFAs are frequently added to foods through the use of common vegetable oils like corn, sunflower, and safflower, however, many people are unable to properly utilize omega-6 oils because enzymes needed to metabolize these oils are hampered by stress, environmental toxicity or aging.  Hemp oil is a unique plant source of the rare and valuable super omega-6 EFA called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) that is easy for the body to process and it bypasses the enzymatic blocks to allow proper omega-6 utilization.  GLA is the key regulator of T-lymphocyte functions in the immune system and is involved in cell metabolism and growth.
Remember, our skin is our largest organ and we can absorb more nutrients through our skin much quicker than eating. So put some hemp oil on you today! 
Coconut Bliss
We have lots of new items in stock. We have more Coconut Bliss in, coconut yogurt, wild jungle peanuts, mesquite powder, dried pineapple, Kristen Suzanne's raw food books, Peter Gillham's Natural Calm, Nutiva Hemp bars, raw cacao, nut milk bags, new books in the raw food book rental section, raw black olives, camu camu powder, cacao nibs and cacao butter, goji berries, pecans. wheatgrass juicer, acai powder, lots of new sea vegetables, dried and capsule form, algaes, flax crackers, all flavors and a new raw hemp salad dressing.

Even though I will not be in Calgary for the summer, I will be working in Texas behind the scenes. I will be working with Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo in July working on raw food nutrition courses, creating exciting and new raw food classes for the fall, coordinating some new and exciting raw food celebrities events, sending you a monthly newsletter with delicious recipes, blogging my juicefeasting experience, visiting and having fun with my family and spending lots of time with my beautiful daughter Abigail and showing off my little Canadian to all my Texan friends and family.
I wonder if she will be hot down there?
I'll miss "y'all", but I need some sun! You can always hit the reply button and send me an email.

Journey of Health
PS. Don't forget to take lots of Vitamin C while traveling. We have lots of Emergen C in stock now for traveling. Stop in and ask us how and why?
Upcoming Events
BRENDAN BRAZIER coming to JOH June 14th. Click here for more information and to sign up for our Journey of Health Events page.

Kristen Suzanne's Easy Raw Food Book
Kristen Suzanne Book
I am so excited to announce that we have all of Kristen Suzanne's easy raw food books. Every recipe I have made has been delicious. Everybody loves her kale salad recipe and she has so many more from dehydrating, chocolate, entrees, soups, smoothies, hemp, and more. If you want delicious and EASY then these books are for you! We have great prices on them too!
PS. You will want to make the Kale Salad, it is sooooo delicious and rockin' GOOD!! 
Rockin' Kale Salad
Kristren Suzanne Rockin Kale Salad
From Kristen Suzanne's Easy Raw Vegan Salads & Dressings
1 large bunch curly kale, destemmed and torn into bite size pieces
1 large avocado, pitted peeled and chopped
1 medium tomato, chopped
1 cucumber, diced
1 orange or yellow bell pepper, destemmed, seeded and chopped
1-2 cloves garlic, pressed
2 � tablespoons fresh lemon juice
3 soft dates, pitted and chopped
� teaspoon Himalayan crystal salt
Pinch black pepper
Pinch nutmeg
2 tablespoons dried cranberries or raisins
2 tablespoons of hemp seeds
Place kales in a large bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients except for the hemp seeds. Use your hands and message all the ingredients well. This incorporates the avocado and fresh juices from the tomatoes, cucumbers, and lemon juice, with the kale, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Sprinkle on the hemp seeds. Give a quick toss.
If you want to kick this up a notch, just de-stem and remove the seeds  1/2 a jalepeno pepper chop in tiny pieces and massage into the kale salad. Now it's Texas style!
Summer is a great time to get your blood analyzed. Don't self diagnose yourself, come in and see what is going on in your body and start making changes this summer. Cody will be gone from June 15- July 5. We will be taking Sunday appointments for July and August.
What does Live Blood Analysis reveal?

� Cell size and shape abnormalities from immune system deficiencies
� Blood Cell 'stickiness' where RBC's stick to one another as a result of poor protein digestion
� Dehydration
� Candida/yeast/fungi overgrowths
� Liver Congestion
� Free radicals damage - unstable molecules created by pollution, tobacco smoke, dietary and other toxins
� Bowel toxicity
� Folic acid and vitamin B-12 imbalances
� Iron deficiency
� Uric acid crystal and risk of gout, joint pain and achiness
� Leaky Gut Syndrome
� Poor circulation, oxygenation level and abnormal blood clotting
� Bacteria
� Parasite infestation
� Allergy Responses

Offer Expires: June 12, 2009 for new clients. $10 off for existing clients on follow-ups.