Stewart Flowers and Gifts is happy to announce that it's sister business, Silvermine Gardens has a new website! Amazing Landscaping by Silvermine Gardens

Silvermine Gardens – A Landscaping Company

Make a Bold First Impression!
At Silvermine Gardens
We Bring Design Outdoors…Naturally

Custom walkways by Silvermine Gardens

Visit to learn about Spring Gardening Tips:

March, April, and early May are the perfect time to get your yard in order. Once the temperature reaches above freezing for more than a week and the ground is somewhat thawed, you can start raking and blowing the debris off the lawn and garden beds. After your lawn is clear of leaf coverage, add a growth fertilizer to the lawn, to encourage a green grass cover. Read more…

Silvermine Gardens offers:

  • Garden design and installation
  • Stone patios, walls, walkways and terraces
  • Tree and shrub planting
  • Sod and seed lawn installation
  • Perennial garden design and installation
  • Belgian block edging and aprons
  • Stone and gravel driveways
  • Landscape and garden maintenance

    Spring Offer!
    Receive $100 off any landscape job $1,000 or more.
    Respond by 6/15/2009.

    Call (203) 762-2787 Today!


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