Virginia Juvenile Justice Association
2011 VJJA Meritorious Awards

Each year VJJA recognizes extraordinary contributions in the juvenile justice field. Awards are bestowed upon workers who have demonstrated a high degree of skill and professionalism, who embrace the philosophies upon which VJJA was founded, who embody exceptional dedication and who consistently go above and beyond the call of duty to positively and significantly contribute to the juvenile justice field and the children it serves.


Award categories include:

Meritorious Award in the Area of Court Services
Meritorious Award in the Area of Residential Services
Meritorious Award in the Area of Administration
Meritorious Award in the Area of Community Service
Nominate a Colleague Today -- Click Here
Nomination Deadline: October 14, 2011
Winners Announced at VJJA's Annual Business Meeting &
Awards Ceremony held in conjuction with the
35th Fall Institute, November 3, 2011, Glen Allen

The awards committee values the opportunity to review a diverse range of nominees. To view a list of past winners or to learn more about submitting a nomination, visit our website at: or contact Scott Warner, Awards Committee Chair, at 703.481.4023, or