September 7, 2012                                                                                            Parshat Ki Tavo



Beren Buzz Header


What I Fear Most

about the next month


Eating too much is certainly high on all our lists! How to make up everything we might miss at the office or school is certainly daunting for those of us whose "day jobs" aren't in the Jewish community. The length of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur davening can definitely be intimidating. However...


What I Fear Most about the Next Month is that I'll be the same person at the end of this holiday season as I am now.


Each morning for the past three weeks, Sheldon Bootin blew the shofar at our school minyanim. Each time, the phrase "Wake up sleepy people" (the Rambam's explanation of the message of shofar blowing) races through my mind. A minute later, a student comes over to ask me a question or I answer an email from a parent. I turn off this spiritual alarm clock.


With their beginning selichot this Saturday night, Ashkenazim catch up to their Sephardic cousins who have been saying selichot since Rosh Chodesh Elul. The high holiday season kicks into higher gear with additional daily prayers which focus on repentance.


How can I become the person I want to become? How can I help my friends and family maximize more of their academic, religious and interpersonal potential?  How can we have a successful Yamin Noraim?


The only way we can conquer the fear of not being moved by the High Holidays is by following the lead of our tradition- starting to think now about what we want to change, and how we can do it successfully.


One suggestion- Go around the Shabbat table and ask each person to share 3 things they want to change about themselves in the coming year. Brainstorm with them about how each of us can overcome our weaknesses. Repentance starts with introspection and then has to follow up with a plan.


With advanced planning, may we all walk out of this year's Yamim Noraim as better husbands, better wives, better children, better students, better friends, better Jews, and better human beings.


Shabbat Shalom & Ktiva V'Chatima Tova,


Rabbi Perry Tirschwell

Executive Director

Inside This Issue
Beren on TV!
Parent Night
Top 10 List
Sports Gurus
Darim Online
Chess Club
Nothin' But Net
Hot Lunch
School Pictures
Advice Fairy
Succah building
Box Tops
College Corner
Parent Book Club
Bnei Akiva
Shuk Sucot
Good & Welfare
Challot Sale
Beren Buzz Staff

RMBA programs are made possible, in part, by funding from the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston
Shabbat Candle Lighting: 7:19 p.m.
Shabbat Ends: 8:20 p.m.

Beren Students Were On TV This Week!



parent night  

The Top 10 Beren Student Summer Experiences  
                                                                                                                 by senior Josh Hakakian

10  Get Out of My Laboratory! Sara Shkedy (yes, it's spelled without an 'h')
Sara worked at a lab at Methodist over the summer and interned with many doctors

9   FUN WEEK! - David Hadar & Yoni Lipski
These students took a road trip to Austin, Galveston, and San Antonio, all in one week!

8   Camp Moshava Houston - Jonnie Katz
jonny katz
Jonnie Katz at Camp Moshava Houston with his buddy, Ariel Diner
Tali Steinberg with her missing teeth
Jonnie had a wonderful time in the best camp ever!

7 Straw Windows - Tali Steinberg
Tali lost her 2 front teeth this summer! Much easier to use straws now!

6  Renaissance Man - Yossi Hoffman
This Beren senior went to Paris AND interned at the prestigious Rice University

5  Middle-Eastern Croissant - Gabrielle Ronn
Gabrielle went to Israel and Paris, all in 2 weeks!

4   Camp HASC - Daniella Saghian
Daniella worked with Special Children at this world renowned camp

3   Lance Armstrong - Sam Collins
Sam went on a bike tour in Nova Scotia, Alaska, and Bear Harbor

2   MADE ALIYAH!!! - Erez Matsree ('12)
Josh Hakakian on his couch
RMBA alum, Erez, moved to the motherland over the summer

1   Paid Couch Potato - Joshua Hakakian
This good looking student got paid to play video games over the summer! 


ece ballet  




Join Our Exciting After School Sports Program!

Separate Elementary and Middle School classes


Wednesdays 4:00-5:15 PM 

September 12


 Click HERE for more information



RMBA Accepted into Prestigious Social Media Academy

 This week Darim Online announced the 2012-2013 cohort for the national Jewish Day School Social Media Academy. The Academy is an intensive program designed to help Jewish Day Schools advance their strategic use of social media in areas such as communication, marketing, community building, alumni relations and development.  


Only 20 school were chosen from the large number nationwide applied to participate and based on the merit of the submitted applications.


We are proud to announce that RMBA has been selected to benefit from this opportunity.  The team consists of: Samantha Steinberg (Team Leader), Rachel Jacobson Gold, Jay Edwards, Dr. Andrew Schneider and Dr. Barry Diner.


"We were incredibly impressed by the applications received," said Lisa Colton, founder and president of Darim Online. "The day school field is hungry to put these tools to use in smart, strategic and valuable ways.  It was very challenging to choose which schools would earn the 20 available spaces in this year's cohort."


Fall Chess with USAChess

After School Chess Club for Grades 1-5 to meet at RMBA

9 Sessions
Beginning September 24
Click HERE for more information
Nothin' But Net! 
This Week in Beren Sports                                                                        by junior Yoni Schiff

Nothin' But NetWhat's Crackalackin' Peeps!

As the year progresses, not much really goes on, and I run out of things to write about -- but I am glad to say that I do have an interesting topic this week. Although I touched upon this topic in last week's article, it will be the focus this week. This topic is one that is so mind blowing that it will make an article about Arrested Development seem like, quite frankly, an article about Arrested Development (jk Sam Gelman, I love your work). Alright, enough with the shenanigans, the topic is....volley, wait for it, ball. Volleyball.

Although they're off to a rocky 0-2 start, the team is staying positive. When I asked junior starters Yael Ghelman and Sara Grezbinski what they could take away from the first 2 games, they responded "We have learned a lot from our first two games. We now understand that we have to score more points than the other team." The team hopes to rebound in their next few games. I know that everyone can join me in wishing them much hatzlacha.

I would also like to catch everyone up on the flag football team. This past week, Beren fell in a tough fought battle to Humble Christian and slipped to a 1-1 record on the year. Quarterback Hesh Buchine said "A big part of our lack of success in this week's game was that the other team actually had 7 players. As long as we can get back to playing teams that only have 6 players, I think we can run the table the rest of the year."

Well that's all for this week, hope to see y'all back in next week's edition of Nothin' But Net, but until then, this is Yondizzle Shizzle signin' out!
Stump the Block Question of the Week:
Who is the all-time leading scorer in Men's College Basketball?

Shkoiach Atzum and Peace Out!
Hot Lunch


hot lunch

 September Menu 


ECE students may now order smaller portions for only $3.50. Please use the special ECE order form attached to the September menu.


Older students may use the regular order form.


Order Form      

  picture day



The Advice Fairy Students Helping Students


Dear Advice Fairy,

I just started high school, and it's insane. The teachers keep giving us work and they won't stop. Every time I finish one night's homework, I'm immediately given more. The other kids also seem so old and confident. This is nothing like middle school. What should I do?


- Freaking Out



Hey There Freaking Out!


I completely understand you. High school can be overwhelming at first. The first thing you need to do is get organized! Have a planner so you know exactly what you have to do every night. The next step is to actually do the work. One way to manage your time well is to have a certain amount of time allotted to each subject. If you tackle things one at a time, it's much less intimidating. Also, give yourself some breaks so you don't get too stressed. The main thing is to stay calm. You'll figure it out soon. And don't worry about the other kids! Everyone had the same sort of problems at first. I hope this helps and I am sure you'll look as confident in no time!


-The Advice Fairy


Box Tops for Education

Sign up before September 15

Click HERE

Boxtops for education is a way to donate to your school without having to write a check. We can earn up to $20,000 to use as we like. Please take the time to sign up. 


PTO on the Go
Dear Parents,

On behalf of the PTO, we would like to impart our most sincere gratitude to those families who have shown their support by becoming members of our organization! We are proud to report approximately 90% participation from RMBA families. However, we endeavor to reach our goal of 100% and ask for your help. 
The PTO is comprised of parent volunteers, teachers, administrators and support staff who are all dedicated to the successful education of our children. Through PTO sponsored events, financial support is provided to school programs, events, activities, and improvement projects that would otherwise not be funded.  
As members of the PTO, parents can become more involved in their children's school experience at whatever level of involvement is comfortable, from the donation of a membership fee to the giving of time and sharing of ideas. The annual membership fee is only $18 per family and donations of greater amounts are always welcomed and appreciated. If you have not already become a member, please consider joining this very worthwhile organization. 
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any of the PTO board members. We look forward to greeting new members and sharing in elevating our children's educational experience!

Jacqueline Jaffe
Membership Committee

Thanks for Our New Members!
Gilad & Hadas Amiel                                                     Haim & Tali Bublil 
Idan Liberman & Yamit Ohayon               Mordechai and Suzannah Luchins 
Clive and Linda Shkedy                                        Daniel & Shira Yoshor
Entertainment Books

By now ALL families should have received one sample Entertainment Coupon Book. If you did not receive one please check with your youngest child and have him/her check in their locker.


8th Grade and 12th Grade students: This is a fundraiser for your DC and Israel trips. All proceeds from the books you sell will go to support your individual trip costs!

Click HERE for more information


College Corner

Junior and Senior Parents College Planning Meeting

Corrected time:  8:00 PM
Monday, September 10
Testing Schedule for Seniors
Test Date:  October 28    Register by Sept. 21
Test Date:  December 9  Register by Nov. 2
Test Date:  October 7      Register by Sept. 7
Test Date:  November 4  Register by Oct 4
Test Date:  February 10   Register by January 11
Test Date:  January 27  Register by Dec. 28
Test Date:  March 10     Register by Feb. 8
Questions?  Contact Mr. Stabell
Barnard College to visit Beren 
Monday, September 10 at 3:00 PM
Yeshiva University/Stern to visit Beren 
Monday, October 29 at 2:40 PM
Contact Mr. Stabell with any questions
Parent Book Club

 book club


The club will meet on the following dates: Oct 17th, Jan 23rd and April 18th in the library.
Subsequent books will be announced after the first club meeting. 

For more information contact Stacey Laves-Khalifa, RMBA Guidance Counselor






Bnei Akiva

Special Teen Cafe Dillema followed by Selichot


All HS students are invited to join us for an evening of thought provoking discussion utillizing movie clips, in a cafe like atmosphere with cafe foods!


Who? All 9th - 12th graders

Where? UOS Freedman Hall

When? This Saturday Night September 8th 10:30 PM - 12 AM

What? Cafe Dilema followed by Selichot

Cost? FREE! 



Annual Bnei Akiva Family Luncheon on September 15th 

COST: $10 per person $25 family max


Special Chevraya Aleph Erev Rosh Hashana Pizza Making 
and Pre-Rosh Hashana Games!

Who? All 2nd - 8th Graders and their Madrichim/ot

Where? UOS Freedman Hall

When? Sunday September 16th 10:00 AM - 12 PM

What? Pizza Making and fun filled Rosh Hashana games, competitions and art project!

Cost? $5

RSVP to Shlomo Stern


High School Tzom Gedaliah - Break Fast Meal - SABA's

Who? All 9th - 12th graders

Where? SABA's Restaurant

When? 7:30 PM

What? Special HS Break Fast Meal!

Cost? FREE!

RSVP to Yossi Hoffman  


Everything Entertainment 
                                                                                                                   by junior Sam Gelman
The World Without Us  

Now Available on DVD/Netflix/Amazon Instant Video
Ever since the end of the World War II, America has been the world's police man. They were the ones who rebuilt Europe after WWII, stood up to the Soviet Union, and sent soldiers to Kuwait after it was invaded by Iraq. However, even with all this "good" that America has done, they are still criticized by other countries who keep telling America to stick their nose somewhere else. So what would happen if they did? What would happen if America removed itself from the world stage?

The World Without Us, created by Mitch Anderson and Jason J. Tomaric, is a documentary that tries to answer this question. It focuses on three regions of the world; The Balkans, The Middle East, and Asia. The movie explains America's role in each region, all the while providing firsthand accounts of natives of these regions. It then explains what would happen if America removed its military from that area and what the other nations (such as the UK and Germany) would do once Uncle Sam left. 

The citizens and experts that the documentary interviews know what they are talking about. They give good insight on the states of their nations, both past and current. However, this intelligent insight is overshadowed by the fact that some of them contradict themselves. They begin by saying how America should not intervene but end up saying how, without America, the world would be a much worse place. This makes the movie more complicated -- you must keep track of who keeps on contradicting themselves. If you don't, it will seem like every person interviewed contradicts themselves, making the movie much less enjoyable (I didn't pay attention and I had to watch it again to see who really contradicts themselves and who gets overshadowed). 

Of all the commentators, the most memorable is Niall Ferguson, a Harvard and Oxford professor, who brings interesting and plausible insight regarding the three regions, especially the middle east. His most memorable comment for me was when he stated that if America left the Middle east, Israel would not be able to survive and that the Arab countries would eventually self destruct. Of course, you can't have a documentary that talks about the Middle East without some anti-Israel talk, so let's get to it. Three of the four Arab commentators blame the problems in the Middle East on Israel and condemn America for their support towards Israel. However, the film does not endorse this and no one else in the documentary supports these statements. So, if you were planning on watching this but were worried about the anti-semitism and anti-Israel themes, don't be. 

Overall, the documentary is pretty good. It covers a fascinating topic that is still debated in the present. It gives good historical background when talking about specific issues and, as stated earlier, its commentators and interviews (as a whole) are informative and balanced. However, the contradictions make everyone seem like a hypocrite, making the film much harder to follow. B-


Good & Welfare


Mazal Tov to Zoe Katzenellenbogen on her recent Bat Mitzvah!  Zoe's tikun olam project was not only in honor of her simcha, but rather her way of life.  Zoe regularly participates with the following programs benefiting those with special needs: Houston Jewish Special Needs, Friendship Circle, Aishel House, Celebration Company, Greater Houston Soap Box Derby, ERJCC Houston Meals on Wheels, COUNT ME IN, Sailing Angels, and Braescroft Animal Clinic.


Mazal Tov to Yari Garner on his Bar Mitzvah which was celebrated this past summer.  


       Please send your announcements to [email protected] so that we may include them in the Buzz.


Challot Sale
Seniors are selling homemade and delicious challot, freshly baked in the UOS Kitchen!!
We have perfected the recipe!

 Contact Shlomo Stern to place an order


The Beren Buzz Staff 
Yoni Lipski                       Editor in Chief
Cassie Gonzales              Graphic Designer

Samantha Steinberg       Faculty Advisor
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell    Executive Director

Contributors: Yoni Schiff, Sam Gelman, Yossi Hoffman, Zach Yoshor, David Hadar, Josh Hakakian, Ariel Wadler, David Palla, Daniella Saghian, Eliana Sinoff, Rebecca Kerzner

 Questions? Suggestions? Reach us at [email protected]