Summer is here!

Readers and advertisers like you are why we make "The Hillsider".
Naomi & Prof. Cricket
Happy Summer

Wow, what a weekend! We just had a few Perfect Duluth Days.

On our July front page we have a story about young people who are working to help you save money and save our environment. Please go pick up a copy to learn how to apply the "energy yardstick" to your home. We also have photos of Juneteenth and you don't want to miss the community calendar on page 11.

Do you like reading blogs and commenting?  I am now updating "The Hillsider Blog" daily. It is mostly behind the scenes type of comments. This past weekend the posts were more personal, but I plan to make the post about the progress of "The Hillsider." If you have your own blog please send me the link so I can see what you are up to and possibly add your link.
My Sunday post was: This is why we live here: or I'm not a tourist, I live in the Hillside.

Did you get a good photo of the fireworks?  Send it in and I will post it to the blog.

Click here to read "The Hillsider Blog."

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August deadline - July 21 at 12 noon

Naomi Yaeger-Bischoff
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